What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Never been the best at something have you?

Neither has he

>registers high scores as "USA
>just to remind cucks and shitskins we're numero uno
literally /ourguy/

Too alpha.

His name is Billy Mitchell. TWO first names.

Nothing. He's fucking based.

Nintenbaby Manchild who never amounted more than playing Bing Bing Wahoo! and sucking on his mother's tit.

Pacman and he was the best at donkey kong at the time

get OFF my board

Why is youtube recommending me some videos relating to him now? Is he in the news for some reason besides kong?

he had vintage money but couldn't control the internet

now his scores are revealed to have been faked, twin galaxies is disgraced, and all he has is a hot sauce company.

He's a proven cheater.


I couldn't stand how full of himself he was in king of kong. Always with the dramatic sigh before droning incessantly about how great he is at thirty year old games.

the """documentary""" is mostly just bullshit. they just made billy into a villain for the narrative. he's an asshole, but he is good enough at the games he plays to back up his asshole behavior.

Is that Garrett Bobby Ferguson?

He WAS the bast for a very long time.

>now his scores are revealed to have been faked

Some of them. He's posted some of his leaderboard scores playing in front of people, and his 80s record is not under any suspicion.
The ones he posted purely of screen captured video where he played flawlessly precisely long enough to win the record and then stopped, those are the ones people now acknowledge as bullshit.

what's with all these record holders being revealed as cheaters

Because it's 2018 and they can't get away with it anymore.

Wrong. Bill Bastable was the first to achieve a perfect game 11 years before Billy Mitchell. Twin Galaxies has been covering this up and trying to discredit his achievement for years. Also, of every player to every play a perfect Pac-man game, Billy is the slowest. He is no where near the best player and never was.

The documentary was ultimately right though, Billy cheated and Twin Galaxies tried their hardest to discredit Wiebe at every turn.

They're fucking wh*te males, of course they cheated

this guy seems like a spazz who was never good enough to get anywhere near the high scores in those games so he just picks everyone else apart to make himself feel better.

the guy got 800k in the fucking 80s, he's not a shitty player...he's just an asshole with a huge ego.



the documentary was bullshit. steve wasn't even competing against billy's high score at the time, because billy didn't have the high score at the time, it was some chinese guy or something

>cheater because the guy in charge of the high scores knows nothing about video

>not cheating but lying about using an emulator


Because speedrunners are autistic and want to overthrow the old guard/circlejerk.

t. Todd Rogers

>thinking it's an emulator because you don't understand how a VHS gets confused when recording 240p footage from RGB

t. wiebe

Fraud with a mullet and ching chang wife. Ultimate beta.

Speedrunning has exploded in popularity, but they are salty about high schorers because getting high scores at arcade games is infinitely more difficult than memorizing a game and then trying to beat it fast.


Billy "buy my hot sauce" Mitchell

It's actually not, getting a record in a game like SM64 makes old piss easy 2d arcade games with no mechanical depth look like a joke.

have you played donkey kong? it's not easy

he got caught cheating, which everyone has known since 2006

i want billy to get a high score live then piss on a steve wiebe figurine

It's not easy as a new player. But it has a comparatively low skill ceiling, because its there's not that much to learn. The game has like 2 buttons and doesn't require any complex inputs or a high APM.

that's like saying quake 3 is an easy game because you just move around, pick up items, and shoot.

it's not easy, people who have played for years can maybe get 500k on a good day

>that's like saying quake 3 is an easy game because you just move around, pick up items, and shoot.
No it isn't. Quake has a ton of complicated movement tech and uses a full analog range. It's significantly more complex than Donkey Kong, just like SM64.

Timing has to be precise, I wouldn't call that low skill.

Mario 64's real easy. I could do a 0 star run if I practiced, and I've done 16 star runs in the past. But could I make it to the kill screen in Donkey Kong? Hell no.

>I've done 16 star runs in the past.
16 star is by far the easiest category and you're still definitely insanely shit at it.

>muh timing
Timing becomes exponentially more difficult the most complex the inputs for the game are.

Yeah, probably, but I don't think I'm autistic enough to seriously speedrun it.

the point is, at it's core, quake is a simple game. the more you learn about it the more complicated it gets. donkey kong is like that. seriosly go and try and get even 100k, it's fucking hard

He was unironically set up by the Jewish director. Billy Mitchell is
>an American patriate
>a loving dad
>a loyal husband
>a respected champion
>well kempt in his appearance
>a successful business man
>an aficionado in hot sauce
>a tax paying Floridian
>a good Samaritan
>a lifelong Republican
>pro 2A
>an alpha male
>a veteran (unconfirmed)
>an employer of dozens
>kill screen master

>quake is a simple game. the more you learn about it the more complicated it gets.
Right, just like SM64, and the complexity ceiling is significantly higher than Donkey Kong, Just like SM64.
>donkey kong is like that. seriosly go and try and get even 100k, it's fucking hard
I'm sure it's hard, but it's not on the same level as optimizing the speedrun of a frenetic 3d game.
>it's not easy, people who have played for years can maybe get 500k on a good day
The best SM64 runner has achieved three 1:39's and two 47's in like 10,000 hours of gameplay. There have only been 5 or so 1:39's and two 47's in total ever achieved by anyone in history.

and a mame splicer

This, that godddamn kike director was using deception and lies. Billy should have sued that Jew.

Completely irrelevant. Getting a high score on old school arcade games is a test of endurance.

False at every twist and turn, shill.

i dont know anything about sm64 speed running, i do know that donkey kong isn't as easy as people think it is. yea it's some silly arcade game, but i've tried playing it for a bit and you have to be severely autistic and dedicated to get high scores above like 300k.

>implying Billy didn't love the publicity he got from the documentary

The director said he actually tried to make Mitchell look way better in the film than he is in real life.

the director is a lying fruitloop. the whole thing is bs dude, just read this


they have a whole forum dedicated to the amount of bullshit in king of kong. twingalaxies.com/forumdisplay.php/406-The-King-of-Kong-Official-Statement


The absolute state of Americuck education

because these hacks like billie mitchell and THE H U M A N E L E M E N T wanted to have fame but not earn it so they lied about their records set, with no proof provided EXCEPT by a referee who "witnessed" their actions only to be arrested for child rape and conveniently have all the proof disappear with the investigation, but the age of the internet made it so these frauds can be exposed for cheaters.

Watch this, Billy is a cheater and Twin Galaxies had a vested interest in supporting his false claims. He financially supported the organisation.

Todd Rogers was even worse.


It's like a 100m sprint vs a marathon. Both are extremely hard to be the best at, but they require different approaches.

The complexity of inputs is entirely relevant as far as skill ceilings go. Anyone can take adderall and endure a 10 hour bleep bloop session.
>i've tried playing it for a bit
I bet in 100 hours of practice you could probably get well above 300k. Judging a game based on its skill floor (its difficulty for a new player) is naive. The game's skill ceiling is what dictates its depth and longevity.

you're going to need a better source

Very clever man.
Formed a whole hero and villain thing with King of Kong and took one for the team to make money for all involved.
Made the mistake of ignoring Tim Sczerby and fabricating scores/stories in the movie in real time.
Weirdly enough got a pass on all of that until Todd Rogers got busted and it's akin to the #TimesUp mentality of modern media / society.

There is literally no proof he did anything wrong.

Everyone is out to get him. His restraint in the face of this injustice is amazing.

People will be made to APOLOGIZE when the truth comes out.

I used to ship Billy's sauce from the warehouse, and lemme tell ya buddy, he still gets death threats for this movie and it's grade A horseshit. Did you know Seth Gordon filmed Billy taking care of his kids, two back then, for several days? Only to get in good, then stab Bill in the back? That's a secondhand scoop.

>I bet in 100 hours of practice you could probably get well above 300k

to break 300k id say youd have to play it at least 4 hours a day for 6 months. not kidding

It amazes me that there are people who actually care enough about this to make videos, investigations and have endless discussions.

King Of Kong is kino you pleb.

Jealous, envious, pathetic betas (probably anti-American too) are trying to smear him.

they even cited sources dude, just read it.

Is this the greatest fall from grace in history?

>person who clearly in the wrong
>dude he literally did nothing wrong
never fails

Is it just me or does Billy remind you guys of a more cartoonish George Lucas too?


>Billy is a cheater
Boy don't you besmirch Bill's reputation and legacy. He is the best DK player ever, including in goddamn Japan. I've seen him play. You are libelous scum.

Look. It's pretty clear what happened - Billy himself explained it.

The video tapes in question unequestionably feature someone playing a MAME rig.

But who is to say those tapes are actually of Billy Mitchell playing? What has happened, is that someone has swapped the authentic tapes for fakes that feature someone imitating Billy's games, but on MAME. That's the only logical answer here.

He just got caught CHEATING


>What has happened, is that someone has swapped the authentic tapes for fakes that feature someone imitating Billy's games, but on MAME. That's the only logical answer here.

Sure thing Billy.

>But who is to say those tapes are actually of Billy Mitchell playing?
Billy said they were.

It's the American way.

it's even worse than that. someone at funspot deliberately hooked up a mame inside a dk cabinet, knowing full well that billy would set a wr on that very machine, and then be disgraced when internet detectives looked at the footage frame by frame. diabolical!

>speed run
>N64 controller

These are honestly impressive. Also guys finishing Terraria in like 2 hours.

An experienced player can tell right away if he's playing on an emulator or not.

This isn't "your" board, you aspie. King of Kong is a documentary and this a board for television and film, so it belongs here. Fuck off.

why do people shit on the n64 controller? i liked them. the joystick was shitty but dat z button


They hate him so fucking much.

Think about it - they found a glitch in MAME several years ago. But sat on it. Just waiting to reveal it to discredit Billy after he set his high score.

The joystick is actually really precise and SM64 runners love them. The only actual bad thing about them is how they wear down after a while, but you can mitigate that with silicone grease. There are also modern alternatives like the steelstick and enkko.

turns out he was the liar and cheater everyone thought he was

It's fine but it's not great for fast reflexes. That's what led to me breaking my friends thumb during a heated bout of San Fran Rush.

You're a cheat Billy

All I want to know is, was the tape fake?

reminds me of this

>defending that just for men beard and pedo hair

yea of course, it was on obvious splice

Did anyone ever figure out what the fuck was really going on here?

Why does Sup Forums get to spam whatever they want here?

Walter Day has a gay man crush on Billy Mitchell. Billy himself is the star of the entire Twin Galaxies universe. Exposing him / you as a fraud ruins the whole thing.