Will any decade ever be better than the 90's?

Will any decade ever be better than the 90's?

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>there was a time when Pizza Hut was a respectable sit down restaurant

I want to go back

what are the 00s and 10s identities as distinct from each other and from the 90s?

brings a tear to my eye

from the 90s? 9/11, war on terror, etc. 00s was the last decade that social media and smartphones weren't totally ubiquitous

What's wrong with social media?

There are still a few Pizza Huts with buffets and such. It's a shame though.

I miss the late 80's/early 90's aesthetic


Who loves orange soda?

It has given every fucking asshole in the world platform to spout their shit. The only time social media has actually done something is when people are reporting shit going on in areas where there's limited access for journalists to report on what's happening.

Well, thereʻs always Cicis


I've only been there once and it was a decade ago. It reminded me of those 99 cent microwaveable pizzas





>dem cups
tfw you will never be in elementary school, playing the NARC arcade game waiting for your free personal pan pizza because you read 10 books for the BOOK IT! program.

i never said it was right or wrong, but there was a definite difference in the culture, both online and in society in general. people's identities were less based on their online presence.


maybe? all I know is it's New Orleans, Canal Street

Do kids even read books nowadays?

It still is, atleast here. Too bad they got rid of the buffet though. Used to have a fucking KFC buffet in this town too at one time.

Social media has taken away social interaction

People dont make and effort to meet up and do things anymore, they just text each other or talk on wats app


fuck, this is real isn't it



This is why we can't have nice things

the worthwhile ones do. usually just trash fiction tho

uhh user, you're poor


i know eh? so hot


It has done absolutely nothing good for society. It's been nothing but destructive.

muh dick



I'm willing to bet younger people who don't have social media accounts are more likely to be hermits, which is opposite of your point.


Life was a lot better before Twitter was invented

Damn, look at that depth of field


Thats because you have to have social media to be considered normal today, if you dont have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whats app, Twitter, Tumbler etc etc you must be a freak or something

Nice Joke. They were the mcburgers of pizza parlors.

Well, social-media as a whole.

So you're agreeing with me?

19yofag here. Did read a bunch of "trash fiction" like Stephen King as a kid but at least it was something.

No im saying thats the issue, people dont spend time together doing shit anymore

nah that would be Cici's

I honestly feel melancholy for the days of MySpace and Friendster. At least then it wasn’t consuming people’s lives to the degree we have today

>Red roof Pizza Hut restaurants are disappearing
>Mansard roof McDonald's are disappearing

I'm still in high school and don't relate at all to the meme spouting social media addicted classmates. I thought about killing myself and even the suicide prevention hotline is spouting memes

The only reason anyone buys their overpriced shit is the toys. Fuck you.

Having social media accounts probably isn't the root of the problem when kids who don't have them are even less social. It's just the internet in general.

Let's keep this Sup Forums related

The only good "reboot/continuation" from a 90s show.

>didn't get the joke

At least with MySpace there was a large degree of customizing, i.e. people could change their page to look/sound whatever.

I mean, I dislike people needing to be connected 24/7, but I will give MySpace that much. Which makes me wonder what people saw in Facebook that MySpace didn't have.

>be 30
>my teenage cousins keep spamming emojis in texts
>my fucking 50 + year old relatives spam emojis everywhere too

Fucking kill me

Speaking of old Pizza Hut places, I really like old fastfood place interiors. It's a nostalgia thing, of course.


My suicidal tendencies have been cured, only I now have cancer

People do things SPECIFICALLY for social media attention. See Reddit: people will write carefully worded responses for the most upvotes and replies. If high school teens dont get enough likes and comments on their selfies they will become depressed. Its all numbers game and its sad.

Twitter is some post 2010 trash

Facebook killed everything
Google and youtube too, but to a lesser extent back then

I was born in 1992 so i got a decent childhood, but i've always felt growing up in the 80;s must just have been kino

I remember my local Taco Bell was sort of like this but not really because it wasn't originally a Taco Bell, it was a James Coney Island with a way cool aesthetic.

That's the achille's heel of Myspace though.

Even on a broadband connection, your average Myspace page would take a good minute or two to load because of how much HTML bullshit there was with shitty Blingee GIFs and a flash music player full of shitty emo tracks. And don't get me started on the bullshit that was Top 8 friends or whatever and the drama that came with it.

Facebook back in 2006/07 was simple, less bullshit, "here's what's going on with my friend's lives" updates.

Facebook looked clean and it was novel at the time, MySpace customizing could get really unpleasantly messy.

I miss myspace too -- former emo kid here -- but that aspect of it can't be denied.

Mom does it with me and she's almost 70. I do it now too.

>go to Chick-fil-A drive thru for breakfast
>lady in a minivan ahead of me
>takes 5 fucking minutes to order
>keeps asking about menu items
>bitch you either get a chicken sandwich or a chicken sandwich

I think all the new menus with pictures everywhere confuses people

So this is why co-workers try to explain to me what memes are as if my life hasn't already been ruined by them

literally any other, 90s a shit

I miss the 90s.

Things just seemed calmer and far more chill back then.

>everyone uses emojis other than you

Have you considered that maybe you're the weird one?

Also, when will Hiro enable emojis here? He already bends over for mobile users

Those who don't have social media were staying inside either way. Nothing changed for them,yes.
What changed is that the others,those who are supposed to be social, now they aren't going outside either. Social media gives them a means to be shut

Yeah, I do remember being pissed off when someone's page would take FOREVER to load due to the HTML, but I still enjoyed it for the most part.

It at least had something interesting going on. FB, at the time, just seemed like a really watered-down MySpace and I couldn't understand why people were leaving.

I wish I could relive 98-00.

>watched Everything Sucks on Netflix just for the nostalgia

what the fuck is wrong with me?

90's: White at its peak before its downfall in 2000

No lesbians, trannies, blacks or rich white 30 year old Brooklyn transplants saying most of the planet needs to be genocided in the name of progress and justice.

Chick-Fil-A is a guilty pleasure, especially since I'm trying to be vegetarian but this happens every single time. It's even worse when you go to sit down.

How? And no fucking way those horses were able to pull that.

When will memes fucking die already?

Memes have gone too far.

>my school is still stuck in the Rick and Morty phase

Send help

What happened to the 90s type chick? No hips, in shape, big tits, big hair. It's like they all disappeared around '97 or so.


Why don't gals wear their hair like this anymore senpai

The brap degeneracy took over (and it's glorious)

High-waist bikinis were the GOAT.

You can't have meme without controversial shits. Otherwise, it would be a "forced meme", which could be stale, unfunny, cringe-worthy and forgettable. That's why lefts can't into meme.

why do colleges seem to misuse pop cultural references even more than high schools?

college quality -- and student body quality -- has been dropping fast in the past few decades

all kinds of kids still have to go through the public school system

Nothing. Nothing at all.

That guy bought some reeboks. I remember they were pretty cool back in the day.

>ywn go back to 1996, on summer break watching stick stickly and ALtv

>summer break

Fuck, you reminded me how we had 3 fucking responsibility free months each year. Meanwhile, I haven't had a vacation in 3 years

Just go on unemployment and have the time of your life.

That would be fantastic if emojis were allowed with a universal rule across the boards that anyone using them would be banned for a week without exception.

You just made me 8 years old again, playing that shit and Rygar at the smoke filled bowling alley. Thank you.

Enabling emojis here would either finally purge a majority of the cancer here via sheer annoyance or it would metastasis and make Sup Forums even worse than the sorry state it's in now

the 30s

what would life be like if they won