My digits have doubled since the last time we met, Sup Forums
My digits have doubled since the last time we met, Sup Forums
I am the dubs
Much to learn, you still have
have you heard the story of Darth Digitis the wise?
He could give doubles to others, but not himself.
most impressive
is it possible to learn this power?
>He told me enough
>He told me you went to Dorsia
>No, we ARE in Dorsia!
Twice the pride, double the fall. Speaking of which.
He counts the digits alright
Nice digits Count Doodie
This is getting out of hand! Now there are three of them
I find your lack of repeating integers..
It will be dubs, my lord.
I have dubs, like my father before me
Star Wars is for faggots.
No! The sacred Jedi digits
How wuude!
Reminder it was Jar Jar who allowed Sheev to get in power.
Good, Anakin, good. Check him. Check him now.
>when the Order 66 hits
Good. Good. Let the dubs flow through you
The digits are easily startled, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers
What the actual fuck are those chunks
We are what they count beyond. That is the true burden of all digit posters.
And they were a good friend
not from a mod
Hello there!
That's bone. And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.
bones and meat. Looks like his hand went through a grinder
Being this based.