what are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of private citizens who happen to be running for president against their chosen trainwreck candidate and is now going to jail?
What are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of...
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Based Obama living in this Sup Forumstard's head RENT FREE
>Hilary lost the election
>Obama is no longer the president
>Not Sup Forums
there are none
JUST fuck my legacy up senpai
zero dark thirty
Sup Forums was never good at the real world, so they made their own where they never had to feel bad emotions ever again.
This is what the report function is for.
Good to see this
fuck off vlad
welcome back bro
>Sup Forums actually believes he's going to jail
If he's so guilty why the fuck doesn't Sessions have the Justice Department do something about it? They have all the evidence and tools.
Look at Obama's sons behaving well in a convenience store.
>he reports threads
Fuck off kike
just report, it's useless to argue with them anyway