Kids in America are being drowned in homework compared to other countries

Why are we putting so much stress and anxiety on our children when they're so young? Our education system is deeply in need of reform. Kids should have more time enjoying they're childhood, not being burdened with so much work

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well known problem. in order to enforce unthinking compliance on society it becomes necessary to condition a new generation from birth with busy work.

breaking news kids who don't pay attention in class and have to spend more time outside of class learning how to do the work then do the actual work
I never spent more than 2 hours outside of school a day (both middle and high school) because I actually paid attention and took notes

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sage

Fuck off, if you've lived in any asian countries you would know this is bull shit

Kids jsut play video games, and watch letsplays
Gotta force them to work somehow
Mountains of paperwork is just a about the only way to make them spend a decent amount of time being productive

I agree that we do not place enough emphasis on teaching children how interact with others and how to handle the difficult realities that life sometimes throw at us.

I disagree with the solution. Kids should be in school and doing homework. While I will admit some homework is a little ridiculous, we would have much better results if we just sat down and changed the curriculum a bit.

Now you have to take notes on how to be social and talk with people. Feels bad mane

High school teacher reporting in. It's a bullshit thing to do and it also takes the initiative out of kids to do shit when you put it in front of them. Only homework I assign is long form research projects and shit that they know is coming for weeks. Otherwise it's class work.

I never did the homework untill the car ride before school.

What now monkey nuts who the fuck spends 2 hours on it

What subject do you teach?


those who had 7 classes everyday and teachers who gave homework on a daily basis

Busy work is a waste of time.

We shouldn't have them stupid Shit like a collage. Or a poster. If they have a class like asb where they need to design a shitty poster than yeah sure. But for English And history etc. It's stupid. Hue hue make a notebook for your science class if it's not neat I'll take away 20% tests are only worth 10%!!!

Are you focred to use liberal propaganda?
Most of my US History class in even college was about the Congo

>Hue hue make a notebook for your science class if it's not neat I'll take away 20% tests are only worth 10%!!!
Yeah, I fucking hated that useless shit.

>10 years ago
>walk a mile home with a 60lb bookbag because I needed every book

At least I didn't skip leg day, I guess.

Have to indoctrinate them early for the workaholic lifestyle.

Itll teach the smart ones how to subvert this system and the studious but dull ones will become optimized to carry the load

>History teacher who browses Sup Forums
I hope you're red pilling the fuck out of them

Nope. This year I even got to choose the book used in my honors Medieval history class. Even in non-honors stuff that's much more state regulated I try to give a wide and round view of the history. For example when my US govt class talked about the revolutionary war, I went out of my way to talk about France's involvement and Saratoga and shit, and it's not even in the textbook

Even in college this is true.
>Be me
>In biology 2 class
>Final Exam is coming up
>People claim they have studied over 10+ hours a week for this test
>I studied 2 hours the day before
>I made a 99% and was tied with some one else for highest grade
>Other people didnt get anywhere near as high, but surprise! They were the ones goofing off in class and cheating on their online homework.

Literally could of skipped my final exam and still pass my class.

That's why I dropped out.
School is for cucks.

I'll be damned if I go to school for 7 hours and then come home and do another 7 hours of homework.

dubs of truth

Good on you user. How bad is the curriculum now? I got out of highschool 5 years ago, followed shortly by my brother, so I don't have any first or secondhand information.

Also, do you have any books to recommend?
Favorite historical timeframes are bronze age, age of discovery, and the early 20th century.
Last history book I read was Peter H Wilson's wonderful history of the 30 years war.

How much do they emphasize of the Holohoax in the WWII section?

Homework is bluepill.

>finnish children learn 1+1 with minimal homework
>us niggers need to have tens of hours homeword to learn 1+1

>Be dutch
>Barely spend an hour a week on homework
>Pass exams easily

>Be american
>Have no free time because homework
>Known as the dumbest people on the planet

Americans need every education they can get.

I always encourage debate and theoretical history discussions (I.e. what if ____ happened instead) and give out credit to kids who can properly formulate ideas, whether I agree with them or not. I often play devil's advocate on issues of significance and let the kids bounce off of me. I live in the south so most of my students are conservative by default, and I'm quite liberal, so this is easy most of the time. I almost never allow my own political leanings effect my approach of history though. I just want them to have a nuanced view on history and topics and try to get them interested in it.

>not in the book

Can't tell if bullshit or not. Why would the most important battle of the war not be in the book?

my wife's son only has homework 3 out of 5 days and it's piss easy.

Politicians say they're going to "fix" the education system
They have no idea how to do this, but feel they must deliver, so they introduce metrics about something they know nothing about
These metrics are retarded, and are generally along the lines of "raise average score on standardized test by X points" (see No Child Left Behind)
This ignores that the average score includes kids that are not able to go to college, and honestly don't need to. They just need pretty much a 10th grade education, plus some basic life skills in finance, cooking, car repair, etc before they get specialized job training
in an effort to not lose their jobs, teachers assign a shit ton of homework that is the same busy work 12 times over. This way when the state comes by asking why little Jose and Tyrone didn't do as well as young Ping and Chang, they can say "well we tried, see we gave them all this instruction and work to do, it worked for the Asian kids"

>Never did homework
>Never revised for an exam
>Passed all my exams
Homework is a jew trick

niggers are holding everyone back here and teachers are too lazy to actually teach. I remember being assigned time consuming art projects to learn spanish. I never learned spanish.

Our kids are retarded and need the extra work to keep up with the rest of the world. Plus, when I was in school, the vast majority of my classes let you do homework if you finished the class work before the bell rang. So it's pretty much your fault if you had more than half an hour of homework.

>Wwahhhhh think of the chllunz
Korean kids can hack it and more, Indian kids hack more. What's wrong burgers can't hack it?

Your country's suicide rate really reflects the importance of working one's self to death, and starting early


That's cool if you're telling the truth.

So many full blue-pilled shills teaching kids nowadays.

Had a teacher give me an F and try to suspend me for daring to suggest that Mohammad Mosaddegh was a piece of shit dictator in the making and that the US and UK were right to assist in overthrowing him.

The best part - I'm half persian, son of an Iranian immigrant. Teacher a was a smug, upper-middle class white woman.

Well as a someone who didn't focus on doing homework, I can assure you, homework:
-Builds character
-Teach that hard work can help you to accomplish a goal
-Teach you to be disciplined and methodical

Intelligence might be good for adult life, but hardworkers and disciplined people tend to be more succesful than smart people, look at all kids geniuses, they usually tend to vanish in adult life, even "adult" geniuses, tend to be low profile, poor people.

IMO homework should be optional unless you get an 85 or lower on your last test, in which case it becomes mandatory.

I'm sorry OP, is junior year of high school too hard?

Currently reading "Western Europe in the Middle Ages by Tierney and Painter, it covers 300-1475. Its pretty good. I know that's not in those realms you mentioned, but hey, you might find a new passion. As far as curriculum goes, I wouldn't say it's the result of then trying to push a narrative as much as it is just a lack of attention and time honestly. Though some times some very weird stuff gets through.
We did a day on the Holocaust.

I had whats basically an intro to programming midterm last week and there were fucking people that got like 5 out of 61

Bitch, the amount of 'homework' you get compared to what we get over here, or any other place that has normal education, can't even be compared. Your so called homework is literally disabled tier shit. YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT A REAL HOMEWORK LOOKS LIKE.

That's bullshit user, I wouldn't fail you if you had sound arguments. I'm sorry.


This. Even then I fucked around in High School (not so much in College) and still passed with flying colors. Just take the most important notes, ask the teacher when you don't understand shit, and make buddies with the smart kids.

In college it is even easier: show up to the lectures, jot down the most important notes, stay on top of your shit via talking with the professor, and be chill to the professor: good marks.

This is exactly the problem. I'd wager your homework is actual work intended to help you learn.
Here it's just shit-tier work intended to keep us busy and docile. Shlomo benefits when Americans are too dumb to even calculate simple percentages.


I disagree with the whole anti-homework consensus here, considering that subjects like foreign languages, reading, math, and music all require consistent studying for proficiency, but:

Have high student suicide rates from their workload and stress that impacts many of them for the rest of their lives. They also have high alcoholism rates and socializing issues from it.

Only those who could afford to go to a nice school and want to go abroad out of the shit-hole have a high homework load.

> More homework than other nations
> Less educated than other nations

Safe to say our lefty indoctrination education system isn't working.

Middle ages is cool too, speed reading is the one anomalous talent I actually have, so will check it out for sure. As long as its not the dreadful mid 1800's

Doesn't japan also have a culture of work and a really high suicide rate?

but the merchant needs worker-bees, not happy-bees.

The problem isn't so much the amount of homework as much as it is that it's easy garbage, even up to high school and some colleges.
It's just a waste of time that doesn't really benefit you much because compared to some other countries you're 1) doing more work that 2) teaches you less

Our schooling is dumbed down so no one gets left behind, but that means no one gets to surge ahead either.
And no I don't want to hear jack shit about teachers not getting paid enough. Add up the benefits and the fact that you only work 2/3 of a year and get to me you fucking pussies.
It's the bureaucratic intervention that pisses me off.

Jesus. Without France intervening, on behalf of the revolutionaries, better than even chance the rebellion would have failed.

Literally the most important and first alliance of the US. Not in the textbook. Wow!

>Teachers in Finland spend fewer hours at school each day and spend less time in classrooms than American teachers. Teachers use the extra time to build curriculums and assess their students. Children spend far more time playing outside, even in the depths of winter. Homework is minimal.

Take notes, plebs.

Believe it or not but its for their own good...
I came here when I was 12, for the first 2 years or so I was absolutely bombarded with homework, I used around 15-20 notebooks only for the Dutch in 2 years, i was in school 8-17 then was doing homework from 18-21/22.
But thanks to that I was able to pretty decently communicate in Dutch after 3 or so months and after those 2 years I was already fluently speaking Dutch.

So in short, stop crying that kids get a lot of homework, you learn and memorize things by writing so unless its homework from some not NECESSARY subject(say history or physics) its good for them and at least they won't grow up to be complete idiots.

And yet they're still dumber than rocks LOL
>american education

ITT lazy fat fucks complaining

You also have much smaller classrooms, that would be pretty much impossible to do with a classroom of 2-300 students.
Plus, you're not being bogged down by common core.

Busywork good training for future beauracrat jobs.

True that.

I struggle with day to day life and nothing I learned in school helps me with any real problems. But I got it easy being white holy shit.

you're all retarded
the teachers shit out pages of homework arbitrarily that heavily factor into their grades mostly to help shitty retard kids manage to pass despite poor test scores, they turn kids into drones to push out numbers that are satisfactory to the state board, and the fed

>enjoying they're childhood
>Our education system is deeply in need of reform


The idea is to pound bland meaningless data into their fragile brains until their ability to think critically is dimished by the empty load. All the meaningful learning a person does is self directed.

Math skills are wrote, but have to actually be done by the learner. History is vast and you can only truly become knowledgeable in a few key areas. The political context of your current situation, illuminated by someguiding points from previous cultures is the best you can hope for.

Science is a wash- i love it, and suprising corners of that vast forrest have been relevant to my situation.

Engineering is science and math, with some history thrown in to give you direction in your studies.

But fuck it. You have to have those degrees to appease the HR trolls and get your foot in the door. You can always burn it to the ground from thr inside a lot easier

>Homework can't be compared to over here

It actually depends on where you live in the US. I hated doing homework because half of the time it was shit I felt I could have done in class if the teacher weren't blathering about their social life for half of the class.

I ended up doing a strange alternate schooling kind of deal that works like homeschooling, but you show up at a school. Had a pretty cool teacher there and he talked about a few things related to schooling.

The man drove about an hour away to my city to teach every day. The place he was from the homework sent home was much more intensive compared to over here. So I'm under the impression that ciriculum is dependant on the city you live in and what the parents want... that is to say if I'm remembering correctly and my teacher has any validity to his claims.

Also this. Teachers are "graded" too based on how the kids score on standardized testing.
Does this benefit the students for the future or teach them how to critically analyze, work out problems on their own, make mistakes and get better, and persevere? No, but the teachers get bad boy points and that's what matters.

>tfw my college history teach is a fat "Chicano" Mexican that cites some Jews , Tim wise and talks about mecheca(azteca) whenever given the time
The sad part is I'm Hispanic myself but God damn the indoctrination is real

oh fug :DDDDDD

Homework is kind of ridiculous and conditions people to be ok with stuff like answering emails and preparing documents hours after their office closes.

It's mainly because they try to cram in 7-8 subjects a day, when it should be reading, writing and arithmetic.

My children never have homework. Is this a fucking joke?

What's more, kids know basically nothing about the middle ages. They legit thought that most people were knights and that nothing of note happened between Rome and the Renaissance besides the "Crusade" which to them is a jumble of a lot of the different crusades and just some total bullshit

It varies by the school.

>I let the kids bounce off of me
What did he mean by this?

He bangs all the hot chicks

>American public education is deplorable
>they give kids too much homework

>all that homework

>kids still turn out dumb as rocks

Yeah, """history""" is American public schools is basically a jumbled collection of popular misconceptions and outright lies that are debunked in any other country.

Yeah, that always annoys me too. Sure, the Church promoted some degree of stagnation, but there were always a lot of interesting things happening.
And crusades were more than Saladin vs Richard the Lionhearted, but don't expect the majority of people to know that one.

Did you tell them it was fake?

Or did you tell them about the jack off death machines?

>enjoying they're childhood
Clearly they're in need of more spelling homework.

This is the direct answer

go to 46:00 for the attack on education

the whole tape is very informative

One of my favourite philosophers in that pic.

The main problem with the education system here in the US is it doesn't teach critical thinking. In college I found my education to be vastly superior to high school, but it was still a lot of "memorize and forget the next day" type of shit. For example, instead of reading the diary of some poor fuck stuck in a trench back in WW1, I'm having to remember a very specific date of some random event in WW1. Actually learning is thrown out the door.

I bullshitted my way from middle school to college, always using different ways to cheat my way to good grades. When I got to college, I found out the system is set up for you to cheat your way to a diploma (ratemyprofessor, quizlet, paying others to do your homework, online work that is easily cheated, ect.). My internship was actually the hardest part about graduating.

I honestly think teachers don't give a fuck about the kids so they load up the kids with tons of homework

Couple this with parents who don't give a fuck the kids get swamped with work while having nothing at home to back them up

I blame trying to educate 100% of our population

>but China-
Educates the top 5-10% of privileged children, while the bottom 90 are near illiterate, gluing together iPhones until they drop dead.

>muh European socialist paradise
Has an ethnically and culturally homogeneous population of about ten million and spends next to nothing on war or foreign entanglements, leaving all revenue to the nation.

We should only try to do this with people who have shown academic aptitude by 10 or so. Send them to full-education schools that can really focus on gifted students. The underclass and stupid/lazy, teach them reading, writing and basic mathematics only.

yes, bad teachers do this. Especially in elementary school / most high schools. If a teacher doesnt care, she / he will just pump out homework like crazy and base the entire classes grades on said homework.

Good teachers know how to use it as a tool to reinforce a thought process / information to help it take root in the childs mind.

Just a bit of a logical extension here, would you also support only allowing those that you educate to participate in the electoral process?

I literally never did a single assignment in my entire schooling, just skated by on D average from tests.
Never went to college either because that's for cuckolds.
However, I have absolutely no discipline now and I'm an obese wagecuck that can barely hold down a minimum wage job.
At least I had lots of comfy times growing up.

I spent my senior year in NC, and the homework there was a joke. First they made me choose all the BS classes because my points from school over here pretty much maxed out maths, physics, chem and biology. Then they gave us 'homework' which I pretty much completed during the lunch break (second period was mostly gym and bs like that)

On the other hand, over here when you get homework, you need to write at least one essay for each subject, solve 50 math problems and show the solution to the teacher, draw anatomically accurate diagrams of human bodies or reduce chemical solutions via equations.


The church also worked pretty hard to preserve old works. A lot of stagnation was just because the early Frankish Gauls were kinda stupid. But yeah, I don't really know what I expect from them, just not utter ignorance.
Tru dat. My favorite bits in US history is the utter demonization of our enemies. It's no wonder so many people here aren't interested in other cultures.
>Le South were all just dumb hillbillies who seceded JUST for slaves! Wow how stupid!

>Le Nazis were all so eeeeeeevil! That's the only reason they did what they did, there's no societal shit in there! Wow! Also America were the heroes of WWII! Wow! Go us!

>We just got confused in Vietnam! We good Bois, we dindu nuffin! Wow, so pure, so good!

> We always treat vets so well! Wow!

What the fucking hell?

In the 3rd world shit-tier country I lived on we had 12 subjects per year, we had 7 periods per day, school began at 6:30AM and ended at 5:00PM, and the worst part was that every teacher left homework every single day of the week.

When I came here it was underwhelming af, school began at 7:30 and ended at 2:25, 6 subjects per year, only 3 periods per day, and teachers only left homework once every 1-2 week.

What the fucking hell.

>In the 3rd world shit-tier country I lived on
Which country? Why do third world faggots never say where they're originally from?

oh fug :DDDDDD

How to fix US schools? Ban giving students homework but still study on the subjects and such. That or close down all schools and only let students be homeschooled(although keep colleges open with the homwork ban). There problem solved because fuck schools.

Waste your entire childhood and teen years for school is never worth it. That is literally about 15-25% of your life wasted right there.

I graduated from high school 10 years ago and still felt going to school was a huge waste of time.

Because it doesn't matter; they are all basically the same shit hole.

I came from Dominican Republic when I was 16 yo, so about 5 years ago.

another video about common core and bill gate's funding of it