Depressed society

Does anyone else feel trapped in an eternal state of helplessness?
As a young white male, I feel impotent and useless. Low-IQ people are running the entire world.
Intelligent discourse is shunned and any attempt to fix societal ills is not only discouraged, but punished.
Where do thoughtful people congregate? We don't even have universities anymore.
Intelligent white males built the western world, and it's being destroyed by objectively inferior people.
We worship women and we ridicule white women to the point where they are committing mass suicide.
Can it really be blamed on weakness? I don't think so.
Will there ever be a new dawn? Or are we destined to suffer?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ridicule white men**** not women. Typo.


No. It's just you.

You are just a weak faggot and cant handle life.

You should an hero or stop being such a pussy.

Waste of trips.

Also you talk like a fag.

This thread isn't for you, faggot. You dont live in the same kind of society as me.

All my friends suffer from their own share of depression and anxiety. Half of them are medicated. Just how rotten our society truly is when a big portion of people has to be medicated in order to remain functional?

We have walked so far away from the things we evolved to do and the environment we evolved to thrive in.

i cant wait for old people to die

Fuck you. At least you have traditional communities in the USA. Europe is much, much, much worse.

Go buy your fucking weapon, I can only use kitchen knives to defend myself.

Those are some weak bantz, Straya. You're slipping.

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.


Im just telling the truth.

If this isnt a troll thread then this is what is wrong with people.

Fucking weak as piss crying about this shit. You cunts need a tea spoon of concrete and to harden the fuck up.

Create the change fag. Convert your friends and family. My parents, wife, 3 of my brothers and two of my mates are now natsoc because of me. Im working on my other friends. You have no right to complain if you're doing nothing to change the situation.

Faggot this isnt your blog

In nature user, everything has to die so that new can come to life again. What we are experiencing right now is just our death, where the corrupt and useless take the power from the competent but tired, they will destroy us enough to reach a pitiful low, then we will wake up in the need again.

Intelligent people are not dead. We are just resting until we are needed again.

I can't argue with your quads of truth

The first thing you need to learn is to unlearn all your idiotic bias and self-aggrandizement.

You are of average. You are poorly educated. Your solutions are punished because they are bad. Thoughtful people do not want you around them, which is why they do not congregate with you. White males are not objectively superior.

The problem isn't the world, user. It's you.

>Not using a dough roller from your local pizzeria while donned in a flourery apron stained with tomato sauce

Join the national guard if you are working, Air Force or coasties if not.

I smoke weed and play video games and await whatever end is coming to me

I just focus on my next goal; paying off debt, buying a nice desktop computer, moving into a bigger house

But even that doesn't fully blot out all the worries of how my daughter will grow up. I'm already not the primary caretaker. I work all day all week. That eats me up inside. I can't stand the thought of it switching from my wife to some random underpaid control freak they dub a 'teacher'. Especially in this day and age where my elementary school is now the inner city ghetto school for 'underprivileged kids' (see: niggers and retards), another elementary is muslimland, and the whole school board is more concerned about giving these kids tablets than they are making sure the schools are actually functioning properly and providing a good environment for kids to grow in.

I can't stand the lack of control. I'm getting a button camera and monitoring my little girl's life until i'm convinced she'll be fine. I want her to be happier than me.

I just want my baby to look back on life with a smile, and I feel like it's a diceroll. One dedicated person can undo everything i've taught her and turn her against me.

I would have never sought love if i knew how painful it could be

Naw cause i aint no faggy pussy like you and actually go out into my community and at least at local level try to improve shit instead of whining and faggying shit up by crying.

You sound like punk bitch really who wants everyone else to do shit for you you pussy.

That is why people on the left like me are slowly creeping are beliefs into everything since unlike you the few of us who do go out and do shit actually outnumber the even fewer of you who are mostly content to whine like bitches.

If you can find a meme to believe in like justice, truth, fairness, faith or whatever, by all means do so.
If you don't, you shouldn't believe in them, since they're actual social constructs and ultimately meaningless if they fail their purpose of giving you satisfaction of fulfillment.
But honestly it's not something general population can stomach, the society and humans are an elaborate dance/game you're better not being able to see the rules of.
Or maybe you're just overdosed on Sup Forums and react with distrust to every ideology ever.

At least we can spell basic words such as "our"

>are beliefs
I hope you underage because if not you're obviously fucking retarded.
Explain to me why bias is unjustified. The facts and statistics are on my side. Or do you believe that intelligence doesn't indicate superiority?

I feel so bad for redpilled Canadians.

Also, leftists are not muscular or strong in any way.

At least us in SK have Brad Wall looking out for us, and my city had their election last night which went great

>city learns water mains need maintaining and will stop working if they become 100% rust
>whoops lol, guess we should fix this
>put forward some funding models
>they're all stupid but the one that gets the most votes is a local improvement plan
>this means the people who live on properties with century old water mains pay extra (8 thousand fucking dollars extra) over a decade and a half to fund it
>since it was voted on and it's easy for the city they go full ham pushing it
>people affected are not keen on the idea
>gets petitioned, a fifth of the city signs it saying it's a shit idea
>entire election based around this issue
>75% of voters say that the LIP should be cancelled and they pay for it like a normal functioning fucking city
>mayor and council elected are against it
>everything will hopefully work out better than expected

fucking nepotism caused a multimillion dollar civic center to be plunked downtown with Z E R O parking, and now it's not getting funded, which means people aren't setting up events there, which means less funding, etc.
They bought the land the old hospital was on with no plans as to what to do with it.
They wanted to take money from people based on where they lived, regardless of whether they had lived their for five months or fifty years, and spend the city's budget on shit nobody needed nor wanted
So it could be worse, i could be a fucking frog or live one province over in alberta, the burning land of fuckery

>Does anyone else feel trapped in an eternal state of helplessness?
A lot of people in your society feel financially and/or emotionally trapped.

>As a young white male, I feel impotent and useless. Low-IQ people are running the entire world.
Nepotism is a problem in your society.

>Intelligent discourse is shunned and any attempt to fix societal ills is not only discouraged, but punished.
Of course those benefit from the status quo will try sustain it.

>Where do thoughtful people congregate? We don't even have universities anymore.
Guaranteed loans and marketing are a problem in your education system.

>Intelligent white males built the western world, and it's being destroyed by objectively inferior people.
An unfounded sense of superiority can be dangerous.

>We worship women and we ridicule white women to the point where they are committing mass suicide.
Yes, you a being pressured by public and the media to accept new social standards. Even questioning them can lead to heavy social or financial repercussions.

>Can it really be blamed on weakness? I don't think so.
Partially, yes.

>Will there ever be a new dawn? Or are we destined to suffer?
It depends on you but my guess is you're fucked.


The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels

This. Life has always been rough.

If you weren't toiling away to try to have enough to eat through the winter you were dying in some pointless war for some rich asshole.

Most of humanity would have given their left nut to live lije us, regardless of what nation. If you're posting here you're near the pinnacle of human comfort and ease.

Plus most people were and still are pointless animals that have never had a unique thought.

t. Old fuck who should die

You have to out-jew the jews.

One day

JEWS control Putin, just like they control Hillary and Trump.

tfw you realize CTR memed Goebbels Dream into reality by accident

Being at a pinnacle of comfort and ease makes certain aspects worse. No small problems. No real personal major problems. So what needs fixing? Let's check online. Oh. The whole fucking world needs fixing. But we're out of our scope to do anything about it unless we focus on a specific area and dedicate our careers to fixing whatever thing we can.

We don't live in a culture where people want to plan on spending their lives fixing some big problem that might change, vanish, or become unfixable before we're equipped to deal with it.

Religion's slow descent means more people aware of how little we know about death and what happens to the human mind when the synapses stop firing and all the wires go dead. More people acutely aware that you have limited time to enjoy consciousness. More people aware that life can be framed as a slow march to the void.

And let's talk about the internet. Hoo, BOY, the internet. Humans are designed to strive to be better. Better than their neighbour. Better than the chief of the tribe. The best. But wait, we don't have one neighbour, one leader, one idol. We have 7 billion potential rivals. And social media has allowed us to ceaselessly compare ourselves to the individuals we actually know and care about. Something breaks inside. You see Miranda has knit a scarf for her baby. Well, fuck, you can't knit. Everything your baby has is second hand. So you learn to make shit from fabric. Hooray. Nobody cares. All of the striving to succeed without any of the recognition you subconsciously desire. And then you see that Jones has built his kitchen cabinets from scratch and they look splendid. Fuck. Square one again.
So instead of building ourselves up, we seek out people and situations that make staying level feel like climbing a ladder. Trump grabs people by the pussy. Hillary is a crooked political husk masquerading as human. That guy across town got caught with 10 kilos of cocaine.

I dunno, man.

Trump would be a great president if he ran for office in Israel.

I am broke as fuck, I have been working and studying compsci and related computer knowledge since I was 13.

The only job I can get is retarded Java development for corporations working as a slave for next to nothing in pathetic projects. Cant start a bussiness because I would be competing to huge psycopathic multinationals who would squeeze me if I ever try to compete with them.

Making money right now is impossible, and if I would earn a substantial amount the things you could spend it on is superflous and actually not worth it.

I would love to live in a decent cultured neighbourhood but it is impossible at this point. The cultural, social and economic crisis is too big.

Hillary Clinton would be one of the most honest democratic upstanding and non corrupt politician if she ran for office in russia.

I feel for you bro, I couldn't imagine having a daughter in this day and age.

user you are retarded, you need to start thinking locally, stop thinking in big shit, after the smart-house the logical step is the smart-neighborhood, spend some money in a server space and start writing utilities for small communities

Hes our guy(((goy)))?!
Right, Right, Right guys?
What if it's not Right, what if it's ALT RIGHT?

if you're so much smarter than everyone running the world, then why don't you do something with your life?

Everyone i know who even has an inkling of what a smart home does has already lost faith in it due to people cancelling support and making house-wide systems literally useless unless you don't mind being branded a felon

The problem with technology is that money immediately and thoroughly fucks it up.

can you two go correct the record elsewhere

you are thinking in 1st world countries with good reliable services and trust in authorities

Exactly. So if those of us with 'reliable' services who 'trust' our authorities can't get past the notion that a smart home is a potential gamble if the company selling them gets bought up, I don't see how the other whitey will make a dollar trying to sell smart 'communities'

Thanks for backing me up, I guess.

>the other whitey



fuck man

>Where do thoughtful people congregate?

This tiger ride is never ending.

This is essentially the reason why I spent all my money on a Porsche Cayenne, drink excessively and drive like an asshole. Usually I have my trusty G19 tucked between the seat and center-console just in case.

I have always idolized Russians, so I essentially became one. Recently ordered a dashcam from Amazon too. Might get stars tattooed on the front of my shoulders too...

Maybe my Russian comrades will accept me more than America.

holy fuck man SK is getting railed by Fagdeau. Mr. Wall does the best he can but its gonna hurt when those retards down east can't tell shit from piss
>t. AB

Aww poor little Goebbels, always one burned book away from finding happiness.

If anyone but Wall was fighting for us, we'd be fucked. He's pissed at the feds.

I love it. Strife in politics means change. Prettyboy is not going to have a stress-free 2017, that's for damn sure

this. I don't know if previous generations felt the same way. But it feels like the Humanity of everyday life is being sucked away

Ennui is a word boys, look it up because its what we all got

Man we need someone like that over here. Shit has gone downhill so fucking fast since Nutley got in. Fuck fuck fuck.

I mean, AB and SK are the places to be if you are white and just want to be left alone, and its turning to shit fast.

Where the fuck do I go? If Hillary gets in I sure as shit will have to cancel my dream of living in the states. Fuck

There's nowhere to go anymore. Hunker down and pray everyone else snaps at the same time you do. Saw a story about a man in town with a gun and a knife threatening people and shit.
That doesn't happen here, usually we get some fucking meth head that bear sprays someone and gets cuffed for it, but not people waving rifles around.
The guy's name was some bog-standard Omar Yousef Al-Hababa shit, of course, and it just made my blood boil.

I don't know what i was going for but my first two sentences don't have much to do with the rest.

And while i'm bitching, the new tim horton's going up is in a terrible fucking location, too, and everyone knows it, even the people building it.

we can only hope for a golden dawn

the ones on my campus are staffed entirely by niggers. Can't even get a fucking coffee anymore

Already come and gone. We just went through a western golden age. Dusk is up next. Let's just hope that our leaders make for good lighthouses in the darkness.

at least use an image that doesn't have all that water mark crap on it.

your way of thinking assumes a smart-home or smart-neighborhood is a single product sold by a mass-target multi-million-dollar company

You deserve to be depressed. You should kill yourself.


This is what white western society is now. Our only hope is Mars. The world is lost.

No he's saying the big businesses have killed interest, retard, so nobody can survive in that market. Just like the original white argentinian said

>You see Miranda has knit a scarf for her baby. Well, fuck, you can't knit. Everything your baby has is second hand. So you learn to make shit from fabric. Hooray. Nobody cares. All of the striving to succeed without any of the recognition you subconsciously desire. And then you see that Jones has built his kitchen cabinets from scratch and they look splendid. Fuck. Square one again.

Knit for me Miranda. Grab my long needle and push it through that tight hole in your space underwear Miranda. Let me see you work that needle gently back and forth as I breathe gently down your neck.


you are the retard, does your table suddenly becomes shit if the company that made it gets bought? does your car becomes shit if the company that made it now makes shitty cars?

>people buy things based on pure logic and reason and objective measures of quality
>not common opinion, bandwagoning, or brand recognition

You're a special kind of ignorant

no, you don't get that 90% of the world gets money by providing a solution for someone else's need, nobody gives a fuck if you don't have a nice logo if you come recommended and can deliver

you think you either are zuckerberg or a fail in life, you put the jew on a pedestal

Just do what I do: Drink hard alcohol in your friend's basements and complain about minorities

Nobody 'needs' a smarthome, you literal ape. Go ahead and throw more baseless insults at me, though, you're really selling yourself as an intellectual that way.

evidently you don't get that you can't just make up some percentages and hurl out some semi-intelligible insults to prove a point

i never said i was an intellectual, you started throwing insults, the guy said there was no market for technology in argentina other than going for shitty big-corp java development and im saying there is

yes you need it, being able to get ahold of someone even if he is not in his house/office or told you were he was going to be at that specific date and time was a literal need for every single person in the planet

instead of getting depressed that you don't have the autism needed to come up with that sort of woorld-changing idea you could try thinking more focusedly on the people around you who you can actually ask what the fuck they have problems with

it was a rhetorical percentage, it could have been 99%, even in big corporations that do literally nothing useful, most of the employed people are doing something useful so the corporation can do nothing useful

I don't really feel depressed but more let-down. We (millenials) are the generation of the disappointed.

You're not living in reality for this argument. Other arg said he needed a job and all he can find is shit-tier corp slavery. You put forth the idea that he should write utilities for smart communities, because we all know that immediately and reliably creates a steady income, right?

smarthomes are labelled as a bad investment by Leaf 1 as recent events have reduced faith in them among even people who never had an interest in them to begin with

then you start going off on a tangent about why people buy shit and how the world is a perfect place where a niche is filled and money is transferred and only a mere 10% of people worldwide buy shit or refuse to buy shit for dumb reasons

suddenly I'm the one throwing insults and smarthomes are utilities for getting in contact with people who aren't home and knowing their schedule(??)

And then you say that we should focus on little issues, not world changing ideas, which is a complete 180 from the original statement that the poverty stricken person who started this exchange should work on smart 'communities'

You're incapable of following your own conversation across a dozen posts and i have no interest in speaking with you any longer

Dude, CRT, Syrasly???
We aren't even alowed to receive money trought PayPal here, that's how corrupted our government is.
Maybe the Don is using Sun Tzu sneaky tactic to keep his enemy close, maybe hes infiltrating so he can smack them later.
idk. i trust noone

>JEWS control Putin, just like they control Hillary and Trump.

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer!