What if Cthulhu wasn't just a story?
What if Cthulhu wasn't just a story?
>black screen
Tom Cruise
>black screen
>tfw these screams didn't make into actual movie :(
Cthulhu is literally a nobody. Even the guys in Antarctica could fight him. Cuckthulhu sucks, make a Yog-Sothoth movie instead.
I think merging the Cthulhu mythos with it would be the adrenaline shot that saves the Dark Universe.
there's already a Cthulhu movie and it's called Cloverfield
Lovecraft was a prophet
What if Colin Quinn wasn't just the comedian's comedian?
Seen bonus clip "Ahmanet Animated Story" from Mummy dvd?
It's very lovecraftain i think,
So did Ahmanet go to Kadath or what?
>movie trailer
>"what if the holocaust wasn't just a story?"
>shot of a 250 ft jew rising out of an oven
>coming 2018
I came here to post this
check yourself, it's cool. love how she narrates it with cold, but passionate voice
>No Ethan, you don't understand! Just looking at this think can drive you insane! Don't look at it!
>Secondary character looks at Cthulhu
it's funny, coz Cruise in mummy actually goes insane, having various Ahmanet visions
>meeting at the desert
>rats alley illusion
>chuch scenes
really liked this psychological part, it gave movie a bit of depth
Can somebody please link me to the trailer this was in. I need to experience it again.
you mean that one with broken audio?
enjoy Tom Cruise giving his lifetime performance
B-but that's not Top Gun...
What's the difference between Cthulu-scale monsters and a hurricane or a meteorite? It's just gonna fucking destroy everything anyways.
>mummy dvd
Are we in 2005 ?
Cthulhu keeps going and also breaks reality as we know it.
Not to mention hes talking to his dead jewish friend
>destruction movie starring a monster inspired from the bloop
>thriller investigation story getting weirder and weirder revealing a monster at the very end
or bluray, just bad habbit to call these home media 'dvd', sorry
>mummy blu ray
Are we in 2009 ?
Can a lovecraft movie be pulled off.
Wouldn't it just come off as a generic horror movie
since Hollywood keep using the same lame formula.
Yes it can, but not with the hollywood formula as you said.
Unironically the most lovecraftian movie i’ve ever saw was Kairo, japanese ghost movie, it’s a thriller, people looking into the disappearance of their friend, and shit more and more bizarre happen as the movie goes, more people disappearing, the curse turning global, world ending etc etc, the only thing missing from lovecraft if the madness of the protagonists but aside from that, it really looks like something a japanese lovecraft could have written
Dead By Daylight would probably make a decent lovecraft horror.
streaming got access to special features?
Is the Drown God in Game of Thrones a Lovecraftian being?
Lovecrafts monsters aren't supposed to be scary because they are big and able to destroy everything, they are äscary because they are so different from humans/life on earth and convey the feeling that human existence is nothing and meaningless considering the endlessnes of time/the universe, where these monsters came from
>so different from life on earth
>has the head of an octopus
Nice quints
It's an homage yeah.
Cthulhu is the most boring and bland shit ever and lovecraft isa Hack and only appeals to plebs. All his other monsters are shit too
>muh they sooo scary you can’t even describe it (I actually can’t because i am a hack writer that uses this excuse as a cheap cop out)
the worst
Artists have been very uncreative with the description of Cthulhu.
The thing is lovecrafts shit isn’t scary in either way
Oh god thank you so much.
Good job
Cthulu isn't the only fucking lovecraftian monster. For example there is a story where the monster is literally a colour that is different from every known colour that drops in a meteor, sucks life our of everything and then shoots up into space again. Considering his stories were written in the 1920s this shit was probably quite mental at the time.
Man now I want a bombastic Tom Cruise Cthlulu movie. Preferably a two-parter.
Lovecrafts monsters aren't scary to the reader, they are scary to the protagonist of the story. I allways thought his stories were interesting because of the lore and the creepy/occult vibe, not because of "muh scarry octopussman". Also consider that his stories were written in the 1920s. Ofc it isn't scary by today's standards but people back then probably shat their pants reading his stuff.
>meteor, sucks life our of everything and then shoots up into space again.
Also gave everything some weird alien-color cancer. And possibly left a spawn behind. The Colour Out of Space has to be one of his best short stories.
His decrepit towns and backwoods villages are far creepier than any monsters.
War of Worlds and Mummy were closest* to
>WoW - fighting unknown evil
>Mummy - going insane, unable to tell visions or reality
* closest, not really 100% accurate, just having few moments
I thinks he was generally really good at coveying a very creepy sense of mystery through his world-building and style of writing
How do you even get a scream like that, boggles my mind.
Tom Cruise had some rock singing lessons for "Rock of Ages"
Well that explains it, actually really enjoyed his performance in that one.
i laughed
I love lovecraftian kaiju cosmic horror movies like omg!
This. His defeat was so embarrassing that it got adapted into Ursula's death in Little fucking Mermaid.
with this breath?! impossible!
The monsters aren't meant to be scary, what they represent is meant to be spooky. They represent the idea of a vast unknown sitting right beneath our feet and above our heads and we're being crushed between it.
Kinda what I ment, but wasn't able to put it into words as well as you did
Was getting mummified part of your plan?
of courshe, mr Morton refused my offer, in favour of blonde bitch...
Then we probably were driven mad long long ago and even now are working towards some dark machination beyond our comprehension.
Would be a weird end to humanity just kind of a flop "you were mad the whole time" so I doubt it.
Why does /lit/ keeps spamming these kinds of threads?
no but youtube does you soyboy numale bitchboy newfaggot cuck
Cthulu is hella awesome bros!
he was a great minor character
What is dead may never die!
Better than any character in the last three seasons too.
Very true.
You sure about that? How closely did you listen? They reused it in the second trailer when he's being swarmed by rats at 1:28.
came here to post "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM"
good taste user
Movies involving HPs work usually fuck it up by making the tentacle monsters defeatable by mortal beings
hmm maybe ye, rats scene happens so quick.
i remember plane crash one doesn't use these screams
fuck streaming I want to own my shit
Well that works because Cthulhu was one of the few that could be defeated by mortal beings. At least temporarily.
Call of Cthulhu game in the works, it doesn't look that great.
Well we already got a good Lovecraft game in Bloodborne, even if it was more Dreamlands than Mythos.
Which one is this? La lux extinguida?
>tfw no Bloodborne 2
Miyazaki's ADHD prevents him from making sequels on his own. If forced, he half-asses it. Careful what you wish for.
"They woke something up."
"...something that should have stayed buried..."
"My god, what is it?!"
>Screeching dinosaur noise
2 0 1 9
I'd watch it.
Some Thing found us...
Wall street bull flying towards leslie jones and it barely misses
leslie jones: awwww hell naw!!
i`d totally go to Tom`s arms, no homo
>describes how indescribable it is
>tfw the universe is very lovecraftian
We have discovered no hint, no residue, no archaelogical or astronomical clue that could confirm the existence of a Brahman civilization. The very notion of a mythical progenitor species is a hoary cliche.
Technologically sophisticated life is theoretically common in the galaxy - it arises frequently, and it has done so for some time now, at least in the cosmological span. Why, then, is the galaxy empty? Why do we find no von Neumann probes propagating through space? Where is the life that must have come before us?
We should inhabit a teeming universe, a bazaar of wonders, a cosmic ecumenopolis overflowing with civilization. The stars and galaxies around us should by all rights have been restructured to the needs of unimaginably sophisticated engineers. Technology self-catalyzes, and that catalysis has had time to flourish. The civilizations of the universe should, by now, have conquered reality itself.
Yet we find no such wonder. Our cosmos is silent.
What happened to the first life in the universe, the children of the dawn?
Did they pass on to some unglimpsable destiny, leaving no wreckage or monument? Or do we inhabit their tomb - a quarantine zone, a carcass, malignant with some ancient mistake?
S-shut up
Give me your soul.
10/10 very well put sempai
what is she pointing at?
I went through a Lovecraft interest after playing Bloodborne. Most Lovecraft inspired movies are awful, but Vincent Price starred in one called Haunted Palace which was actually pretty good if anybody is interested.
Seriously? I had no idea any went back that far. Lovecraft was almost unknown in Price's time.