What's his problem?

What's his problem?

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He's a dick end of story

He's a pickle.

he is a shitily written character in a shitily made show

He knows he's a cartoon character.

He fucks his daughter

He looked beyond the veil and all he saw was shit.

Hi I just started watching Rick and Morty and I can tell you for a fact it's my favorite show!!. Lik the one time Ricky said said there's probably like no good !!!! i was agreeing so much I'am smarter then you're average fidget spinner teen at middle school to even though I have one. I may be young but I'm smarter then every theist on earth basically the show is also really deep when they said like no one was born for a reason I was so blown away as they must have big balls to say that on tv so I told my friends on minecraft and they agree too. LOL once when my mom took me to McDonald's I asked for the Mulan dipping sauce and the dumb bitch didn't even get the reference XD One time in class i evan shouted "I'm PICKLE RIIIICK!" and Mrs.Janice told me to go outside i fucking hate that cunt school is for dumb ppl just like what Rick said, i m too smart for such imbicells. But yeah I love Rick and Morty and I'm actually smart enough to get it to.

you'll eventually find out

He is nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor.

>I'am smarter then you're average fidget spinner teen at middle school to even though I have one.

Underage detected

In all seriousness you're trying to hard, cut back on the misspellings and remove the LOL and XD, then I might buy that your a summerfag and not just shitposting.

He's a selfish, nihilistic, cynical, and selfish old faggot with somewhat of a soft side. The show literally hands it to you on a silver platter, stop being so narratively blind.

Originally: mad scientist who uses his grandson as a meat shield/drug mule
Now: may or may not have a DEEP past with DEEP issues that his (or a version of his daughter) is prying at

Also Beth is ruining the show

He's done what no human should ever do by discovering how disposable and irrelevant his existence really is. Justified nihilism.

He also knows this alienates him from his family, so he copes with his self-loathing and remorse with drugs and alcohol.

No matter how hard he tries he'll always just be a shittier and less interesting duckman.

Bojack has the same problem.

Duckman loses because he's too weird looking. You can't fuck him.

And if I remember correctly he tends to be much more stable than those other two. Bojack and Rick are much more destructive and toxic, Duckman is just a bit of a cunt.

He has ten threads on Sup Forums, that's his problem.

He was written as an actually believable character.

Rick is obviously pure self insert fantasy schlock but even someone like Bojack would have a hard time existing in the real world with the sheer amount of money and resources at his disposal to fix his problems.

In-universe: He's an alcoholic who, because he's vastly more intelligent than the people around him, thinks he's the God that he doesn't otherwise believe in. This in turn causes him to act like he's better than the people around him. To be fair, the people immediately around him are varying degrees of shitty people, but he himself is also a shitty person and intelligence alone does not make him better than them.

Out-of-universe: He's a poorly-written attempt to write a character vastly more intelligent than the people writing him. Because output cannot be greater than input, this causes him to espouse entry-level nihilism mixed with vaguely-scientific-sounding gobbeldygook in an attempt to fool unintelligent viewers into thinking that he's an intelligent character.

He's definitely closer to the normal person because Duckman isn't actually super rich or smart, just pretty average. I don't think his past was all that fucked or weird either.
Bojack still works though, he's just very messed up. Money and resources can only help to some extent, a lot of it is just work and Bojack is too lazy, too narcissistic and probably too damaged for that.
And Rick is kinda over-the-top which is a little bit the point. Doesn't change the fact that he still suffers from lazy and cheap writing. They could do a lot more with him but they're probably too lazy or just not capable.

existence, thank m3 l8r

>Duckman loses because he's too weird looking. You can't fuck him.
really? coming from Sup Forums?


His problem is cosmic indiference exacerbated by his attempts to self medicate using drugs and alcohol. Dr. Wong was right to call him out for not wanting to do the unpleasant, boring, and tedious work of maintaining healthy relationships, because he feels that his intelligence and access to infinite realities somehow excuses him from all sense of responsibility. Sure he's not doing it this time, but maybe he'll get around to doing it the next time he jumps ship and settles into another universe.

He claims his intelligence alienates him from other people who don't have the same understanding of the multiverse as he does, but his own behavior and dismissal of others is the thing that actually pushes people away.

He's the embodiment of everyone who feels disaffected by mainstream popular culture, which is why it's hso ironic that he's somehow struck a chord with mainstream popular culture. If I were still in K-12 or even still in college I would be unbelievably annoyed at the constant quoting of jokes and lines from Rick & Morty because a collective enjoyment and camaraderie over shared appreciation of a nihilistic character completely misses the fucking point of his character and never allows for an actual appreciation of the level of his flaws and how much they are the result of self sabotage.

He's a fun character when you take the show at face value. He's a tragic character if you dwell on his character. He's a complete shit head if you think of him as a real person. And your opinion of him will only be made worse by the fact that he's capable of getting out of just about any situation and the fact that he doesn't care about your opinion of him one way or the other.

Borderline Personality Disorder.

>and the fact that he doesn't care about your opinion of him one way or the other.
I think you'd have to first exist and gain sentient thought to be able care about the opinions of others.

He hates himself.

>and the fact that he doesn't care about your opinion of him one way or the other.
does he?

Super smart but a jaded cynical selfish self destructive asshole. He can be fun to hang out with, but most everyone knows what he's really about. Everyone either wants something from him or wants to get rid of him and now he's dragging his grandson, the closest thing he's had to a real friend in years, down the road to becoming as amoral, angry and jaded as he is.

Also what that dimestore shrink said I guess

He thinks at a higher level than everyone around him to that point that they're basically lesser beings, and he can swap universes at any time so his life has zero lasting consequences. His whole life is like someone playing Elder Scrolls. Yeah you try and get invested in the story and characters, but eventually you're just gonna get bored, install a bunch of mods, do some weird sexual shit, then load your save when everything gets fucked up.

author insert

Also, does anyone note that Rick is meant to be in his 60s yet acts like a college-aged frat-boy half the time? I guess that's the juxtaposition to Morty's moral maturity (most the time) .

So deep.

he's a unfiltered reflection of when the voice actor spontaneously acts like a manchild
same reason those "infinite TV commercials" are so awful, they record him rambling on off the top of his head unscripted

its the eyes...i cant get hard if im stuck thinking how they work

He wants to fuck his daughter and grandson.

>Bojack would have a hard time existing in the real world with the sheer amount of money and resources at his disposal to fix his problems.
you've never seen celebrities go off the deep end?

He loves bad bitches that's his fucking problem

He's a raging loony super-genius psychopath.

He's like a high schooler who read a quarter of Neitzche and acts out when he doesn't get his way


he doesn't have the szechuan sauce yet