>young Sheldon claims he loves school
>but school actually limits the learning capabilities of intelligent individuals
What did Sheldon mean by this?
>young Sheldon claims he loves school
>but school actually limits the learning capabilities of intelligent individuals
What did Sheldon mean by this?
fucking kys for even ironically post this shit here
Is that a boy or a girl?
It's kino
Fuck off you retard
>dub of dubs
It is confirmed that it will only last 1½ seasons.
HAHAHAHA I love Sheldon xD
It's the only thing he's good at
Sheldor could you pass me the salt
wait did he say that second bit or are you a rick and morty sperg? lol.
I've only seen a very small bit of this, but I'm surprised they made the character actually interested in people and fairly kind. I was expecting a 'smart person' victimhood show but they actually went and made the people you'd expect to be 'stupid' a lot more normal, and made the main character not a smartass stuck up his own ass. Better than I thought, still wouldn't probably watch.
The big bang theory is not just a TV series. It's a part of our lives. It is also (some may disagree with me) a perfect sitcom. You see the big bang theory holds every aspect of sitcom. It is made in the USA (Just like the sitcom avatar Cheers), is extremely unfunny, has one of the best artstyles there ever was and it's made by drunkards. I honestly can't understand the haters of the big bang theory, are they dumb? Can they not comprehend the fart jokes of the big bang theory? You can anwser that question yourself as for i have to go. I am late for my 9 hour viewing of the big bang theory with my buddies Albert Einstein and Richard Sanchez. I hope you all can now respect the big bang theory just a little bit more. Thank you.
>I've only seen a very small bit of this, but I'm surprised they made the character actually interested in people and fairly kind. I was expecting a 'smart person' victimhood show but they actually went and made the people you'd expect to be 'stupid' a lot more normal, and made the main character not a smartass stuck up his own ass. Better than I thought, still wouldn't probably watch.
Yeah, i watched a few minutes and wasnt expecting a wholesome family show, reminded me of 7th heaven.
Mumkey get out
There is no God, is there?
These Bing Bong comics are never funny.
this is getting really close to being true though
School is for retards. Just like religion
young sheldon is a paradox
This but unironically.
>Nerd thing, numbers, fancy science talk only to set up punchline.
>Are you evil?
>Worse, I'm smart. Bazinga!
No, it's pretty much a fact. Sure school KS good for people who become doctors and lawyers. But to actual pioneers and inventors, school is practically useless. Some of the best minds did shit in school,some even got expelled like Bill Gates and Richard Branson.
There's also proof that homeschooled children perform much better than publicly schooled children.
This, they only talk about science to set up awful jokes. The rest of it is normal bro talk.
Tell me about all the great scientists and engineers that sprang up from peasant families before universal education was created.
Lmao but where did this "education" come to be born from but the untamed natural human intelligence
>the speed of technological advancement has nothing to do with public education
I'm einstein wouldve figured everything out by himself living in a mud hut because education isnt a thing
im not political but if you are by chance left wing then please keep thinking and spreading this mentality so you don't get good jobs.
homeschooled children are the product of a publicly educated populace. You know what you learned at home before public education? How to milk a cow and run the farm.
you're talking as if you can just build a building without a foundation, like we should be able to just start from the fucking top and build upwards. You need to start from the bottom and build upwards. THATS WHAT PUBLIC EDUCATION IS.
We are all born "on the ground". Without infrastructure to elevate people to the top of the current metaphorical building, they won't make it that high. They'll get stuck on addition and multiplication. Public education is an elevator.
this but unironically
Aristotle,Plato and Socrates.
There. Now go home.
all started on the ground, ya dip. And they were wrong about all the science they believed. philosophy isnt worth anything. Any human can wax poetic.
you are fucking retarded.
>public education is the same as specialised schools
In America, public school doesn't share knowledge though. It enforces it.
>school is a prison
lets be honest 90% of people dont have the drive to learn on their own. school gives structure to the 90%, and teaches them how to hold a wageslave job primarily.
Redundant if I do say so myself.
you're arguing that public education isn't valuable when its the basis for society and civilization as we know it
Truancy is a real crime that results in real jail time for parents.
You do go to jail if you refuse to indocrinate your kids with state approved education.
because the alternative is an uneducated population. Who cares if it's enforced or not? Were you really smart enough to decide what you should know when you were 5? Were your parents smart enough to teach you?
Are you kidding me? Do you realise public education only started becoming a thing in the early 1900's?
We were doing fine for thousands of years before that.
That's not the alternative. There will still be plenty of people that want their children to go to school even if they aren't forced by law.
Legally forcing people to attend school is just as bad as legally not allowing some people to go to school.
are you really suggesting that the last 118 years of innovation didnt spring up because of education? We went from planes to the moon in 80 years. Thats what public education does. That's what happens when you have thousands of smart people instead of one guy trying to prove his value to an uneducated public.
>Public education is an elevator.
That's sometime used as a toilet.
I don't think anyone can say clearly either way.
Your are saying planes is retard base buyt public school gets you to the moon.
Technology started kicking into higher gears long before mandatory public school.