/who/ - Doctor Who General
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nth for Jodie.
/r/ing a webm of this YouTube video, please.
why is she so uncomfortable in ever image taken of her lads
is it us
I unironically hope the first few episodes of Jodie's era are leaked in advance. That should basically happen whenever a new showrunner takes over. If the episodes are actually good, then it helps the show. If not, it helps us.
Since /who/ ranks Who was a success, guaging general interest for a version of that for the Big Finish Main Range. Who'd be up for it?
I'm not seeing it desu. It might just be you.
Have any of us listened to enough to honestly rank them? I've listened to a fair few, but not all of them. Would we confine it to the main range, or would we do main range and add in the 8th Doctor audios?
13's costume unironically suits those little children and that Roblox looking cosplayer more than it suits actual adults
missed a bit here - I'd be happy to rank every audio I've listened to and post it here for people to see (if they care enough in the first place)
I know I have. We just need a few more like me.
I unironically think Doctors are better characterized in their first episodes if no characters carry over from the previous finale.
3 started that in a sense, along with 8, War, 9 and 11. To a small degree 7 was too, even though he had mel, she was relatively unknown and he spent a lot of time away from her in his first episode. And of course 1, but thats semantics isnt it
Reminder that according to Edward Russell the stripe is an LGBTQIAP+ symbol.
Edward Russell has no official capacity and should not be taken seriously
Since someone asked earlier - strawpoll about /who/res' Sup Forums usage.
Been busy the past few weeks and been away from /who/. Just spent the last few hours in the archive marathoning all the February threads. From a holistic perspective, /who/ has been absolute garbage lately.
That sounds like an unpleasant way to spend several hours desu
Certainly. I deeply regret it. It was a monstrous waste of time.
I dunno, it depends I guess. Deep Breath was a fucking awful introduction to Capaldi and it's baffling that it was written by the same man who wrote The Eleventh Hour, which is not only a god-tier episode but an incredible introduction to the 11th Doctor
Jenny Colgan said that she knows one of the new writers and it's a woman.
well we haven't had much to discuss in the last month until a few days ago when we got footage of Jodie saying RESULT and wearing a bumbag and also GallifreyOne this weekend
Deep Breath is better than The Eleventh Hour
They're both rubbish
Surely not a white cisgender woman?
Hartnell roundels.
deep breath was pretty good though
A pair of piss poor 'pinions
>mfw Rose turned around at the end of Partners in Crime and the Doomsday music immediately started playing
hope Chibnall brings back the cliffhangers/twists of that level again. Moffat kinda stopped doing them after Series 6, except for the ends of part 1 of a two-parter
What does this image convey?
new logo when?
The fact that no one can get the coat colour right.
>grey 13 coats
oh no no no no how embarrassing
The bumbag is a bloody eyesore. Jesus christ I hope they get rid of it.
Introduced my girlfriend to the show starting with S1, she’s mostly enjoyed it and occasionally loved it, and then the S4 finale killed it all STONE FUCKING DEAD. I sometimes forget how awful Journey’s End is, and then things like this happen and I remember how abominable it is.
1) finish uni
2) move to UK
3) write things
4) get good
5) become a Doctor Who writer
Is this a decent plan for life?
They are filming very soon in Fort Purbrook. Historical ep?
Swap 4 and 5 around and you'll have what normally happens.
>Historical ep?
You don't need to ask this. Every episode bar Episodes 1 and 5 are pure historicals.
>/r/ing a webm of this YouTube video, please.
All I have.
How do you know it's 5 and not 3?
it's the future you chose
tad naive desu
golden age
Because 2 and 3 are the Alabama two-parter.
spill the beans.
It's hilarious because you can see which ones went with the EXACT shade it (incorrectly) looked in the original reveal photo. Poor souls.
Just me who thinks Journey’s End was the moment RTD basically flushed any of the “serious drama” street cred he’d managed to get for the show when it came back down the toilet?
Doctor Who is dead.
Anyone see the Peter Capaldi 12th Doctor cock tribute. Some lad on xhamster slapping his dick on a signed autographed picture of Capaldi in the red velvet jacket and then cums in Capaldis hair on the pic.
I think he flushed any 'serious drama' cred away at the start of Series 2 and got by for the rest of his era on sheer spectacle.
Werent sontaran-like aliens on set in South Africa? In the Mark Tonderai' block.
Nah, that was The End of Time
To be fair it didn't stop us when people who haven't watched that much classic who voted.
Put it in the fucking stream
I'll do an inventory check and give a listing tomorrow.
>serious drama
>Episode 1
Modern-day Earth story with the Daleks
>Episodes 2 & 3
Civil rights ep, MLK
>Episode 4
Ep set in the African desert, tribe warriors
>Episode 5
Modern day Earth again
>Episodes 6 & 7
1800s India eps about Yasmin's ancestors
>Episode 8
Ireland ep about Graham's family
>Episodes 9 & 10
Salem witch trials, 1690s
>Salem witch trials
I was with you until this, just sounds like /who/ wish fulfillment again.
>1800s India
>rewatching Day of the Doctor
fuck I forgot how great this was. It's still hard to believe that this episode is real. The McGann prequel, showing the Time War, "All thirteen!", Tom fucking Baker. I don't understand how anyone could still hate Moffat after this
Doesn't Chibbers love occult stuff though?
Every finale of New Who so far has been set in the present day or the future, never during some sort of historical event. So if this is true, that would be quite interesting.
At least it's not fucking meme vampires as usual.
Nick Briggs for 14th Doctor.
The Pandorica Opens was set in the past, and Last of the Time Lords was historically shit
Wasn't The Big Bang set in 1996 though?
>Last of the Time Lords was historically shit
well done
I meant no finale has been set in the past, where being in the past is central to the story.
It's only set in 1996 so that little Amelia can be in the episode. It's not a significant historical event.
Even if this is fake, like 80% of it seems to fit in with rumours that we've had so far (i.e. the africa and india episodes being leaked by the mirror when they announced murray gold leaving)
I don't know about the other eps, but Grahams ancestry episode is heavily rumoured on twitter for ages. Says set in famine, Graham's great great granddad pushes him out of the line of an English volley directed at hungry paddies protesting. Graham inadvertently gets his gr gr gr granddad killed.
If it's true it's going to be a textbook definition of kino.
[pic related]
>Japan episode literally never
More! MORE!
>we're not in the Kris Marshall Doctor and Anri Okita companion timeline
>Becomes the first black doctor
Any updates on /who/ ranks who?
What is it with Bradley and causing TV shows to descend into uncontrollable laughte?
It came out.
it was bad we're pretending it never happened
100% false considering episode 7 was in block one with the first episode.
user, you do realise that episodes can be swapped around right? The Eaters of Light was supposed to be really early in S10.
I must've missed this! How long ago was this?
You'd think it'd be spammed in every thread
It was one or two days ago. There was a fair bit of discussion/controversy when it came out but nothing to spam about really.
Eaters of Light was never meant to be earlier in the season. It was just filmed out of sequence. Curse of the Black Spot switching with Night Terrors is the only real example of that happening recently.
>Vengeance on Varos not in the top 10
There aren't enough words in the entire creation to communicate how disappointed I am with /who/
That's a new one. "Best Colin TV story" and "top 10 stories ever" are not categories I tend to see as necessarily overlapping.
Salem witch trials? how boring what is this women being mistreated aka broadchurch series 3 part 2? most of those young women are accused by jealous fatties and uglies not men.
i cant believe the new title sequence fucking leaked