He did nothing wrong
>father murdered by fellow darkie
>wants to overthrow all white nations because...
>>wants to overthrow all white nations because...
Because his father's killer came from an ethnostate that didn't give a fuck about the suffering of black people world wide.
>the suffering of black people world wide.
... at the hands of other black people. You know, like the one who killed his father.
>yoyo Wakandies y u dont help us brotha out
He killed millions
Worst line?
>"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage."
The biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the black goyim is their role in the African slave trade.
90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
The bible on the subject: onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
Jews have been fermenting race hate since the 90s with shit like this movie, and things like Amistad etc. brainwashing people into this euro whites/christians/WASP vs blacks angle. They've doubled their efforts since Trump's (anti-globalist) election.
Blacks in the 80s knew exactly what was up. Montel Williams clip related.
Kilmonger wanted to kill both the white and black oppressors. Movie is a Disney/CIA psyop to paint all violent revolutionaries as evil and glorify shit like "outreach centres" that perpetuate the status quo and are never a real threat to their power.
The shot of Hillary Clinton clapping after T'Chala's UN speech made it blatantly fucking obvious who this trash is for.
>Muh African roots
>Burns a plant that only exists in Wakanda and was only harvested for traditional ceremony purposes
fucking BASED redpill!
was it autism?
To save his brothers
>literally named KILLmonger
>did nothing wrong
Yeah sure.
To save niggilions.
He just wants vengeance for oppression. It's justified.
So he wants a giant race war to kill all whiteys seriously
>trying to unify all people of his race and subjugate other races
He is LITERALLY Sup Forums
>don't worry about reality goyim
>just turn you brains off
i think you mean jews
to kill billions.
Bullshit. Most of the black slaves were from Portuguese Africa, and the Portuguese kicked out the jews in 1496.
>kills your dad