Your run is over Sup Forums


>not even $200 mil
Lmao, get fucked nigger

>Disney spending its own shekels so the movie appears to be doing well at the box office

>great american nation cucked by niggers capeshit
/tv is over, so is america, not sure whats more pathetic, greetings from Europoor

Sup Forums was expecting it to make 50 mil tho lmao!! Who’s fucked now Kek!!

>leftists claim it will make 215 million

>cant even break 200


215 million over 4 days
it's now estimated for 230 million

>greetings from Europoor

Watch that 2nd weekend fall-off, tho...

>giving a shit about faggot stuff

Oh I am laughter

There is going to be a massive fall off. It won't make a billion

>nigger filed superhero flick earns a lot
is this a reason to be proud of or more like take a sit and cry about state of cinema?

>Oh I am laughter

How dumb are you sir?

>Sup Forums is one thread
This board is starting to get shilled more than Sup Forums

>Your run is over Sup Forums

At this rate, it might cover what Star Wars lost between TLJ's underperformance and Solo's impending failure...

I hear ya but I just got back from an Imax matinee showing and it was packed. Only a few seats open in the front 3 rows.

>Your run is over Sup Forums

Wait until Infinity War makes 2 billion. Scrublord.



Nice!! Finally we get a great superhero film.



>even if it drops at the same proportion as TLJ (it won't), it will still break 1 billion


White people who defend blacks are worst then anything blacks do.


Damn Sup Forums is such an idiot! Anyone know who he is?

Why are the liberal shills who have been invading this board crying about Sup Forums ever since Donald Trump won the election allowed to spam black panther threads in a coordinated raid they planned together on lefty pol discord?

i think we're being too harsh on this one



I’m trying to see Black Panther but all the good seats are gone. Any tips on how to get tickets?

being real for a second, no actually thought this was going to flop, did they? it's another marvel film and one that is guaranteed to pull in a black audience. i could see how it might not perform well in china but other than that it seemed like a sure thing tbqhwy.

Reminds me of Wonder Woman. Sup Forums is so out of touch

That's a lot of people trying to show how not racist they are by going to a super hero movie.


No I don't think anyone thought it would flop domestically. I think people were serious about it failing in Asia though. I didn't think it would fail there because of the Marvel brand power but I didn't expect this level of success either

Just show up and wait till some niggers start fighting. Then just grab a seat while the cops haul them out.

>Sup Forumstard can't even read


Americans are retarded

Just go on the third weekend. The atmosphere is just right

right away with this shit really... fuck. I might actually go to reddit... whats wrong with me... whats wrong with YOU

The movie itself is fine, what bothers me so much is that critics are politically driven that they're willing to claim this generic cape shit is ground breaking because it has black people in it.

In all honesty, if a bunch of African Americans decided to move back to Africa to try and start a Wakanda movement, I'd be all for it.

>When you've gotten so utterly btfo all you can do is spam shitty clickbait articles

No they thought it would fail in Asia which is idiotic since they love brainless capeshit over there.

>NBC has special black people news
lmao wtf

>I don’t like it so it’s clickbait
They are speaking the truth, drumpfer.

lmao i've always been here newfriend. i bet you don't even know who DAVEY is


Not the fucking Dobson one though. If you agree with that inflation porn loving faggot you should kill yourself

Ow! I just cut myself on your edge. Are you Zack Snyder?

wow that's cringy

2bh they're not right in that it's "Shakespearean" in how dramatic/grandiose t is with the whole secret cousin arriving try to vie for power.

but you could argue Thor is Shakespearean by the same merit.

Are you Dobson?

they're not wrong, rather


I would pay 100 bucks to punch you in the face.

Get help


That is actually the plan...and it is a brilliant one.

It's something different than other Marvel movies. It's a solid movie that could have done well without the MCU hype train.

Just buy one on Amazon. That's not a joke about being tribal savages.


Have you seen the rest of the releases this week? This movie is literally the only game in town.

White people shouldnt be playing with Black Panther merchandise. Or dressing up as him. It’s literally cultural appropriation.
*Drops the Mic*


For reference
GOTG2 opening weekend: $252 million, $863 million total, 3.4x
Ragnarok opening weekend: $232 million, $853 million total, 3.7x
Black Panther $361 million opening weekend, even just a 3x multiplier would give it $1.08 billion

the very existence of white people triggers them

>white people go out in droves to see a movie with a mostly black cast
>"WTF whitey, don't see this movie. Seeing it and liking it makes you racist somehow."

I hate this timeline

If the colonialists had not interfered, Africa would have remained a stone age dump to this day.

>Hollywood: Men can't identify with a black cast. Let's all laugh at them!
>Also Hollywood: Women can't identify with Luke Skywalker. This is okay.
Pick one.


That’s different and you know it. Letting your white kid dress up as Black Panther is literally like Blackface.

Is it just me or was it not that good? It was a solid 2.8/5, the strong points being the cgi, the weak points being the actors, plot & action scenes.. Kind of underwhelming, both the movie & black panther as a superhero..

Is Black Panther really that good? I thought it was your average capeshit.

There's a difference in making fun of a black person's appearance and a kid wanting to dress up as a black superhero because they admire the hero. Is it wrong for black kids that like Superman or Batman not to want to dress up like the heroes they admire?

If your answer is "whites should only dress up as white superheroes, and blacks only as black superheroes," you might be an SJW, my friend.


literally the opposite of what everyone else thinks.

It’s better than GotG Vol 2. Not as good as Winter Soldier.

It's above average capeshit, but not great capeshit.

How is it Shakespearean? Shakespeare is English, they should stop appropriating our culture and pick a globally worshipped African po... oh wait. Anyway, we English will decide what is Shakespearean, and I nominate Thor, and the Winter Soldier.

Shakespeare was a black woman, cracker

Blacks should be allowed to dress up as white superheroes. White shouldn’t be allowed to dress up as Black superheroes. One is punching up, the other is punching down.


>the other is punching down

Assuming you are not trolling, why do you think that?

he's trolling but he's trying to mock the concept of privilege, particularly white privilege.

Because it’s white people taking away from something that Black people have and trying to make it their own. They already have their own heroes, they don’t need to steal black’s. Especially since black character usually get the short end of the stick.
And overall it’s just wrong. Like a white web trying to act Japanese. It’s cringy.

All the things she/it just listed are abundant in the superhero genre; the tragic hero, the emotion and pain of dealing with power, kick ass women (to the point they're now a boring cliche), "minorities" allowed to be themselves, fictional realm, high tech, etc. There is nothing in BP that you cannot find in any other film of this kind from the last 20 years, they're just pulling this stuff out of their asses now.

Ragnarok and GotG2 had a different international rollout schedule than BP. it would be better when trying to make a prediction to take this into account along with many other factors

Because they're fake nerds


what did you do to robert!?

That's dumb as shit. You do realize that if only Black people supported Black Panther the film wouldn't be a success in the first place. Gtfo with this mentality that a superhero belongs to someone. If whitie wants to dress up as Black Panther (not that any would) so be it. Though again I don't think they will. I mean well Black Panther wasn't really a huge character in comics to begin with. His films success has more to do with the big bad money making train that is the MCU more than it does him being an actual likable hero. I mean both Guardians, Thor, Doctor Strange and Ant-man were successes too, but they're still not Ironman, Spidey or Cap level. Though I see a few people with Thor hammers from time to time.

I’m not saying they can’t watch or support the movie. Just don’t dress your white kid up as a black character. It’s not like it’s hard to avoid doing.


>being this delusional

i hope you get raped by a pack of niggers. i really really do

keep in mind, being the best Marvel villain is clearing a low bar