Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage

>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage.


He's not a great actor


He's a real good actor actually. But the writing for his character was awful

>line doesn't even make sense

he wasn't working with a great script either
Marvel really can't write for its own life, and that's expected

>chosing easy way out
death is lame option

don't advertise that you're a pleb my dude

keep that to yourself

>line doesn't even make sense
Only if you're a retard

You know who else is in the ocean and is capable of reviving him?


>muh *ancestors* threw themselves off the ship
If they died, then they wouldn't be his ancestors, would they? His ancestors worked the cotton fields.

>movie is reaching kino status
>squanders it with a boring, nonsensical third act full of mindless CGI action
>main thesis of the movie ends by which protagonist can outpunch the other

Why do superhero movies keep doing this?

>He's a real good actor actually
In what?

HOW DARE YOU *glomps in front of you*


the delivery was shit
his ghetto accent seemed exaggerated even by nigger standards

because they're superhero movies you dork
not every movie can be Superman (1978) where he dislocates in time so he can save all the people in California

If he was from Wakanda then wouldn't his ancestors have been fine because Wakanda was untouched by the white devil?

His character was literally, "HOL UP, *smacks lips* SO YOU WUZ SAYIN WE WUZ KANGS"

>His suit also has the bumps on it that symbolize how many lives you've taken

Unironically kino. Sup Forums of course hates the movie because black people.

his mother was american tho
so has a half point

>great great grandma and great great uncle on ship
>uncle jumps off ship
>there your ancestor died now
was it that hard to comprehend for you?
also how common was it for slaves to jump overboard honestly?
were they just waltsing around the ship just hanging out, i thought they were all chained downstairs


how are they his ancestors, did they fug a girl on the ship then jump off? did they have sons and daughters already on the ship????

Yeah, another Marvel capeshit kino in which the villain has the same powers as the hero.

sold in the market down in new orleans
scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright
hear him whip the women just around midnight

No actually, his character was literally good and cannot be summarized with one, racist, Sup Forums "meme". But thanks for trying, Cletus. Better luck next bait thread.

Rivals "tears in rain" soliloquy in BR

I thought he was from wakanda? They were never sold into slavery? And if they were, why the fuck does he care so much? This is like the mandarin making an American Chinese railroad reference right before he dies? I'm pretty sure that shit quotient matter to him. Good this is fucking stupid.

>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage.

But if his ancestors jumped from ships and died, wouldn't that make him not exist because there's nobody to actually create him as a baby???

Because the average movie going public cares more about formula than they do about quality and Marvel likes money best

you're not descended from your uncle user

How fucking stupid are you people? He was not FROM Wakanda... he was WAKANDAN by virtue of his father being from there. His mother was American.

Jesus Christ, do you mouth breathing autists just sit in the theatre, block out all dialog and just seethe about how black people have their own movies sometimes?

Marvel has both though, formula (in scripts) and quality (in visuals.... well except for the CGI)
it makes the whole MCU mediocre. mediocre means "neither excellent nor terrible"

wtf is this a joke?

because people are paying to see a superhero movie, not something thoughtful
which is why these theses are always resolved via argumentum ad baculum

>cannot be summarized with one, racist, Sup Forums "meme"
You mean his entire motivation isn't "kill whitey"?

Look at you calling others cletus while you get butthurt when others refer to blacks as Tyrone or dequan. You fucking hypocrite sjw retard.

Yeah. I figured you are talking about Creed. Has he done anything else good other than Creed?

presumably it wasn't all of his ancestors

Are you trying to prove that everyone who didn't like Black Panther is retarded?

>You mean his entire motivation isn't "kill whitey"?
yes, it isn't
there's also daddy issues and the ambiguety if he was brainwashed to destroy Wakanda by the CIA or he had genuine feelings to fuck shit up

Fruitvale Station, Friday Night Lights, The Wire

I love it when movies club me over the head with obnoxious dialog, fuck subtlety and speaking like a human.

Fruitvale Station

They should have all done that.


Oh look, its the negro who thinks diversity isn't bad.


>the ambiguety if he was brainwashed to destroy Wakanda by the CIA or he had genuine feelings to fuck shit up
If I know blacky mcblack movies, he was brainwashed by the CIA. He dindu nuffin.

What the fuck are you even talking about, you brainlet?

so he doesn't consider the other part of his family, the part that actually made him able to exist?

Seems he was trying to compensate for his own incompetence in life.

But then again, he had a fucking top class CIA job where he traveled the world, not being oppressed, but actually being the oppressor.

This is the movie of the DECADE.

This is the movie of the KOOL-AID


umm, wouldn't his ancestors be the ones that sold the slaves if they're still in africa?


did they really just try to copy Venom Snake?

How were they ancestors if they were dead?

yeah Bilbo Ross is the one who strongly implied that, like Killmonger was a rogue agent out of control a la Jason Borne
it really made me think...

>iron man
daddy issues
daddy issues
>guardians of galaxy
daddy issues
>black panther
daddy issues

What the fuck is with disney and daddy issues?

am I being memed on right now? I'm starting to worry I'm being memed

>who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage.

They didn't need that part, it makes the dialogue way too clunky

>death was better than bondage.
Pleb doesn't know the joys of BDSM.

Sup Forums BTFO


nice mouthguard

>yfw thus gets picked up by the NYT and they run it.

In common language you would call a great great uncle and ancestor
Besides you can be descended from an uncle in terms of inheritance and such


He's from Wakanda. They weren't slaves. His dad was a literal Kang

Nuanced commentary on the fatherless state of Western society.

>We're supposed to believe this 25 year old who attended American college had nothing but RACCIS experiences with duck american millenials.

So much for being a badas.

that's what I would think. I wonder what part wakanda had in that.

It's projection of their own issues. Otherwise they wouldn't be ok with the self hate and shameless race baiting marketing.

You didn't read the thread. Fuck off.


What "daddy" issue? Even in his vision, there was no issue with his father.
And there wasn't any ambiguity in his fucking revenge plot.

>when i die bury me in a gucci store (what)
anyone else find that line a tad odd??

If they jumped from the ships then how did they raise their children?

Black Panther is the best movie I've ever seen, EVER!

Black Panther is the most ingenious movie of this century, of ANY century. Ryan Coogler has created the perfect movie, flawless in every way. He has sculpted a masterpiece. Flawless and perfect. In fact, you can call it a Masterpiece of Flawlessness.

Black Panther is the greatest thing to happen to Sup Forums since the invention of the talkies, and the most important thing to happen to mankind since the invention of fire.

A one of a kind experience. Nothing on Earth compares to this heartwarming, majestic, epic, and beautiful work of art. If the greats from the renaissance were alive today, they would kill themselves for being so shitty compared to Black Panther!

Ryan Coogler's poetic dialogue about a bunch of niggers mumbling about kangz n' shiet should be compared to the greatest works of literature. In fact, if I could, I would take a shit on every book ever written! Because Back Panther is the best FUCKING THING EVER!!!

Sorry, I'm just very passionate about how much I fucking love Black Panther.

>if we let refugees in they bring their problems with them

fucking BASED

When was he any good in Creed? The only scenes worth mentioning were Stallone's.

it's a "greek tragedy" issue, as in Oedipus/Electra
his dad never said "go and avenge me son", he just took it in his own hands even when he visited his father's spirit
>And there wasn't any ambiguity
again, it was Agent Watson who kept saying CIA trained agents do that. if it wasn't for his remarks everyone would be sure he was doing it for revenge against T'chaka and the whiteys

Kino. Racists here get mad because they take it personally, but if you were black you would think the same as him. You would want to seize power back from whitey, and end the oppression of your people. You would judge Wakanda for refusing to help defend their own race.


now this is the greatest line of all cinema history, better than "Rosebud" and "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!"

When I die bury me with all my ice on

>He was a good man. Send flowers to his bitches and hoes.

Pretty much the only good writing in the movie

>What the fuck is with Marvel and daddy issues?
It's all in the comics.

It seemed pretty obvious to me that the agent's remarks were unrelated to killmonger's mental status, given his backstory.

white evil
black evil


You can also be descended from someone who had kids, then died

In fact, that's kind of necessary

>ScrewAttack had Black Panther beat Batman in Death Battle


i'd give anything to watch him fuck her

>It's all in the comics.

true that

He might be, don't judge him.

Anyone who thought Batman would win is retarded. It was so painfully obvious. I hated that they had that fight at all.


Batman regularly beats people FAR out of his league.

Darkseid would rape Black Panther a new asshole. Batman fucked him up with science

two conditions need to be met:
>ancestor jumps off the ship and dies
>ancestors progeny needs to arrive to the US alive
now my question is, did the ancestor impregnate a woman on the ship? or did he have children on the ship with him?

Probably both