As a Superior White Male:

>An educated Black Man who is better than me is my worst nightmare.


Don't fall asleep tonight.

If we don't elect Trump, the Blacks will definitely become superior than us White people. GO VOTE TRUMP!!!!!

no, they should be helping their people and fixing africa.

Most "educated" black men are morons who were pushed along thanks to inordinate resources, affirmative action, and low expectations.

Never met one
Guess they steal clear of pure maths

how many blacks of substantial intellect are there in the entire country? 1000?

Why do retards always equate education with intelligence?
If you're a nigger there's literally no excuse for you not to have a college diploma.
They basically hand them out like candy to every shitskin in this country thanks to affirmative action/diversity programs. It doesn't mean you're smart, it just means you're a nigger with a silly hat and a piece of paper.

black men don't get no dam affirmative action. that shit goes to black women and white women...

We're smart with bigger dick, as your women.

An educated, successful black god is GOD to white women....

>Why do retards always equate education with intelligence?


>We're smart with bigger dick, as your women.

lol, k

I havent met a single black post-grad at my school.

I would never date a nigger. White women hate you. Literally the only interacial paring I ever see is WMAF or AMWF.

OK, Jerome.

I've met a few but that's it, only a few. I had a black girl friend, who was one of the brightest people I knew, say to me once that she was thinking of giving up on black men because even the ones in college were dumb as rocks.

Trump wants to help inner cities though.

> educated Black Man
top kek

So smart that you all chimp out every time someone looks at you funny?

So smart that 99% of you achieve nothing and are a drain on society?

I'm more likely to meet a fucking unicorn than a smart dindu.

This. I fucking hate smart blacks. I actually cried a night when a black stole the women I had a crush on in University

>be me
>see hot as fuck women
>blond hair blue eyes
>say hey baby you so sexy if Hitler won you'd be in his eugenics breeding program
>she looks at me all weirded out and walks away
>I see her next making out with a black guy
>I just stand there watching them make out all night
>I went home crying

Fuck blacks why didn't Lincoln deport them.

Why do black dudes believe this shit? How does this make fucking sense to you?

We want you to be educated and not ignorant violent, barely sentient gibs-tier. Fuck you, your bait and sage this stupid fucking thread.