Why do white people fear Wakanda?
Why do white people do everything in their power to stop Wakanda from being reality?
Why is Sup Forums so against Black Panther and Wakanda?
Why do white people fear Wakanda?
Why do white people do everything in their power to stop Wakanda from being reality?
Why is Sup Forums so against Black Panther and Wakanda?
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Wakanda is literally what the entire planet would turn into overnight if white and asian people disappeared.
wtf are u talking about. go somewhere else.
thought they got it from aliens?
Why come they never learned us Wakanda history in history class? White people be blocking the truth again?
Look, Einstein. Wakanda is fictional and mostly used as a metaphor for the US. Get it now?
black people are retards. white people wouldn't give a fuck if wakanda existed. in fact they'd be happy because maybe that would mean niggers would stop acting like niggers and be useful members of society.
But we aren't. In fact most of us are willing to spend money for plane tickets so African-Americans can go back to Africa to build Wakanda.
pointless, they would spend that money in a weekend of err force ones and just come back the second a Dem was elected.
Why did white people make a movie about Wakanda?
... for that matter, why did white people create a comic book about Wakanda? (I'll give a hint..$)
The Chinese are unironically stripping African resources right from under their noses but they are so fixated on hating white people that they wont notice until its too late
>Why is Sup Forums so against Black Panther
coz it's capeshit, and capeshit needs to die
in addition it's blaxploitation movie
>gets MCU capeshit viewers
>gets niggers who don't give a shit about MCU just coz of nigger cast
this movie is capeshit on steroids, more cancerous than any other capeshit, coz of blaxploitation bit
wokeanda nigga
bitch niggas better recognize
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport all blacks back to Africa?
>why do white people
>implying ALL white people
you're thinking and talking like a racist
I would fucking jump at the chance to send all blacks back to Africa. The problem is that the blacks that are already in Africa aren't developing technology, they're fighting each other and then fleeing their own wars to come here.
We Wakanda kangs an shit
>keep seeing nigs saying a work of fiction PROVES that whitey be keepin' a brotha down, I y'all didn't make my great great great great grand daddy work no fields, we'd be flying cars n shit
Wakanda aint fictional bitch its what AFRICA wudda been if white bitches didnt steal our culture and destroy the land. we will build Wakanda again and now we know to help blacks all around the world once we advance enough and exclude white subhumans from ruining our paridice.
Oh no no no no
>most colonized places in africa are the wealthiest
>places that got least white intervention are among the poorest
>colonialism didn't make any colonialist nation richer
>it basically only benefited Africans, Europeans didn't get anything from it
Remember when we freed the slaves? Well, we basically established a brand new country just for them where they could be left entirely to their own devices, 100% free of oppressive wipeepo. It's called Liberia. Pic related. This is the closest niggers can get to Wakanda.
No they aren't. Your Sup Forums education is cringe worthy. African politicians don't give a shit about whites. And if China is taking resources it's probably a deal made because China helps build and does labor work for Africa on several occasions.
>pick a shitty african country to make a cherrypicked argument
Why not better off countries like Rwanda or Kenya?
>Why do white people fear Wakanda?
>Better off countries
>names two european colonies
>literally better off cuz White people laid the foundation and systems previously.
Fuck outta here with that bullshit. boi
Because Rwanda and Kenya weren't earmarked for repatriation, dipshit. All freed US slaves had the option to repatriate to Liberia, with full citizenship, which many did.
also this
remember Zimbabwe and all the other fucking countless examples?
What? Paul Kagame ended the genocide and turned his country around by himself. Are you honestly trying to take credit for Rwanda and Kenya not being shitholes? Their population is still black and according to you Sup Forumstards, black people can't keep countries afloat.
They didn't have anything to do with Africa over 3000 years ago, what's holding them back now?
>being this naive
Oh wait, you're a chink.
>Wakanda is literally what the entire planet would turn into overnight
That user's point was Liberia was not a European colony. It was land given to former slaves to create their own country. The name of the country is based on the word liberated since they were slaves that were freed.
We Wakanda kangs an shit
China is colonizing Africa for the land and for the mineral wealth. They recognize that Africa is being wasted under African management.
Zimbabwe is one country in a continent with 51 of them.
Communist China is also building a military base in Africa to protect their interests.
fuck whitey lmao
>no no no not true
>user gives example
>no no no that's just one
le sigh
>dindus need fantasy to cope with the fact their nation is a shithole
Das rite
>their nation
Africa is continent, a giant shithole continent.
What race are these people?
China is connecting East Africa to their massive maritime silk road project.
While yes, there is obviously going to be some exploitation, it's also going to help those countries a great deal. The improvements to life there caused by China are already noted, by either side.
It's not just some neo-colonization where only one country benefits. Many African students are also being invited to study in Chinese universities and there's some level of cultural exchange.
British from the look of them.
White people don't really have to try to do anything to stop Wakanda from being a reality. There are no magic space rocks that can increase the average black IQ
>Why do white people do everything in their power to stop Wakanda from being reality?
We realized a long time ago that we don't have to try to stop niggers from developing. We can just wait for them to do it, and the results are the same.
South Africa does the same shit just slower. Replacing whites in goverment positions with blacks unfit for the job and fucking up the country long-term.
Colonialism benefited Africa more than it did Europe. That's why Europe withdrew. China will realize the same thing. Neo-colonialism only really benefits Africans. China will leave too and Africa will sink bank to its base state. It's expensive to send whites and Asians to manage Africa. There's not much profit in it.
>Why do white people do everything in their power to stop Wakanda from being reality?
We don't have to. The reality is all around us.
Exactly. If black people don't like the U.S, why don't they just fucking leave
>it's also going to help those countries a great deal
And they'll bitch and moan about it just like they everyone else whose lives were immeasurably improved under European colonization.
>It's not just some neo-colonization where only one country benefits. Many African students are also being invited to study in Chinese universities and there's some level of cultural exchange.
So, exactly like European colonization then?
The Africans will get fed up eventually and kill the Chinese "invaders". That's just life.
if blacks want to segregate themselves to a mythical nation and stop existing I'm all for it
China isn't really colonizing Africa, though. At least not in the same way Europeans did. They don't have to actually control the country from the ground up. They can just pressure their government into doing what they want, which they already do.
Their silk road project will still funnel a massive amount of money toward the homeland. It's definitely going to be worth it in the long run. There's just the added benefit of uplifting some parts of Africa, so they're at least stable.
This. Africa is the last remaining wild west of the resource game. And the pioneers are already there, and they're China. Even just in the last year the US forfeited the fruits of a century's worth of spending and hard work on that continent.
In every field, where US loses, China is happy to make the gains.
theyre as much American as anyone else born there. thats what happens when a country is made on the foundation that anyone who wants to be the nationality, can be.
siberia also has a bunch of unexploited natural resources
russians have been playing the long game this whole time
>China isn't really colonizing Africa, though. At least not in the same way Europeans did
lol no shit, no one is, bc to do so you'd have to have not learned anything from 3 centuries of european colonial fuckups there.
>gee lets pretend it's the 1600s again!
Even China isn't that fucking retarded.
How is that like European colonization?
Europeans largely controlled all the major positions of power in any area they colonized. There aren't Chinese heads of state or politicians in Ethiopia or Uganda. They can rely on the existing power structure, instead of having to rebuild the entire system.
Also when did African natives get to go to universities in the European homeland?
They will. This is only beginning. China only gives contracts to Chinese companies. They don't give money to Africans or allow African workers near their projects. The are building a new China.
Yeah but good luck making inroads on that.
Africa's the last remaining wild west because it's basically all there for the taking yet. The poverty is so widespread yet that you can get gov officials to give you anything for a quick buck, and it's not even corruption.
Show up in Russia and try the same shit, and you find out just how closed that particular frontier is.
>The are building a new China.
In East Africa? As opposed to all the other locations which have a large Chinese diaspora?
You could pick any country where China has a presence, from Canada, to UAE, to Australia, and make a similar colonization argument.
>have a literal wonder-metal that can do ANYTHING
>"let's use it to make stronger spears!"
Fucking retards I swear. They'd get their asses wrecked by any other country on the continent in a war.
>Europeans largely controlled all the major positions of power in any area they colonized.
Europeans DID use the existing power systems. The Chinese don't directly support local rulers, as Europeans did, but that's because politics as a whole has changed globally, and they simply use bribery to control their puppet states, as opposed to open support that Europeans provided.
>Also when did African natives get to go to universities in the European homeland?
Constantly. They have special scholarships that are STILL running, decades after colonialism ran it's course. They also provided for local Universities and education and infrastructure, and to completely one up China, Europeans allowed MIGRATION of Africans to the homelands. Something the Chinese notoriously won't do (since if you ask the Chinese it's not colonization).
Right now Africa is getting all the disadvantages of colonization and none of the benefits. The Chinese are just strip mining them. And...to be fair to the Chinese, the ruling African elite are welcoming it.
AND...this isn't Africa specific. China is raping Canada and Australia blind, using the same methods, though more subtle, and their leaders are equally compliant (many would say corrupt).
I don't know m8, it's just the wilderness vs the russians
in africa you got africans being generally shitty employees, local governments to deal with, local tribes and shit to deal with, then other competing nations.
It's probably pretty even.
>Colonialism benefited Africa more than it did Europe
Depends what you consider a benefit doesn't it.
When China causes an outbreak that decimates the US population and shoves the survivors in concentration camps in the fucking swamps of the south, and then builds chingchong houses out of composites with monorails all over the place, well that's fuckin real neat if what you consider a benefit is a bunch of some other cultures houses and trains that you lack the education to keep running after they leave & just watch fall apart.
If what you consider beneficial is anything else in life but a handful of material goods, someone telling you that the era Chinese colonialism was the greatest thing to happen to you (bc trains are neat) reveals themselves fully.
Strange. I made this post here And precisely did make that comparrison between Africa and Australia/Canada.
The Chinese attitude here (Australia) is;
>You (British) did it to us first
And the Chinese have ALWAYS been an issue in Australia (leading to our infamous White Australia Policy).
>Africa would have been some great and powerful nation if it weren't weak as fuck
yeah actually thinking about it, even though russia has law, so did the wild west, and as soon as there's some cash on the barrelhead, the rule of law becomes incredibly interpretive there too. ...not like Siberians really love Russia anyway.
Probably a good case to make for Siberia not being less or more wild west than Africa, just slightly different.
It is all relative of course.
For many Africans it's a huge improvement being post colonial. For others it's not.
Just like globalization in general has been a huge boon for many Europeans, but for others it's been life/community ruining.
A wealthy Nigerian family living in London is extremely well off thanks to colonialism.
Some dirt poor fuck struggling to make ends meet in the DRC is gonna have a different perspective.
>not like Siberians really love Russia anyway.
siberian here
we don't really like or hate anything, apathy ensues.
tho some do consider west russia (mostly moscow) being bunch of fags
Chinese are colonizing Canada. The Canadians don't even know it yet but they are headed for a future of Chinese control. Africa will be the same.
>there just happens to be a siberian in the thread
>with a computer
>who isn't busy hunting squirrels to eat to survive til spring
I dont know why I found it so surpising that Siberia as an actual summer, like with 20+°C. I always thought that place is constantly frozen.
bitch I WISH you niggers would all go and build yourselves a wakanda so you'd stop trying to come here
The difference is that the Chinese diaspora is not China’s Communist government whose only aim is to benefit the power of the secretive members of the Communist Party. It's true some Chinese in other countries are agents and spies but most are loyal to the country they're living in.
Careful what you wish for. Some day you will see African space ships landing in your country and conquering you.
I'm being lazy today
also as far I gather we have cheaper net access than quite a lot of other countries, lol
70 mbps for 10$ a month, no limits period.
that's okay, usually it stays around +30C, and sometimes get to +40C, heat fucking kills me, I better off dealing with -40C instead
So we have insane temperature range. But winter is generally quite some months longer it supposed to be.
>Why do white people fear Wakanda?
>Why do white people do everything in their power to stop Wakanda from being reality?
y'alright there son?
Also what kind of food do they eat in Wakanda?
they did actually. liberia. country formed by african-americans. but it's now one of the poorest countries in the world.
>Also what kind of food do they eat in Wakanda?
Vibranium pills
They eat the hearts and buttocks of their enemies.
>what kind of food do they eat
white meat
>Dinner time in Wakanda
>"Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!"
>They tear apart Martin Freeman