>American “””””””pizza”””””””””””
American “””””””pizza”””””””””””
Reminder that in an attempt to avoid the anti mobile posting mafia, apple has once again changed the image filenames on their phones
this is the new phoneposter filename format. please name and shame all phoneposters whenever you see them.
To filter them you can add this
I recommend putting ;exclude: and then boards like /c/ afterwards, if you use them. Note that this only filters apple devices.
You got a problem with our 'za?
I was wondering what this format was about, they do seem about as low quality as the guys that used to be covered by this:
I love these threads.
>op is hungry
>has no food
>shitposting is how he is coping
so? who cares
Americans with brains realize that's Chicago tomato cheesecake. No one with a white brain considers that pizza.
Whats wrong with posting from your phone?
That's Obama's America
excuse me I ordered the chili covered spaghetti
Always wanted to try this, its like cheese soup in a dough bowl. how do americans eat this
It's surprisingly thick. It holds after you cut it into "pizza" slices. Haven't had it in a while but it's good.
It's called Italian Style Yorkshire Pudding and you eat it with a spoon.
that is a fucking awful 'za
Nothing, if you're on facebook or reddit. Phoneposters are retards who make low quality posts and contribute nothing of value to the site.
>american burgers
People who actually belong on this site, homo.
Chicago style pizza is basically lasagna with bread instead of noodles. It’s pretty good, the metric assload of cheese holds it into one solid mass.
That's just an appetizer
It's fucking good if you can get past the "IT'S NOT REAL PIZZA" autism. You don't need to go to Chicago either, just go to any Uno Pizzeria in any American city.
I post with android and clover pretty much exclusively and the file name uploaded is always the same as how it was downloaded. How are you going to filter me?
well too fucking bad because they aren't going anywhere.
>nigger attitude
Keep digging.
Is that chicken fried steak?
that's go 'za. real Americans steer clear of that abomination.
It's more sauce than cheese. Lots of tomato and meats. Kinda like a big tomato soup bowl. It's not really pizza and only Chicagoans think it is.
just biscuits and gravy for me
I've already got a filter for blacked.com filenames
>American tomato and cheese pie
>redditor defending gatekieeping despite gatekeeping being a Sup Forums tradition to keep his kind out
>Chicago style
Deep dish mostly North Side thing. South side has the superior cracker thin crust with well done bake. Vitos and Nick's destroys any of the deep dish (which is still OK occasionally, but I fucking hate the whole tomatoes).
>he gets triggered over phoneposters
>brazillian "pizza"
Nobody cares, literal nigger. Move to a white city.
But Dogfart so much better because they go both ways.
>angry person with a phone made for retards and gays
only burgers and hotdogs for us please
that's a poorly cooked pizza, obviously, but at least it's not a casserole masquerading as a 'za
It clearly says cheese not included.
Real pizza coming through
This is an Italian delicatesse pizza. Unlike those cheese and tomato pies you American shitheads keep posting
pineapple pizza is the most glorious of pizzas. fact.
How are you even supposed to eat that?
I don't like it like that the shells are too crunchy
Oh yeah clearly there’s no cheese or sauce on that pizza, you fucking idiot
Europeans are too gay to make food to fuel a testosterone filled man.
clearly, that's the New England special
Euros are trying to steal our artisan pizzas now
How does anyone find this appetizing?
>Pretending to be retarded
Phone posters are shit posters. Phones use IPv6 addressing so there are literally more IP addresses than stars in the nearest 2 billion galaxies. Sup Forums mods can never ban all of the IPv6 phone poster IP addresses. The shitposting potential is for all intents and purposes infinite. Once the rest of the internet goes IPv6 in the next few years shitposting will be unstoppable.
>mexican "pizza"
Lets be honest. Ban evading is pretty simple and trivial as is.
Depends on your ISP. Not all will give you a new IP just because you reset your modem. Some give you the same IP for weeks at a time. But all phone companies give you a new IP every few minutes.
you guys need to get a grip
brother, this is Sup Forums
My order tonight was kino :)
I can't even phone post anymore. I used to be able to on Sup Forums and Sup Forums but as of last week that stopped and my ip range is gone
literally marvel/st star wars tier
>tfw only have shitty trash papa johns to order from
fuck my life
i eat burger king now
I think the logical conclusion is to have people sign up for a Sup Forums account using a photo ID. That way you only get one account for life, and if you abuse your posting privileges you will be held accountable.
No one cares about your trash opinions. Skyline is fucking delicious.
I bet you're not even from Cincinnati
why do west coasters do this?
I love 'go 'za!
Lol fuck off you autistic faggot
Damn this is embarrassing kill your self hahah
i see this webm all the time, but havent seen the actual video. is this guy just trolling?
>he's never had Cincinnati chili
Even as a Texan, I can say that you're missing out.