You do realize that he's out right?

Because you can't insult your fanbase like this and get away with it.

Kennedy is probably gone too, but it'll be official sometime after Solo.

Johnson is definitely not getting his trilogy because he keeps insulting the fans on twitter and Disney won't have that. The GoT guys are a smokescreen, but I honestly think they're gonna get canned at some point too.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody at Disney gives a shit.
And the fags at r/StarWars are probably going "You go, J.J. Stick it to those altright misogynists who made a no female cut of TLJ."
Everyone is going down with this ship, if it even goes down like everyone here hopes. Disney will never admit a mistake.

They will when the franchise's profitability takes a bit hit.


They're obstinate. It would have to happen twice, and they would probably misunderstand the reason for it, anyway, and call for more focus groups.
But hey, I hope it is a dumpster fire. It would be fun to watch.

It could be worse, they could be raping a good franchise.

TFA didn't make 2 billion dollars. Disney has spent another 2 billion building Star Wars focused theme parks. They are in the hole and bleeding.
You cannot insult people like this. This is a public relations nightmare the moment it got published Lucas films went into panic mode.

It was, once. Before the dark times, before the Mouse.


god I would be so fucking happy if they fired Abrams. I don't even care who they replace him with. Ain't gonna happen though.

Besides, the people r/StarWars are clearly following a script and on multiple accounts. I bet if /tv were to raid them they'd be broken.


They can't keep him. He has soiled himself if they did they'd lose money. TLJ was a colossal failure. Kennedy is out after solo guarantee. They'll say that she's taking on a different role in lucas films or something like that.

I think that people don't really recognize what it means to be "threatened" by something anymore.

Because, yes, what feminists are trying to do is a genuine threat and should be treated as such.

Abrams is one of the biggest directors. They're not gonna fire him.

Like the fact that the media is just jumping over TLJ and hiding any bad news tells you that shit is going down behind the scenes. Lucas has had to throw a fit and threatened to smack talk Kennedy to the fans by now if they didn't do something.

>shit on the demographic that likes Star Wars the most
>movies make less and less money

He's going downhill for years. It doesn't matter how big he is, if you say shit like 'star wars fans are scared of women' that's not going to go well. The higher they are the farther the fall.

>“We’re not asking to take away the male point of view or male artistry or male contribution,” he told IndieWire. “We’re simply saying, ‘What is fair?’ I can see why people might get freaked out by it, but the people who are getting freaked out are the people who are accustomed to that privilege, and this is not oppression, this is about fairness.”

>“Star Wars is a big galaxy, and you can sort of find almost anything you want to in Star Wars. If you are someone who feels threatened by women and needs to lash out against them, you can probably find an enemy in Star Wars”, Abrams continued.

>“You can probably look at the first movie that George [Lucas] did [Star Wars: A New Hope] and say that Leia was too outspoken, or she was too tough. Anyone who wants to find a problem with anything can find the problem. The internet seems to be made for that”, he said.

Where's this horrible insult that's got you so triggered, OP?

He isn't going away... Unless if a false rape accusartion hits him which I hope happens.

And youll be first in line for solo and jj's next three movies you faggot

You can't force niggers to watch a movie and pick up cotton for you.

Got work harder to earn that money shill.

This isn't politics this is business. They're acting like nothing is wrong, but they are panicking because I guarantee stock holders have been bitching to Disney since profits declined. The adults have stepped in I guarantee it.


kek were you born in 1999?

>a jew
>ever losing his career over mocking white males

>Lucas has had to throw a fit and threatened to smack talk Kennedy to the fans by now if they didn't do something.
what the fuck are you talking about?

Yes, I feel threatened by women, I admit it, okay?

Doesn't change the fact the movie is shit.

>false rape accusation
>false rape

user, Jews dont fake rape people. They go in hard and dry.

Not even then. The first two movies were great, the third was only good for the time it was released and everything else was mostly garbage. Moreso since George gave the finger to works he didn't create.

>He resides inPacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California.[48][49]He isJewish


I sure am threatened by Admiral Chakracleansediet and Fatty Mechanic. They aren't bad characters, I am just threatened by their gender.

no fucking shit look at his nose

You're the one who's out op. Out of your mind!




>All these DRUMPFAGS actually think JJ and Kennedy are going to get fired

After the huge success of Black Panther, Disney isn't going to do anything to them.

Face it DRUMPFAGS diversity sells. Soon, there will be nothing but PoC and women in Star Wars and Marvel. That's what happens when you elect an orange MEME for president

those two have nothing to do with Marvel you absolute brainlet

I hope this movie show Syrian refugees going to Israel for sanctuary. If Israel is going to bomb Syria and create refugees, then they should give them homes. Only a monster would disagree.

>clasps hands
why do they always do this?

Kennedy has to be intentionally trying to kill the franchise. Or are her and cohorts really this incompetent and tone deaf?

>Rey, did I ever tell you about Jaina Solo? Before ben came along, Hand and Leia had three other kids. She was a powerful jedi and the most promiscuous to exist since the fabled Aayla "Human Onahole" Secura. On long voyages me and Han used to ride her home until our aging legs gave out. She eventually became a greater jedi than even me and could suck more parsecs of cock than an adrenaline pumped twi-lek in heat. I don't know what happened after that because me and Han got kicked out of the new republic for selling jawa juice to alcohol-intolerant natives in over a dozen systems. And she was a good friend.

Nobody has a problem with women in the role. It's that they're so fucking horribly written and unlikable.

More like apathetic. She's attempting to pursue goals besides maximizing the amount of money disney makes from star wars. She's probably also incompetent and wouldn't be maximizing the money disney makes from star wars if she tried, but that's besides the point because she isn't.



He's literally the new Shamilamadingdong

Based on the threads I was reading on here, plenty of guys were heavily complaining about the feminist agenda and shoving women in everywhere and Poe being 'emasculated' and shit.

It was mostly just general shitposting, but there's enough of it going around for Disney to use it as damage control.

What's going to happen if Black Panther outgrosses The Last Jedi? Feige has proven, over and over, that he can spin straw into gold. Meanwhile, Kennedy has had two straight movies of diminishing returns.

That's a funny point. They even had the perfect stronk female character ready that the fanboys would all be willing to accept. Maybe the original actors' age messes with a direct adaptation of eu but they could still approximate these things while fans clapped at all the references they were getting to things they had read.

nothing he said seemed wrong or as an insult. All these babies on Sup Forums are getting worked up by the writer of the article's spin and clickbait titles. He's doing a good job of walking the line without actually saying anything.

>Human onahole
...nigga, come on.

hopefully they realize that he doesn't comprise his movies by forcing diversity and agenda as what drives the movie and try to copy that instead of moving him over to star wars and then force him to do it.

Gods, what have I done?

so is this the real master plan why such feminism and blacks are pushed in movies? You can’t criticize or give a bad review or else you are a racist pig.


Internet trolls are not the "fans."

Fans do not harass women and spew misogyny and racism. That is what losers do. You do not get punished for calling out losers.


I have a feeling Feige is too smart and self-aware to accept that sort of "promotion," even if it were offered to him. He's comfortable in Marvel, in Star Wars he would be out of his depth.

Oh no, Sup Forums isn't your personal echo chamber or hugbox! Better blame reddit!

internet trolls are anyone who doesn't like whatever product they're trying to push this week


Not a particularly adept plan. Soon enough audiences will just avoid the films outright because they haven't enjoyed the direction their going and they're tired of being called racist or sexist for not enjoying them. Then they can bitch and moan all they like that people are sexist or racist for not going to see them, but when they're not making money they can't really do that long term. They need to give people a product they actually want.

>internet trolls are anyone who doesn't like whatever product they're trying to push this week
Every year fewer people go to the movies percentage-wise. Every year, "bankable" (((stars))) and "summer tent pole" movies and "safe bets" fail spectacularly. People don't go to the movies to see certain actors, or certain directors, or certain franchises anymore. The audience has caught on. The best jokes are all in the trailers, the featurettes and interviews are as scripted as the movie itself, everything is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator as it forces globalist leftist propaganda down everyone's throats, the reviews are fake, nobody knows what they're doing, the virtue signaling liberal elite are all con-artists and rapists… and YOU'RE the misogynist for not giving them money.

This is it. The final media blitz. The desperate ploy to shame YOU into swallowing what they're selling: propaganda. Swallow it, you cow. Give us your money, you sheep. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, you sexist pig? How dare you criticize Hollywood? Bow down, and don't forget to disable your ad blocker to read our articles shaming and brainwashing you.

>brave, smart, capable women of The Last Jedi
>the same women that ruined everything

They're fucking morons for not planning the whole trilogy in advance and winging it as it comes. Now that it's on the shitter they might as well give EP 9 to a truly left-field choice and let them make a movie disregarding everything before it like TLJ did. Complete the round robin

J.J. is gone you cannot dis the fans, your customers, and get away with it. Star Wars is down the tubes and Kennedy will be fired. Rian will loose his trilogy.

Come on Anons don’t be in dismay.

hopefully it does so bad Disney is forced to sell it back to Fox and they retcon this shit trilogy


That could only happen in the best of timelines.

where exactly did he dis the fans?

>his hope and optimism....gone

These movies are so shitty.
>the rebels now can fit on one small frigate
>the new empire has nothing better to do than trundle along behind the remaining rebels at low speed for a day. You get no sense that they have anything better to do, like, rule a galaxy or fight other factions
>disinterested third parties sell weapons to both, so apparently neither side is even making their own super distinctive gear
>again, neither side is even big enough to field a highschool football team, and we are expected to believe this is a galactic war with real stakes
>the new bad guys have literally never beaten the protagonists. They are worse than saturday morning cartoon villains.
Yeah, but really its all because misogynists.


>Kennedy is probably gone too, but it'll be official sometime after Solo.
She's the Amy Pascal of Star Wars. She won't be going anywhere for at least another 18 months.


>L-Lord Lucas! Y-You've returned!
>Yes, and I'm taking my franchise back you hook-nosed kike

Really obviously too, not to mention, because the only good discussions happen at the bottoms of threads over there

Halt there criminal scum, you just broke the sarcasm-limit.

>why do they always do this?
because they're scheming at all times. Also Spielberg and Abrams look so alike it's uncanny.

As someone who was helped through is carreer by his tribe's nepotism, should he avoid bringing up the topic of privilege?

No, instead he pretends to speak for white men who didn't share his jewish birthrights.

And yet Black Panther is now one of the highest grossing films of all time

Seems to me people are perfectly okay with "globalist liberal propaganda"


I just realized, they're not pandering to feminists and minorities because they think those are the core demographics that like their IPs. They're doing it because those are the people willing to give giant companies money as a political statement despite the fact that you don't really have to pay for entertainment any more.

Goddamn it what is with you all. Not everything is controlled by the Jews. And don’t say “you must be a Jew shill”. That’s a cop out.




i'm getting marvel comics flashbacks and it's pretty triggering

sprinkled with some pedophilia, the reptilian kike looks like he diddles children, just look at his dead, soulless eyes

Disney seems to be doubling down rather than backing off.
Hiring the GoT shitters was a bad sign. And Kennedy was tipped to be interviewing a female director for SW9.

If Soylo eats shit, then yeah maybe there will be a "re-tuning period" similar to the DCCU and a change of guard.
But if SW9 goes into production before So-Low drops then it's very likely Disney has decided to stay the doomed course they're on.

Oy vey

>GoT shitters was a bad sign

lmao speaking a little soon kike

Of course they're a threat! They keep ruining things I loved!

Jesus, literal muslim "refugee" propaganda.
90% are fighting age men looking for gibs and trouble, let's focus on some woman!
(And ignore all the women and children those men happily left behind in a supposed death-zone for an adventure in Europe)

>complain about shitty writing across the board
>”hehe u just afraid of wymyn sexist pig!!!”

These people are geniuses. If you pander to females, your film is immune from criticism.

This is what Disney deserves for raping Luke's character

he's just another yesman lapdog kike