How do we stop this?
How do we stop this?
Purpose is another boundary.
Git Stoic
You don't you accept it and move on or kill yourself
no shit how do we find purpose
Tip at me all you want, but my faith can move mountains.
user OP is a faggot and a optimist. you have to give him a goal even if he cant achieve it then he will understand when nothing he can do will change anything. then he will let the void take him and all will be well in the universe
cant have faggy try hards trying to do the impossible now can we
>believing in self determinism
Silly child. If you're not on a set path in life, you're just drifting in the void with no hope of attaining anything worthwhile to call your own.
There is no purpose. Just entertain yourself until you decide to give up.
It's pointless to try and stop it.
>How do we stop this?
Refute it.
Ok faggots. Purpose of Life is Life itself.
Just BE Nigga.
If life had a clear cut purpose you would have LIMITS, Life is free it has no limits.
Expose it as the sophistry that it is and ridicule it.
Stop what?
>If it doesn't exist, it's not real
Accept it. Life is ultimately meaningless, but you can make your life have meaning by the things you do and how you impact the lives of others.
no lol
This life is nihilistic, but the next is not.
The brief moments of joy in this life are glimpses of the next life.
What was his end game?
You create purpose arbitrarily as the state. People need something to live for, even if that something is actually pointless.
Fascists perhaps had the right idea with their (otherwise insane) war fetishism, since war is something you can basically always do (and thus direct people towards.)
>believing in an afterlife
I suppose you should. All one can do is give one's self a goal but even that goal is as hollow as all notions of pre ordained goals. On the other hand I suppose while nothing has intrinsic meaning some things hold meaning to me. I enjoy existing and being lucky enough to have what I perceive as an enjoyable experience. Every happiness I've experienced is hollow mere chemical reactions infinitesimally small in the eyes of the universe. So to ops q be happy you exist you're a conscious sentient life form for whatever that's worth to you and whoever knows you. While your here learn some information about the world you inhabit and those around you. Recognise your time is finite and use it how you wish. Oblivion is guaranteed all we decide is the interim
Why contain it?
First Brazil Best Post.
You don't. Get over it, there does not need to be a discussion; that's the whole point, there is no purpose so deal with it faggot.
What doesn't exist is real though.