Michael Moore is on Fox News right now and isn't happy about his statement that had gone viral is being used

Michael Moore is on Fox News right now and isn't happy about his statement that had gone viral is being used.

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Why the fuck is Michael Moore even relevant in this election?

What statement are you referring to?
You'll have to forgive me, but most of us dont spend our time following what some morbidly obese liberal kuck has to say

Damn I miss Don Vito. RIP in pieces homey.


Give it a listen. I promise it's worth it.

>Why the fuck is Michael Moore even relevant in this election?
He wasn't. No one gave a shit what he spouted about. The only reason why he is on the news right now is because his rant about how everyone is pissed is being used for Trump

Also. The fat vagina is shilling for Clinton right now on Kelly and is contradicting himself.

Polarbears are going extinct, he is nervous.

He shouldn't have given what was by far the best-articulated argument for supporting Trump this entire election.


Kek used his words against him to promote trump.

Shit he is such a dumbass fat fuck

He said a Trump win was inevitable. I'll find source in a second.

Why is this fat faggot so patronising?

Why's he not happy?

I'm not watching fox so one of you mopes will have to aware new

Lol no one cares what that fat liberal piece of shit thinks.

What the hell did he think was gonna happen? That was a fantastic statement.
After when he goes into the clinton support part of it, it just gets kind of clunky.


The best thing he's ever done in his life was done ironically.

They cut the recording after that apparently. But after that he's saying he said "For one day."

Save the West from Cultural Marxism! Vote Donald J. Trump November 8th 2016!
Watch: m.youtube.com/watch?v=-E107oPUKZk

This cuck is voting for Hillary because of Women equality. This is the most pathetic thing I heard lol.

Michael "6 million" Moore

Nevermind I didnt see this anons post

Hahaha we used his propaganda against him

Fuck him

This makes me cry. God Bless America.


He dismissed Hillary's war mongering as not important. He just btfo at least one of his own movies to shill for hill.

Every complaint will make it more popular online

I'm suprised we haven't made any memes of this yet

Fucking fantastic.

10/10 news thank you OP.

>t-they didn't play the whole clip and took it out of context!
>now people will watch the whole movie and vote clinton!

nobody will watch it and i bet he accidentally redpills a bunch of normies from the viral clip. sweet booty blastage

>that blouse
If Trump promised to hand over Megyn to his most prolific shitposter to hatefuck if he wins, the election would be over.

This much better with audio/visual in this video.

im surprised it was fox news letting him set the record straight.

>Winning for one day
>instead get butt fuck in infinity with no win

I take my one day celebration

Thats because. he was on Fox just like 5 minutes ago. Even meme magic isn't that fast.

The best part is him literally stumbling on his fucking words when he was saying something for Hillary. The fat fuck fucking knows Trump is the only best candidate but, won't ever soil himself to be a man and admit it.

i imagine that the moment his 4 minutes speech went viral he got a phone call from Hillary herself. Screeching at him about how hes ruined everything

hes in full damage control mode now, trying to stop himself from becoming suicidal and killing himself

>mfw Bichael Boore was trying to bash on Trump but was cut before he gave his "big slam" so now it sounds like he's for him.

The fat fuck is mad because this was taken out of his Trump land movie and it was to show trump who he really was but in a bad way.

Now backtracking. Probably was threatened by hostess.

Found dead with two holes in the back of his head. Ruled suicide by choking on a burger.

He understands the Trump vote, which Trump agreed with and this video shows, then criticized the outcome

The "Brexit regret" he mentions has been debunked so his point about the outcome isn't correct.. hence people not agreeing with or posting that

The fact he doesn't understand this makes me worry the fat is breaking into his brain

Lol now he doesn't like it when film is edited and doesn't provide context

michael moore just fucked up. he gave trump supporters a rallying cry. what an idiot.

For anyone who didn't get to see Michael "Vagina" Moore backtracking



It's as awkward as Mick Foley pretending to care about Womens' Wrestling in 2016, to the point he hypes up every match live even though he's retired. Its super fucking weird man, look it up.

>left wing propagandist
>unintentionally makes right wing propaganda
>becomes butt mad

Best post burger bro

Am I the only one who likes Micheal Moore? Seems like everyone here hates his guts.

Yes. But, don't worry you are gonna hate him now

Yeah but the point is that he is on point about why people want to vote for trump.

The rest of it is just speculation and Moore's personal opinion that Trump won't follow through. He has no evidence that Trump won't/

in his mind the republican.conservative mindset is WRONG, always wrong. We just havent given the liberals enough money to do what they TRULY want to do

its what Bernie sanders and other pseudo intellectuals believe about communism. We just havent had TRUE COMMUNISM yet! I mean the country where the idea was birthed fucking collapsed but that doesnt mean its bad!

if i could id like to ask the fat fuck what it would take to get him to vote republican because hes been so criticial of useless wars but has said Clintons warmongering doesnt count. Hypocrite

I think he's objectively speaking a force for good

He's always been a propagandist.
He knows he is lying.

I loved Roger&Me.

Michael, when you make a speech you end it snappy, poignant, you don't carry on after the killer line with some passive-aggressive nonsense.

You want to be the groom, not the spare prick at a wedding.

The guy from the apprentice is relevant. It's 2016

It sucks when your liberal bullshit bites you in the ass. Fat fuck's systolic blood pressure must be over 6 million right now.

Man, you guys are fast.

Thanks for this.


he gets close but he never gets fully there

>ya! the rich are fucking you!...but... keep doing what they want
>Trump will shake up the house and be a fuck you to the hole system! end all the useless costly wars! but...please vote in more corruption and more wars with Hillary

its like Sargon of Akkad or Dave Rubin- youtubers.

They cover there ears and scream lalala whenever anyone mentions that everything they say is conservative/right wing cause in their minds they are super super lefties.

>I don't care about any of the leaks
>I care about women being paid the same as men

And of course the lgbt shit, and black lives matter, and whatever the fuck else.

How do people not see that this is LITERALLY "putting america first"? Moore truly articulated what he believed in that speech, talking from and about the american people. He will ignore the clinton leaks because they're about other places. Who gives a fuck about libya or syria, give me my damn social justice you fucking shitlords.

He thinks the logical conclusion to every nation-state and every political entity that exists is the total renouncing of its origins, of its cultures, of its people and its values, becoming instead a bastion of 20th and 21st century postmodern, western, light liberal values. He could not give less of a fuck about anywhere else of the world because he sees them as a bit further behind in this perceived inevitable transition than the US is- he thinks they'll get there eventually, so it's not evil that he doesn't care, but he just thinks that the US needs to come first because this is where everythings going (and should go) anyway.

I can almost see the fear behind his beady little eyes.

Hillary Clinton said: "Mike, you endorse me, or your health benefits will expire."

I had been meaning to tell you that this was some high level bait, and he's going to use it to demonise you and promote his movie at the same time. For some reason, it slipped my mind to mention how retarded you were all acting yesterday.

Well his statement belongs to the collective so he can fuck off.

where's the propaganda version?

his arrogance has overtaken his intellect

typical liberal trait




to anger the fat sack of shit

He's such a hypocritical little bitch.

He complains about all of these things and when there's a chance to stand by his principles and drain the swamp that is politics in America today and make his country a better place he returns to the people he hated like a beaten spouse.


>farenheit 9/11
>roger and me
>shilling for Hillary
wow how am I not surprised this bloated fat faggot will do anything for money

Do people watch movies on Itunes? is that a thing?

I'm not going to listen to that fat fuck say a single word. Fuck off leaf.

>The system has failed you
>So go vote for the system that has failed you

damn she's gorgeous (not moore btw)

left out bowling for combine



I don't know why you guys hate Michael Moore.

He's done more to embarrass the Left than all of you knuckleheads put together.

yeah... i'd like to splooge in her hair

she probably wouldn't like it though

how unfortunate

Kind of like Sup Forums

fucking lel
i loved this fat fuck when i was 14
hilarious what a good case he made for trump

No problem bro.

It's beautiful Jappy, listen!


Watch it on YT and give it a like- unless you don't support Trump

It is. It really is.
Too bad he had to start backpedaling.
At this point though, who cares. The damage is done.

>I care about women being paid the same as men
It's like people don't realize that Hillary won't do anything Obama hasn't done already, and therefore all the inequalities they think exist will continue existing.

This guy is such a fucking poser. I read his "stupid white men" book back when it came out and he was pretty redpilled into the whole system, was scathing of Bush etc. Now he says Trump is the most vile ever? Fucking pathetic fat fuck hypocrite

>I understand everything you feel!
>preach preach preach preach preach preach preach

What a fucking cuck. He just drove more people to Trump with that interview.

Anyone who's watched and analyzed Moore's own propaganda--saturated, misleading, manipulative use of editing is laughing their ass off right now. This is a perfect example of the phrase "hoist by his own petard." Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole. As a film editor myself, I'm outraged by Moores's sleazy use of film editing to create a literally false narrative. Fuck him. This is so richly deserved--and hilarious.

if he was green he would look like pepe

wow at least Moore is more than some liberal shill, maybe he might actually have integrity

why would our side have the fire moat?

he's a self-loathing incelibate who hates the idea that donald has done whatever he wants his whole life and made money the whole time
trump is taller, better looking, more successful, he's been happy and fulfilled his whole life and in decent shape, he has a huge loving family and thriving empire and has slayed the world's best pussy

it's just hateful berntard tier jealousy and bitterness

nobody forced you to look like a fucking dead lesbian, Michael

this guy is tabloid-tier journalist.

if he was a lawyer he would be an ambulance chaser

Get anyone trying to jump over by surprise.

Can someone clarify for me becouse I am confused is he actually supporting trump or was the tape an edit

Sargon has on multiple occasions said that a clinon presidency would be catastrophic.

>How dare they he use my words out of context!
What, you mean like CNN, you, and every other media outlet has been doing for 18 months to Trump you fucking hypocrite?

In the words of your own beloved Trevar Noah shitlord, "We're just playing back the words you said."

>maybe he might actually have integrity

no, he doesn't

he found this to be acceptable behavior

you know this exist because the clinton machine ( including hillary ) tried to paint monica as a psycho stalker..with the president as her obsession

she was fortunate to pull this out and dispersed the attack dogs ( james carville particularly )

>maybe he might actually have integrity
nope. he always used to have a hardon for cl*nton back when he wrote his first couple of books, but she's PROVEN she is not a person of her word since then & shilling for a corrupt warmongerer because she's ideologically aligned socially (gun control is the big one in my mind) is pretty morally bankrupt imo.

I don't think he's a bad person and understand where he's coming from, but the whole holier than thou 'I know what's best for you plebs' attitude stinks.