So let me get this straight...

So let me get this straight, black people can have the number one movie in the country and dominate the top 40 in music and dominate all major sports. But let me guess, y’all are still oppressed.

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wahhh wahhh wahhh
>thread hidden

sounds abou right bihhh

This isn't your Twitter

A few rich blacks getting richer somehow negates how most of them live in grinding poverty.

They're not poor because they're oppressed though but because they are terrible people

blacks aren't people

What movie or tv show is this?

So you equate dancing for your entertainment with social and economical power?

More white people live in poverty. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

As the Democrats want them to be, so they can make blacks depend on them, so they get more votes, so they keep the power and make more people depend on them.

per capita?

sounds like black people aren't inferior after all

When society coddles you over your skin, it doesn't matter how dumb and inferior you are.

Whining About Niggers (2018)

>b-but muh slavery

>society coddles you over your skin

like all of US history for white people up to the 1960s?

No dumbass not because of capitalism

Go suck your traitor commie friend Bernie's cock, using Latin doesn't make you any brighter

Makes sense what with there being around 4.5 times as many whites as blacks. I bet you love to point out per capita murder rates too, don't you buckaroo?

>a small number of black people are successful therefore racism doesn't exist (except against whites)

the reason a black film and black music is no.1 in charts is due to whites as they spend money.

literally no black man has spent money on watching a film or music.

This has to be a leftypol false flag.

Don't speak again Wihe Boi
GRRRRA GRRRAA come to muh streets get spilt on da 44

gotta be bait

you sound upset

how is Tyler Perry so rich then?

>There are successful black people
>successful white people are actually jews
blacks really do have it good in USA

Black people smell pretty bad desu


Sorry we don't smell like your basement

Except white people actually worked hard to build the civilizations for which their decents could enjoy and develop further while blacks were still sticking bones up their noses.

Btw Irish people weren't coddled, hell they were treated as lesser beings than niggers at one point.

Are you saying there aren't successful white people?

>we wuz slaves n shit

lmao Irish people were treated bad for about 6 years before they formed the modern police force and Tammany Hall

>Irish people are mistreated
>let's help society by joining police forces and fire departments, that'll earn us respect
>niggers are mistreated
>let's set shit on fire and demand hand outs, that'll earn us respect
Lol at your skin

Black people live in poverty because of black people. No one holds blacks down more than other blacks. Don't want to be caught actin white by getting good grades and staying out of trouble. Lol fucking blacks

yeah wonder why the blacks didn't just walk in and join the NYPD in the 1860s

Yet the bog trotters and potato niggers could.

Early blacks would make actual progress by joining war efforts and putting actually intelligent, respectable African Americans up to podiums to talk. Now, niggers have nothing to complain about, yet they still think it's the 60s

Why are black people so sensitive?

>using Latin doesn't make you any brighter

The US is unironically a black supremacist country.

and it's beautiful

the real question is how did white americans become so cucked?

Sup Forums DESTROYED in two comments (2017 Cringe/rage compilation)

wahhh wahh wahh
>post hidden
what a stupid fuck head

> Black people try to join police forces, army, etc. Barred because of white people
> Black people create their own businesses. Burned down when they get too successful
> Black people create their own town. Literally had bombs and dynamite dropped on from planes by white people

Gee, I wonder why your retarded suggestions didn't amount to anything

I completely agree but
Go back to Twitter

Things that every race deals with

Niggers are not special.

*Cue sassy fat black woman doing that mhhh mhh voice thang and shaking her fists*

I feel sorry for that white guy, After he graduated college with his degree in feminist basket weaving and started working at Starbucks, life must be pretty rough.

When you start weeping like a baby because some fat black dude on the street in New York says the Holocaust was a joke, you're gunna have a bad time.

Define people

How is this helpful to the conversation?

>Define people
Not niggers.

That’s how amazing capitalism is user

You're doing it for our entertainment? In that case, please stop. You're embarrassing yourselves. No one really wants to hear your trap beats, mumblerap and see your black capeshit.

I still remain unanswered. But sure I’ll play along.

Define niggers

only 30% of black americans were under the poverty line in 2016

that's not "most" and why does it matter if the poor are mostly black, white, asian or eskimo? Would it be better if most of the poor people were white?

Why do people talk like this? Get a brain check.

>movies and music are real life
Have Gen Z fags lost their minds lmfao

Best imitation of black people ITT