Which is the better movie, Sup Forums?

Which is the better movie, Sup Forums?

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best Jesus movie is Strange Cargo

Temptation. Gibson is too much of a christaboo to have the perspective sufficient to make true art.

the one with david bowie in it

Last Temptation

The one with Willem Dafoe

Catholic here.
Last Temptation is the better movie.
But Mel still knows the score.

>Catholic here
Why should your opinion be relevant

That's a weird way to spell Jesus Christ Superstar

>willem dafoe
would the son of god look like a mongoloid?

Last Temptation

The most kino jesus scene is from Ben-Hur
prove me wrong

The Passion is better.

The New Coke of Christianity.

>not oriental orthodox

sorry tohave to tell you this, but you're likely going to hell my friend.

>oriental orthodox

The only correct post in this thread (if you don't include this one).

Life of Brian

He was the true messiah.

The Passion since it attempts to accurately portray the gospels and is not borderline sacrilegious edgy fanfiction starring Jews

>Casting one of the ugliest actors in the world to play a man described in historical letters as being extremely handsome

What did (((Hollywood))) mean by this?

>described in historical letters as being extremely handsome
Nice, which infographic did you get that from?

Asiatic orthodog scum.

Temptation is laughable.

Its like a bad school play where they replaced the kid actors with their dads.

The Passion is not only one of the best movies ever made, but it's close to being considered a perfect movie.

>described in historical letters as being extremely handsome
Someone didn't read the Bible.

Whichever is the more accurate film. So Passion.

It took that many replies to finally have the objective right answer, I weep for this board

Last Temptation

The most accurate film about Christ was made by an Italian commie degenerate Pasolini.

I'd say the Last Temptation.

I haven't seen the Passion, but last night I saw Apocalypto and it being laughably bad gives me an idea how Mel would approach a Jesus Christ story.

Other than that, I thought The Temptation was a solid movie. Bonus points for Peter Gabriel's soundtrack.

Last Temptation because the Christ figure was far more relatable and interesting.


>far more relatable

Yeah, it must be nice to be able to relate to someone equally as ugly as you.


Last Temptation was utter shit. Jesus would never make crosses for the Romans. That argument alone is enough to dismiss the entire film.

it's good but why, exactly, did Jesus need to have such exactingly combed smooth hair

It's to show that he was the only white person in the film

Christ symbolism is always kino

Passion had great cinematography, acting and dedication to the source material.

Temptation had Harvey Keitel as Judas.

This is actually harder than i thought.


i am twelve and what is this


>first movie is made by an atheist marxist homosexual pedophile

wow great chart

Passion = accurate portrayal of the kikes
Last Temptation = subversion

Last temptation was just Martin being edgy because he dropped out Of seminary

>no 7th Seal in "Faith" section

Literally pleb tier graph

eh, he makes a movie fake christians on Sup Forums make a thread. I don't notice him trying to fuck with their prerogatives

Never seen the passion don't really want too just seems to me to be another attempt by mainstream christians to turn Jesus into this superman type character. Roger Ebert said it best Jesus has been emasculated in this way. The last temptation shows an unredeemable loser a person that questions why he even exist and is pessimestic about his future. Jesus can't get a girlfriend (he tells Judas that when a women walks his way he can't help but divert his eyes, a person like that back then would be seen as completely pathetic) he still lives with his mom and everybody looks at him like a schizophrenic fuck up that's a real hero not this Mary Sue oh he was blowing all the priests minds when he was 12 at the temple Albert Einstein Ted talk fucking bs.

Willem Dafoe would have been the handsomest man in the middle east 2000 years ago
