Is this comedy?
Is this comedy?
Other urls found in this thread:
a.) It's just comedy
b.) It's really not funny
c.) Chris Rock is actually racist
All-in-all, who gives a shit?
It's funny that literally dickless white faggots will PAY to be told they are hated and should be killed.
It's hilarious to me.
he's advocating for white genocide.
except he isn't?
This is what white fragility looks like.
Awww, are you triggered? Why do you follow these alt-right dipshits that just post this kind of stuff? Looking for someone to blame your problems on because you turned out a failure? You and your russian cronies will not divide us.
This. He's just saying he wants to see white children murdered. Not ALL the white children. Just lots.
And that's a good thing.
it's his views hidden behind the geist of comedy.
How could average white IQ be lowered sufficiently for this to become a reality?
He's not though. He's saying he wants the amount of murdered black people and white people to be exactly the same.
>Awww, are you triggered?
This. White people ALWAYS get triggered and ask for safe spaces because niggers keep raping and murdering their children. How do you think whiteoids would feel if people said mean words about them or someone gave their great great great great grandfather a free boat ticket and room and board in the greatest country on earth? Now THAT'S suffering.
No, it's what white privilege looks like. As in: we have the privilege of not being niggers.
why he wants kids to be shot? is he insane or something?
Breed them with spics.
If an equal amount of white kids as black kids getting shot would be genocide, that's basically saying what's going on to Black people is genocide. Especially given the smaller black population.
He's jealous that whites are higher evolved than negroes and don't act like wild animals.
so you're saying lots of black children are being murdered?
but race aside, he literally said I want kids to be shot
Maybe niggers should stop murdering each other.
Self genocide?
yes by other blacks
But why? Would robbong white parents of their kids somehow pay for the lost lives of black children? What's the reasoning behind this garbage train of thought
Why are white people killing each other so much?
Relative to whites? Yeah, lots. That's what black people do. Murder each other in record numbers on a regular basis. Europeans do it on an irregular basis.
The bit was about police.
And white cops
is this comedy?
The special sucked, and yeah im white, i got the sense that Chris is mentally fucked, his entire stand up was very cynical of his life and society overall
He could have gone better ways with his material, in execution it came across as sad and depressing with how he performed
>resist arrest violently
>get shot
>this is somehow injustice
stop committing violent crime it's that easy
are you okay with this?
But police shoot more white children than they do black?
Joke doesn't make sense.
They're not. They're killing each other so little - as that chart shows.
That said if blacks stopped murdering whites, and those murders got picked up by other whites, they'd get be over halfway to catching up with blacks.
>I can't fathom that a comedian might have made a facetious statement in his comedy special because I exclusively use twitter and infographics as the context for my political reality.
He' said got a point anons
It. Is. A. Joke.
It was a good stand-up special, the fact that some Sup Forumstard watched it while getting all pissy just makes it even better
their true feeling exposed and mentally ill people will still says there's no problem
Explain the righteousness behind this line of reasoning
I'm indifferent to it?
Black people hate white people. Jews hate white people. That's why no one wants to live around them. What's new?
well I want the proportion of black people commiting murder to equal the proportion of white people commiting murder.
and that's a good thing
>resist arrest violently
If you're going to make things up why not just pretend the Holocaust didn't happen? Oh wait, you already do.
I'm honestly getting a little worried about the future here
I remember when Chris Rock was red-pilled and funny
Now he's neither.
>don't bother trying to debate my position or I'll unfriend you and ignore your argument
leftists in a nutshell
If blacks don't want to be shot, why do they keep shooting themselves? To be clear, blacks are shooting themselves. Whites aren't shooting blacks. It is 100% the fault of blacks. Only they can stop shooting each other.
But more white kids are killed in school shootings than by police...
If I'm pro gun, I am holding the value of my life, and my family's life over those who threaten them
>I'm indifferent to it?
are you?
trump literally shitposted on twitter for like 12 hours straight earlier and they all sound desperate as fuck
where did anyone ever mention the Holocaust?
So, wait a minute, you guys go on and on about triggering and fucking how liberals can't take a joke, and now you're made at Chris Rock for making a joke?
Is that the same special were he compared Oprah to Bill Gates, then said Bill is only wealthier because he's white?
He may have been funnier then, but he's always racist and ignorant.
funy joke
>That's why no one wants to live around them.
can you please leave our countries then shitskin?
The subject of historical rewriting was brought up.
Mike brown reached inside of an officers vehicle to attack him. Prove me wrong. I have the courts evidence and the entire trial on my side. Go ahead and prove to me that he had his hands up.
I'm not even sure what anything is anymore. I'm pretty sure i'm dead and in hell.
>But police shoot more white children than they do black
If Chris wants more dead whites and for it to be 50/50, then he must want WAY more dead blacks.
I guess we can all agree on the latter.
He's not joking. Are you actually stupid?
no it wasn't you dipshit
No, you're just a jew trying to derail an argument you're losing.
>Rock doesn't know about School Shootings
>only authority should be armed
Cool they can stop crying about Nazis now
Wheres the funny part brah
So you think that Chris Rock, a comedian doing stand up comedy in a stand up comedy special, legitimately wants to see white children shot and killed?
But you and your family are statistically more likely to be shot if you own a gun.
I thought you valued the lives of your family.
Those black kids are all being shot BY BLACK KIDS.
are you laughing?
>white kids need to get shot because niggers are dumb and get into gangs
And that's a good thing
>dude correlation equals causation
kill yourself retard
I never said it was a funny joke.
Just curious, but why don't Hispanics every complain about the amount of them getting shot up by police and stuff? It's always Black vs White, but I don't ever hear anyone mention the number of Hispanics either shot by the police or killing others, and I assume the number is quite high in some areas.
Do Hispanics just not give a shit or something?
>there weren't enough ovens to burn six million bodies
>the doors of the gas chambers opened from the inside
>Trump never said the Russians didn't do it
Show me the statistics.
they don't have an eternal victim complex like niggers
>Maybe niggers should stop murdering each other.
Maybe niggers should murder each other faster.
To be fair, Parkland just happened.
>why don't Hispanics every complain about the amount of them getting shot up by police and stuff
because all the cops are hispanic. blacks see hispanic cops as white.
Hispanics gets counted into whites when they collect data for crimes and stuff, when it's about voting, they're separate
who are you quoting?
I think it's fair enough that making a joke that not only isn't funny, but that calls for the death of children gets some flak
It should be clear by now that blacks only see black and white
What's the set up and the punchline?
>thinks more black people get shot
no, they just get shot a lot relative to being 13% of the population. and its almost entirely black on black shootings.
>media cares more purpledrank lord skittles than actual victims
>Blacks still whines about, demand more dead whites
>If you have a black son, you need to punch him in the face. Hard!
What did Chris Rock mean by this?
white fragility is that we can recognize bad unfunny comedy?
niggers would rather drag everyone down with them than toil at the bottom alone.
It was a fucking ironic joke
He's telling white cucks not to get bullied by their wife's son, and fight back
It's so unironically funny desu. The fact that the US has got to this state is funny. The fact that this guy is taken seriously is funny. Knowing that other Americans will seriously agree with this because the situation there is so fucked this sounds normal is funny. Oh America, you're so retarded I love it.
>reverse it and make it a white guy that wants to see black kids being killed
is it still an """""ironic""""" """""joke"""""?
>niggers shoot niggers
And how is it white problem? fucking niggers
The whole joke is that if he's gonna see kids shot, he wants equal opportunity murders.
The point of the joke is that he doesn't want to see kids shot at all.
You fuckers think he's being serious about that joke?
Yes you fucking idiot.
Stop shooting each other then you dumb nigger
>What's the reasoning behind this garbage train of thought
It's a shitty joke and also it would force action.
America is really big on the "it's not happening if it isn't directly affecting me"
Just like Like Sam Hyde was IRONICALLY retweeting David Duke to trigger libtards epic style? Oh wait he lost his show over the stupid shit he did I guess the whole ironic thing is taken at face value whenever people need it to