Admit it Sup Forums she's the greatest actress ever and you are in love with her.
Admit it Sup Forums she's the greatest actress ever and you are in love with her
She sucks and I hate her.
whats her greatest feat?
dancing and singing badly in a dishonest oscar bait film?
or doing a bad impression of Billie Jean King in another oscar bait that flopped HARD?
>the same in every movie
>smokers voice
>seems like she has high T
oops, wrong pic
i too remember being literally 12 and conflating looks with talent
Emma's great and I really like her, but she's not the greatest nor am I in love with her.
Zachary Hasbrouck go back to being banned.
She is, and I am
smooth bare shoulder
Mick trash
>make a pic of all the words that make you upset
>think it means anything
lmaoing at you
this is her greatest feat
Sure. I will also admit I really want to french kiss her anus
shut up, gook.
She is kino
Patrician taste
homina homina! wowie !!
I did fall in love after seeing her in this.
And her nude neck
seen better
I am utterly in love with her feet and if I could marry them I would.
But, you are not Eva Green
She's so angry in that one though.
I am in love. Yes. This is true. Hard to deny. Correct. Agreed. Let us move on now. Yes. Quite. Eeek I say. What say you?
Very interesting. Indeed.
How very innapropriate. I don't believe we can see this. Not allowed some might say. Hmm. Yes. Were.
Very cute eyes. Despite the constant bullying. The "frog" nickname. Hmm. In love. I am. Wew.
Looks like I cannot spell inappropriate. Troubling. Always remember you exist at the same time as Emily Jean.
cuttiiiee emloo~!
Literally plebbit the actress kys faggot
32 replies, 21 posters
looking forward to her Lanthimos kino
>every who doesnt like my ugly waifu is zach
32 replies, 21 posters
>two permavirgins autistically obsessed with a celeb they don't like
I would.
hi zach
my dicc got CRUSHEd looking at thiss
Initials on outfit. Cute
yes she's perfect. best personality, best ass, best emma.
i just want to know what she is like in bed, does anyone have any good way of predicting this
She has that particuarly anglo smushed face pug look
cute indeed
wtf how is she under 30
exactly, way past her prime
Oh no she must be ugly now because of a few cherrypicked photos. Oh dear. Youve done it user. Oh my
>i post the same pictures over and over again that'll make them stop liking what i don't like!
she's ugly in all photos. look at her face
>she's ugly in all photos
>posts the same pictures over and over again
frog princess
and you post the rest
This thread is one of the worst things I have ever seen.
Emma is not even her real name, it is Emily. There is only one true Emma, and if you bow before her you may be saved.
>obsessing over actresses
never gonna make it
>doubling down
>What Happened?
Emma Stone just got DROPPED that's what,
i wanna suck them toes!
My deduction skills as a detective tell ne you have quite possibly never had sex.
> He said i look like WHAT?
I want to lick this frog's back and get high
>they're being mean again
big if true
youre a bad detective
emnemly on the bigg bike
she almost makes jlaw look attractive
holy shit she really does look like pepe
I had sex once 12 years ago... holy shit it's overrated.
> she has a tatoo
In the trash it goes.
Always remember that Emma always wants you to try your hardest and she believes in you!
Thank you Emily
>post count didn't increase
d-did they?
>post count didn't increase
This. Cate is one of the greatest actresses ever and I'm so in love with her it hurts.
>Zach's gay lover sperging out while Emma is having fun time
me on the left