Are you prepared?

Are you prepared?
Barracuda will make his first appearance in Marvel 616.
Next Month

You know they're gonna ruin him.

Prepared for him to be shit, yes.

>won't be able to actually cuss

For fuck's sake.

Seems like bad decision

He's going to be neutered, and since his purpose was to be a joke that thought he was a serious threat it'll be unfortunate when they make him a serious threat that recurs like Jigsaw

If he doesn't know someone out with his dick I'll be disappointed

No, the point of Barracuda is that he's jovial and plays up the gangsta stereotype to manipulate everyone around him. He's the smartest and most dangerous guy in the room, and the only reason Punisher can kill him is because he's just a slight bit more dangerous.

It's going to be awful
Fuck you op for reminding me

Then newsflash, prepare for disappointment


imagine that for a whole book

nigga what? did you read his stories?

I might actually laugh if that happened. As long as he's smiling, that would be completely in character.

>Barracuda will make his first appearance in Marvel 616.
>on SJW feminazi Marvel universe
oh boy

Where was he before that? I've only seen single pages so I know almost nothing about the character.

That would make him Marvel's answer to Lobo

MAX doesnt take place in 616

This is not Barracuda. That`s "face", who took that Supersoldier-drug.

Solicit Synopsis

• Frank finally made it home, but a monster followed him out of the northern woods.

• Can the Punisher keep the city safe from a man who began as a psychopath, THEN overdosed on mind-wrecking, strength-enhancing drugs?

• How do you punish that which should already be dead?

>not written by Ennis
>no "fuck you" grill
>generally watered down because mainline Marvel comics are for pussies
It's going to be shit.

ugh, so racist.

A castrated Barracuda in current Sissified Marvel is a bad thing. A very bad thing.

Remember when marvel was trying to hype up mosaic last year

inb4 he join deadpool mercs 4 money


This. Nothing to see here folks, just OP being a faggot as usual.

The current writer for this series sucks ass.

post yfw Based Ennis will deliver us from this river of shit

>BLM cuda

Oh boy I can't wait for more "whitey is evil" propaganda

She's gone as of November. Just this two issue arc to go.

But once The Platoon is done it's back into the river of shit.

>no FUCK YOU grill
Already ruined.

Rosenberg wrote a solid Kingpin, War Machine Frank might turn out all right.

Hopefully. Hydra Frank is going to be awful.

Hydra Frank already came and went.

How bad was it?

whats the point he won't be as fun

Can't wait for fucking Bendis to get his Jewish fingers on him.

Tried to bring in Natasha, revealed that he was working for Steve because Steve promised to bring back every dead person with the cosmic cube and live in a utopia forever. She impaled his legs, went back to trying to kill Steve.