Spoiler alert: lmao

Spoiler alert: lmao

Other urls found in this thread:


the greeks had a word for this

Was it kino?

God damn they’re so embarrassing

I miss having an adult as president

This is Sup Forums related how...?

neither of those things happened

thread theme

Spoiler alert: OH NO NO NOOOOHOO

Who cares those kids are faggots who deserve to die.


Whats not to understand Sup Forums likes to come to Sup Forums because people keep replying to Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums


Not Sup Forums related,

Insufferable cunts


you know whats funny...its like people think we have never had an asshole for a president before. The majority of our presidents have been one kind of asshole or another. But since, most of them are dead it doesnt get talked about much.

I hate liberals so much and I considered myself centre left before the year prior to the election. They pushed me away with shit like this. I just hate them.

>be shitlib
>shoehorn politics into every piece of entertainment
>get butthurt when someone makes a thread making fun of you


Spoiler alert: Quasimodo predicted this.

A bunch of Sup Forumss have come over but they're no longer told to fuck off.. as of 2018. Some fa/tv/irgins have offered them sanctuary here and have endorsed their stay, they've become a part of this boards content output and memery or whatever

I'm one of those who calls Sup Forums their homeboard, been here longer than I'd like to admit and I don't agree with your incessant name calling and finger pointing when the discussion doesn't go your way or just because they come from a specific board with opposing political views. They're here to stay and for me that's just how it's going to be, you should be happy they left that cesspool and are in a better less hateful place

>tfw your soyboy prez is such a failure you have to make yourself feel better be rehashing an election from 15 months ago

they're just gonna make this place like Sup Forums, they can fuck off

>sandy hook
>anyone dying
fucking shill faggot enjoy your 25c

>school shootings
nobody cares