Say what you will about stargate, the costume design was really impressive.
Star Gate
The fifteen years of television that followed were damn impressive, too
>how can they be advanced and fly spaceships without having a western democracy
Really makes you think, Mike.
True. Mike is a closet racist.
Literally Alicia Vikander.
Stargate was fucking great.
Unironically I am sure that he is. But it doesn't really matter one way or the other. Besides they suck at everything outside of talking about star wars.
>when you rewatch the movie years later when no longer a kid and realize the slave boys where the pharoah's harem
Looks more like a guy there than in Stargate.
You sick fuck I just rewatched this and realized they were just younger bodies for Ra to posses in case something goes wrong with his current one.
why are they scantily clad boys though when he could just posses the body of a healthy man?
*shows you his cock*
when i was 12 i thought this was a qt girl. then i saw it as an adult and felt weird about it
castrate yoyrself, dumb fuck
oh wait, you probably already consume industrial quantities of soy
holy shit you fucked up big time, pal. you might as well kill yourself, because when your family finds out about this you are going to die of embarrassment
I want to see Ra dominate Carter in a sexual way
twink doms and mature subs are the best
This is a great action/adventure/sci-fi flick. Ra is legit scary in it.
>implying Carter would be a sub
mong pls
>castrate yoyrself, dumb fuck
quality post right there my man
>What the fuck is oz
It ain't Kansas, that's for sure.
Most of the movie was damn impressive. Sets, costumes, design, music, characters. In fact it's a fucking great movie.
So I just started rewatching the show. You know the episode where everybody lives 100 days?
It really bothers me that Hammond gives up on Jack so easily. Remember when he was like, "If there's a snowball's chance in hell of rescuing our men we'll take it!"
Then he's like, "Whoa, nanites? Fuck that. See ya Jack, thanks for your service."
Makes you think.
Best episode is the groundhog day episode.
Also the soundtrack is pretty iconic
>tfw we will never get a proper sequel to the movie
I don't know, that movie feels really dated.
It looks really cheap in some parts (like the entrance to the stargate center) and the scenes with the natives are kinda weird.
>there's a parallel universe where emmerich made the whole trilogy with Spader and Russell in the 90s, with the third part being Independence Day but with pyramid ships and Horus guards instead of saucers and generic ayys
We really do live in a separate timeline.
This is the movie that introduced the world to Roland Emmerich.
For that reason alone the movie should feel ashamed of itself.
But still Jaye Davidson is best girl.
at least he didnt wanted to send a nuke to them as well
It actually looks like it was made in the late 80s.
kill yourself Roland, the shows are better sequels you could ever imagine (except SGI and SGO)
>Jaye Davidson
>that codpiece
Also, on the 100 days planet...
Shouldn't there be a rule that you aren't allowed to smash alien puss? Or ride alien dong... I mean like for safety measures. Or eat the food. I mean think of how different their cultures and diets could be. Just seems kind of risky.
I remember this parody episode but I can't remember why they were on the atlantis set there. Anyone know?
They were almost all humans removed from Earth, on Earth-like planets. There's a point where safety rules evolve into paranoia.
You don't need a hazmat suit either if you move to another continent (although you'd probably get sick, because your immune system was never exposed to the local bacteria).
They sorta cover it in the episode where the creepy white mushroom people start dying. Frasier says she's surprised they don't inject others/get infected more often but then handwaves it away with a "well they're transplanted humans so they already have all our diseases". SG teams do go through some kind of quarantine or decontamination after missions but obviously getting infected doesn't happen enough for there to be any rules.
They were humans transplanted from Earth thousands of years ago. Before most of our current diseases evolved and before widespread intercontinental travel spread them everywhere. If anything, they'd be WAY more likely to get diseases from the sheep-fuckers on Abydos than the Asgard or Wraith.
rather have a spader tv show
>Star Gate
stop breathing, please
This episode always felt like 90's mtv music video
I don't know how they thought they got away with those lycra bodysuits. The zippers were painfully obvious in some shots
>from the sheep-fuckers on Abydos
These guys looked like they really had it together huh?
Did Oma consider their needs and ascended some sheep for them? Or did she only ascend people and damned them to eternal virginity?
Sheep are agents of Anubis sent to tempt the weak from the path of enlightenment.
A movie of its time, with nice practical effects.
No particular reason. When Vala pitched the story she referred to Oz as a powerful ascended being, maybe that's why, but Oz ended up to be Landry, so there's no need for the scene to take place on Atlantis.
Don't know.Remebre they used a Wraith ship set ofr pic related