Kubrick, NO! (pedophillia allegations)
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>and filmed many of them
...you really think he'd film such horrific acts??
Yeah sounds totally legit.
Based Kubrick, made Kino and diddled kids and got away with it
>even woody Allen
Except woody has never done anything and the allegations sound retarded especially since Kubrick didn't win a bunch of Oscar's. Who wrote this retarded shit, pol of course lol
This board is officially dead and destroyed, thanks racist trolls for ruining everything. Bye.
Kek state of nu-tv
You have no idea how sick this world is.
If you took your head out your ass then you'd know that enty is a reliable Hollywood source you faggot millennial
oh welll still made a bunch of kino
The real question is, can you still appreciate the art despite what the artist did?
If this was legit why make lolita? Do these gossip niggers not know the point of the story?
Are you insane? Or is this some bot.
1. That's not that sick.
2. Yeah, it sounds totally legit.
In the case of Kubrick, sure. In the case of that fag, no.
That’s fucked, but the dude is dead, the fuck are you gonna do? I’d say we let people enjoy the kino without having to think of Mr. Molester, it’s not like he can get punished anymore.
>Do these gossip niggers not know the point of the story?
Haven't read the entire book but first chapter is the main character having sex with some 10 year old prostitute. fucking bizare
Except he isn't since he got several facts wrong off the bat and the allegation is ludicrous to begin with. Kubrick was never even in a position to be able to do any of this and being an autistic shut in we can actually account for his whereabouts at all times. Anyway you retardes racist pol cunts already ruined this site last year and since not a day has gone by since new years with a single good thread or discussion, nothing but your bullshit I have had enough. Hope you die and enjoy this place just being trolls baiting each other. Pretty sure 90% of everyone just being trolls trolling trolls anyway.
First of all why would someone make this 19 fucking years after his death
Second of all, everyone knows this is fake as fuck.
>Implying Watkins' music wasn't Kino
Yes and IT is about a child gangbang amirite?
fake as fuck
topic was posted by the guy who made this youtube video, so be sure to flag it so he stops spamming Sup Forums
That fags use of the word "tween" triggered my autism. I can't take part in this discussion
kikes and raping kids go hand in hand
Clarke was pedophile
crimes in plain sight
you can't prove any of OP's picture wrong you little mad baby faggot
I couldn't agree more. I don't even post anymore. Just lurk for 5min see pol threads and exit. Place is dead and beyond repair.
You dumbass, he didn't make the guesses, AGC Gossip made the guesses based on what Enty posted up.
And you can't prove it right retard
SJW smear campaign to get one of our greatest.
What would be the names of some of that stuff.....asking for a friend
Aw c'mon...
2001 was about Sex Magick, Clarke was no saint, he was a Hollywood insider you naive retard.
The author of 2001 was quoted as saying this:
> I am trying to think of the youngest boy I have ever had because, of course, you can't tell it here. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair enough