Finn's just as popular as Land-

>Finn's just as popular as Land-

>Qui-gon gets 0
>include him anyway
That's just rude lads.

>posts a picture showing that Finn is in fact more popular than Lando


What the shit. Are british people just trying to be weird on purpose or something?

>qui-gon 0
>Anakin 2
These people are plebeians


>he wouldnt vote for jar jar
he is obviously our guy, shitty unfunny and pisses everyone off. When lucas said he was his favorite character was one of the best things, i miss that man

It’s becaise he’s Irish

>about 80 people polled
>indicative of anything other than that Han is #1

>yfw not even normalfags like Rey

Why does everyone love Han so much? I never understood that. He's not a cool space wizard, he's just an asshole.

>Brits hate the most British SW characters (Obi-Wan, C3P0, Finn, Rey, Jar Jar)
>Love the most American characters

Holy shit, Bobatards BTFO!

>mfw Jar Jar is more popular than Sheev

hes cool user. dont you wanna be cool too?

>Sheev isn't number one
britbongs confirmed plebs

>Chewbacca, Kenobi higher than Luke

What the everlovig fuck.

this is a ridiculously low sample size

might as well just said "we asked around the office"


You don't know the sample size because it doesn't say.

he's a guy who puts up a mean, arrogant, self-serving front as a defense mechanism to protect his noble and romantic soul in a rough world. it's a pretty common archetype and one people like a lot, especially women, because beauty taming the beast often goes hand in hand with it. like it does in star wars

where is the senate?

who the fuck is finn

>Han Solo
>has a ship
>shoots first
That's actually very British English

>Qui-Gon Jinn
I call bullshit.

>liam neesons character more unpopular than bonegas.

Obi-Wan is rated pretty high. Who doesn't love Han, Yoda and R2? Only Han is particularly American in that bunch anyway. 3PO is the butt of most of the jokes and Rey and Finn are nu-British London trash nobody in the world likes


they forgot he existed

>Fighting empire
That's American.
>Jar jar
>talks retarded
>walks like a queer
>is gay
That's British

>Sheev 1

Fucking bongs.

Guess why we're getting a han Solo movie

>Why does everyone love Han so much?
Because we all want to be like him.

bongs are allergic to sincerity, youthful optimism and goodheartedness

they should have made that poll on Sup Forums, guaranteed 100% for one character

>Vader that low
>Sheev that low
>muh fuccboi Luke that low
What the fuck is wrong with people?

kenobi got more screentime with tCW show.

Just below Padme

This. Han is Space Snake Plissken with a slightly softer, more charming exterior. His cynicism is clearly there to protect a more idealistic core.

Only plebians like Han solo. Real SW fans are with Luke.

It's maybe the most popular character archetype in movies. at least old movies, before people had given up on ideals. most western and noir heroes, Rick from Casablanca--actually just about every Bogart character--et cetera. Star Wars hearkened back to that era, part of why it was such a sensation. we were well into the grit and cynicism of New Hollywood by 77

Reminder luke was considered the worst of the male leads in shit wars. Only revisionist nuwars babbies that fell for tfa baiting and eu faggots think otherwise.

>Emperor below Jar Jar

I'd give you that if Han was 50 kilos fatter.

>Jabba the hut

who the fuck cares

Its tell you the number of votes for each option. Add them up to get the sample size. I feel like every day we get more of the 7-12 age range posting on Sup Forums. If you are really that young and are unable to do basic addition just don't fucking post please. You have nothing of value to offer.

>that fucking reading comprehension
It's you that's underage here, goddamn you're stupid

>people liking han solo more than all other characters
>han, chewie, and R2 more popular than luke, anakin, obi wan, and darth vader
fucking hell, I guess the masses really are only able to stick to quippy characters

it tells you the percentage for each option.

>Qui-Gon Jinn : 0

Why is this sample size like 30 people.,.

Where is Kylo


nigga, do you even know how to count?

Everyone wants to be an asshole

> Yoda above Vader
I fucking hate Anglos

It's an incredibly low fucking number for a star wars anything poll.
What even if the goddamn point.

>oh man, let me ask these guys in McDonalds real fast

>I liked the biggest baddest guy cus he was evil n shiet

Why is Anakin on there twice?

>asked more than 100 people
>somebody voted for qui-gon
>round votes to percentage
>gets rounded down to 0

Did you pass 3rd grade user?

Vader is the top 10 most iconic villains of cinema history nobody normal likes the green midget more than Vader

*raises paw*
Ahem... we can't really see either of them on the list '>.>

clearly you didn't just read the YouGov poll.

>nobody likes nigger
Damn what a surprise

Why do redditors always do the fake "casual" typing but with proper punctuation? It's the cringiest shit.
>Go back t' Reddit and suck on the ol' dick please.

>16yo meme CGI character higher up than protagonists of the film that came out one year before that poll
Holy shit, Star Wars is officially dead.

>brainlets still thinking the numbers are number of people and not percentages

There is no hope for Sup Forums, everyone close the tab

Bongs should be wiped off the face of the earth I thought I made that clear

It’s telling us a percentage you fucking invalid. No wonder you work at McDonald’s. All we know is that they polled people for two days in December 2016.


>luke is just barely higher than fucking c3p0

> cringe
Typical soy reply

>asking me if I can count

You just figured out it's a percentage too, but go on trying to feel like a big man in mommys basement.

>Palpy has 1 vote
Bet your ass he would have been more popular if they called him The Emperor

>durrr evy 1 liek me tink low numba poll ppl

>trying to save face

It's okay dude, it's an anonymous board.

>being this embarrassed you made two posts gettting upset over the number of people you assumed they polled and are now trying to play it off like you aren’t retarded

Huh? Can you read?

I admitted I was wrong in the post, and also pointed out you thought the same, since you wouldn't have asked if I could count. Now you're foaming at the mouth desperately trying to look smart.

Now you're just trying to act like you knew the whole time, which is pathetic. You keep replying because you can't let it go and want the last word so you can seem like some smart dude.
You're transparent as all fuck.

Might've put them as 2 different things. I mean they put both Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader on there even though they're both the same character.


dumb 56%er

Kylo is the most popular character according to number of fanworks.

>When you realize the British are embarrassed by Finn and Rey

To be fair they are two chavs and thick as Sunday gravy, they dont even get panel show invites anymore.

EVERYONE is on those things.

>Edgy teen and pent up moms write about edgy dark character

Say it aint so

Why does it only add up to 83%?
Did a woman make this?

>1 vote
Brit fags confirmed for terrible taste.

Just imagine being how hard being a brit is
>go outside and get hit by van of peace
>muslims everywhere
>built and lost an empire
>breakfast is inedible grool
>lunch is toast sandwich
>dinner is baked bean pizza and a room temperature beer
>pakis are loud and cant cry self to sleep
>broke because you had to pay for TV license to watch black king arthur on bbc
>cant cut baked bean pizza because no knife permit
>no guns
>kid comes home wearing a burka
>lost a war to drunk farmers who went on to go to space
>0 for 2 on wars with germany
>soft shitty teeth that can barely chew through food so you resort to soft shit like haggis and the semen of muslims
>service rifle so fucked up germans had to fix it because they are so much better than you as seen when you got your shit pushed in back to back world wars
>king is actually a senile queen
>prince marrying a nonwhite
>tfw no flag on moon
>big ben doesnt even bong anymore
>wife raped by a muslim and was sentenced to 90 days probation and you have to pay for his court costs
>police arrest you for mean tweet
I understand why you are salty

rent free

>go to fap online
>blocked because forgot to email scans of driver's license, birth certificate, bank statement and blood sample to

>paying for porn
I see paying for a TV license for years has corrupted your brain, ahmed.

>lost a war to drunk farmers who went on to go to space
oh man dude I lost my shit on that one fucking kek

>no votes for Qui-gon
>votes for Rey and Finn
>only one vote for Sheev
Not impressed.

This is bullshit. Vader at 5%???

>tries to break out of EU
>too pussy to go through with it

This. I never really like him, or thought he was cool. Just a bit of a dickhead.

That's handy because we hate you too, you fat cunt.

He was right though, spastic.

*blocks your tweet*

She doesn't look arab. Are bongs getting converted that quickly or is she just going through one of the sharia law zones?