>this is Peter's love interest in the MCU
This is Peter's love interest in the MCU
Maybe he is gay
this is the only logical explanation
I think she's cute, and I'd consider myself pretty racist
same desu
She's ugly and it has nothing to do with racism.
La creatura
I can't wait for his SJW girlfriend to tell him how dates are so heteronormative in the next movie.
More like Peter is her love interest, amirite?
She was cute and I enjoyed her meme trolling.
dios mio...la luz extinguido
I bet you guys are Americans
Sorry people like things you don't.
I bet you're unathletic, browneyed, black haired and probably fat too.
im not american and havent seen spider man but i think the girl in op's pic is a cutie
At least we agree these features are ugly.
*blacks your spiderman*
Why are black "women" so tranny looking? Literally looks like a black guy in a wig
What would your Avengers fuck/marry/kill be Sup Forums?
Thanks for reminding me of how degenerate we've gone from 2002 to 2017
>shitskins in the dark
>aryan princess in the light, on the verge of getting blacked
Like pottery
Like a more masculine looking Michael Jackson.
le 56% faces
because all you know of black woman are what people post on Sup Forums
If Peter wanted to fuck her so hard he should have turned up as Spider-Man, reveal who he is to her, then pound her senseless.
>American high school
>only white students are a british twink and some white girls for the niggers to fuck
>white girl wanting to fuck a white man
How did this get past test audiencies? I can't believe Marvel would make a mistake like that.
I don't live in muttville and don't see a lot of black women where I live, but most of their women that I see (exchange students, tourists) are ugly as fuck. Only ones that look cute aren't even considered black because they're mixed with white genes gaining the majority.
I was just in NYC last week and me and my gf were easily the whitest people there
This girl seems to be about the average new Yorker desu
Tell me why Liz is not better and hotter than the dumber option?
Go on, I'll wait.
The chick who played Liz Allen was pretty qt tho.
The girl that was posted is half white so there goes your theory
Only retards don't think Liz is hotter, your MJ is fucking shit, a 3/10 at best.
That's because the black genes took over
It's kind of a lottery whether your kid will come out as la creatura or not
That's not even the problem with her character. Her problem is that she is nasty to everyone the whole movie, then she is suddenly the love interest once the hot one leaves town. What?
>Only mentions her attraction to white men
>openly rejects Indian kid
WTF did they mean by this.
Absolutely no romantic tension or scenes between her and Peter in Homecoming. We only know she is the love interest because her name is "MJ".
Also Liz is fucking boring. She has no character. At least Michelle has some arty edge to her.
She rejected a black kid during the school broadcast scene, not an indian. She was literally a nazi and I hope she (the actual actress, not the character) feels ashamed.
He pretty much revealed his identity to every other fucking character. Why not her?
Stay mad black boi.
did they know that MJ stands for Mary Jane and not for MIchael Jackson? It seems like she whould have been a perfect cast if she was THAT Mj (Michael Jackson)
It's worse she wanted to marry one as well!
What is this 1955?
Ugh. Zendaya is a silly mulatto thot who practically gags for victim publicity bux in pathetic bids to be relevant. Everyone is racist to her poor little rich ass, from some e-news commentator to a rando grocery store clerk.
why did they change her race? diversity quota?
Betty a CUTE!
Flash is Guatemalan you stupid creatura faggot
I'm gonna list who knows Spider-Man's identity in each film universe
>Norman Osborne
>Robbie (JJJ's Black friend)
>Harry Osborne
>Doctor Octopus
>Eddie Brock
>Pretty much everyone on that train, and a few people from that wrestling match
>Gwen Stacy
>Gwen's Dad
>The Lizard
>Harry Osborne
>I'm probably missing someone
>All the avengers
>His asian friend
>The Vulture
>MJ probably
>Aunt May
>Probably most of the Vulture's henchmen
I don't know why every director has a fetish for characters knowing who Spider-Man really is.
She's literally one of the most prudish, non-sexual actresses to emerge out of Disney, while white whores like Bella Thorne and Miley Cyrus can't keep their roastbeef in their panties.
>Everyone is racist to her poor little rich ass, from some e-news commentator to a rando grocery store clerk.
Yes, mulattos experience racism too. One of the reasons they are considered black in America, is because they are treated black by white people. Sort of like how brainlet whites spent years calling lightskinned, milquetoast President Obama a "radical nigger".
Like most problems, the blame falls squarely on the laps of the whites.
Oscar Isaac is Guatemalan.
That kid is a fucking dothead if I've ever seen one.
They didn't change her race. Michelle is an original character.
Still looks like an Indian though lmao
>I will never have a white gf with a black hair band
>all there is around me are big booty latinas
>ask them what kind of music they like
>reggeton and cumbia
>I'm not even white to chase down a white girl
I rather die alone than mate with those disgusting latinas.
At least try and find a good looking negress, Sony. Jesus, that looks like a tranny whose sex change operation didn't exactly go as planned.
It's the easiest way to raise the stakes
>Spiderman has to face another powerful supervillain but OH NO! this time he knows his identity! how will he get out of this one?
His parents, Sonia and Mario, are both Guatamalan. Only one of Oscar Isaac's parents is Guatamalan, the other is Cuban.
>what is genetic diversity
pic related is you
Point proven.
looks too old
Are there any East Indians in Guatemala? He might be Indigenous and passes for Indian.
why are Americans so retarded?
She was 16 the only actual teenager in the whole movie.
Liz was 27, that's like Grease levels of inappropriate casting.
Wait is she the daughter in that goose buddy cop movie?
then I guessed his daddy got cucked by the clerk at 7/11, cause that ugly piece of shit is Indian
But that's an average looking brit or southern yuropeon.
you stupid fuck guatemalans look like tony
>what the fuck does a guatamalan even look like
fucking stupid creatura polfaggot kill yourself . I am from Honduras and Guatemalans look like this. no wonder people make fun of you cucks
oh lel.
Wait, she is? When did that happen? Was it in the movie?
Liz/Holland/Coleman may not have been teenagers, but they LOOKED like teenagers. So it worked.
Tobey/Garfield went to highschools filled with 20 year olds who looked 30. It was infuriating.
>he's proud of looking like an ugly shitskin
lmao, kill yourself
How do you even have internet? Criatura my ass, you spics are considered a shithole even by mexico, you have the highest murder rate in the world. How the fuck do you get off acting like you're better than anyone?
you wanna know why everyone knows when an american comments? nobody could be as stupid as you 56% subhumans
Go back and renew your blacked subscription you stupid americuck
This is NOT right.
Black people should be in chains and be property of the white man! (not a love interest for a major blockbuster movie)
She's a 10
No, she's not, its a completely separate character who they just decided to name MJ. She will be recurring but is not planned to be Peter's love interest in the new series.
OP is a Sup Forumstard who has been spamming these threads hourly for a couple days now and likely has not even seen the film. Disregard these threads entirely.
i'm not even an american, nice try pedro
>no tits
>ugly eyebrows
>nigger nose
try again
I feel for you user, I'm the same but with basic ass white bitches who are unironicly into Drake. Can't you just find a wholesome Catholic Latina or something ?
then why did they make her look like shit in homecoming?
>i'm not even an american,
nice cope
>called MJ
>looks like MJ
>posts popular pop artist who makes girls/guy wet their pants with a single "shamona"
yea dude, u really showed her.
The only latinas that are into religion are the Bolivians and Peruvians, but they are basically black chicks with onion smell. Not to mention, religion is almost dead now since they rather go to night clubs and suck a nigga's dick for a ride.
To distinguish her from Liz Allen and the other love interests from the other Spider-Man movies.
>those low rise heels
What is it about preppy girls that turns me on so much.
I remember wanting to fuck her for all the movie.
>implying you could do better than that
its not the MCU, its the "MCU". Two completely different things, the director even said so one time in an interview
>caring about the MCU
>being racist in february 19,2018
we really need de-racism training camps