Ranged weaponry instead of pointy sticks? so primitive

ranged weaponry instead of pointy sticks? so primitive

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Literally spearchuckers

white skin instead of black? so primitive

It's almost like in real life she was a descendant of a slave who was brought here in chains after his land got conquered by white men with their primitive ranged weaponry. I wished whites were more like Asians - less empathy and faggotry and more slavery and iron rule.


democratic elections with parties, representatives and constituents instead of fighting to the death to decide who runs a powerful nation? so primitive.

Actually, white skin evolved from darker skin. So technically, less primitive.

You fucking dumb redditor

>My PS4 evolved from my PS1, so my PS4 is more primitive

White skin came first since Neanderthals existed before modern Africans.

to be honest democracy got us to the point where a film like BP is hailed as a masterpiece in cinema. Politicans fighting to the death would result in only uberniggers or chads leading us instead of limpwristed sjws.

everyone is assuming our primate ancestors who had fur had black or white skin. It would be cool if they were orange or blue.

Who told you Neanderthals were white?

are you a moron?
its a fair assumption based on pigmentation, you cretin

Their pointy sticks are made out of an indestructible magic metal, and their shields can block gunfire. So she's right.

Also she didn't even say that, it was Michonne. Can't you tell blacks apart? Racist.

>this is american education

>and their shields can block gunfire
why would they need to have shields that protect them from primitive weaponry?
the modern soldier now isn't protected from a claymore

Rhodesian Army vs Black Panther

who wins?

I dunno, kinda makes sense to me. Kind of like in Dune. Still a movie for niggers.

>why would they need to have shields that protect them from primitive weaponry?
>why does the human body need protection from bullets?
Are you seriously asking that question?

>I dont understand the issues when mass producing armour
what gunfire does it stop anyway? bit vague of a term if you ask me

Because their world is full of violent, subhuman primitives. Like Europeans.


Straight hair and white skin is tied to the neanderthal genes. Also, we aren't the dumb caveman stereotypes everyone portrays us as.

>we aren't the dumb caveman stereotypes everyone portrays us as.
t. Neanderthal

This. Europe and Asia have the highest concentration of their genes. They are the palest and smartest people as well. There were clear and undeniable effects of cross breeding.
Pity they're all going to get muddied out


Pure sapiens are mostly super dark niggers, i doubt any of them actually browse this website

Yeah, but not before yer mum made my homo erectus, if your dumb neanderthal brain knows what I'm sayin

But neanderthals evolved from homo erectus which came from Africa, so chances are black skin was around earlier than white skin

That outfit is hella sweet.

Maybe, but white skin and blue eyes were useful for the neanderthal to get more vitamin D while living in frozen europe

Anyone who worships Neanderthal genes is a moron. They were nothing more than niggers in Europe, which is why the Homo Sapiens destroyed them.

Buuuut the oldest Homo Habilis skull found was in the caucuses.

pls go back to neogaf

Exactly, which is why they appeared after the homos left Africa so they could adapt to the new surroundings

Lactose tolerance was another adaptation to get vitamin D.

The oldest are from Africa.

Except that isn't true, the oldest was discovered in Ethiopia in 2013

Real humans were black. Whites are mutants. This is how the original Britons looked like.

Chinese Terry Crews.

ooga booga me white

Good luck living in a frozen wasteland with mud skin

It would be easier than living in Africa with white skin.

Look how the afghan natives look like. Some even have blue eyes, just wear lots of clothes and wait till your skin gets tanned.

Sure that'd be cool, but that's not how it works.

What if our ancestors were green and able to do photosynthesis so we would not need to eat? Also, less organs = less chances of RNG fucking you up

Somebody make the film.

They re just trying to makeblack people stop using guns in real life. It may work.

They should be driving lowriders in the savana and doing a drive by with a mac-10

She should have said uncivilised, then the line works. Pretty much all warrior cultures rejected firearms because of the view that it cheapens combat and martial prowess. Knights, Samurai, hell I bet even the Zulu's all though that using guns to beat your opponent was unfair and thus an uncivilised way to fight.

Primitive just doesn't work though. Guns are an advanced piece of engineering that require a great deal of technical knowledge to produce. A spear is just a spear until you get to stuff like lightsabers or monomolecular or vibro weapons. I don't care if it's made of funky space metal it's still just a spear and is more primitive than a gun.


What? They totally used guns tho

Samurai were known in Japan for their horse archery abilities, and happily embraced firearms when they were introduced in the 1600s, making the katana just a part of their "uniform". life isnt like your anime

Hol up
*literally eats shit for nutrients*
So you be saying
*drops leaves all over your house*
You finna be saying
*starts forest fire and kills hundreds of people*
Wuz plants an sheeit?
*falls on top of you during storm*

There was probably skin pigmentation variety among Neanderthals too you brainlets, dependent on the ones living in colder northern Europe vs. the Middle East, etc. In fact, the sheer fact that Neanderthals could breed with H. sapiens implies that considering them a different species is retarded and based on tradition rather than science (like how dogs and wolves are considered as separate as dogs and foxes, despite the first two being fully capable of having viable offspring).

Yeah Disney can't write we've been over this a trillion times.


>Pretty much all warrior cultures rejected firearms because of the view that it cheapens combat and martial prowess. Knights, Samurai

but thats wrong you FUCKING idiot



Already happened.

Habillis isn't even a true homo brainlet

Well who won?

>Rhodesia doesn't exist anymore
Gee I dunno user

Worshiping tribal culture that enslaved and sold your ancestors to white people? Not primitive.

Can they block a convussive shockwave from an artillery shell? Fucking retard.

It's a magic metal that makes all kinds of crazy shit like making negroes smart.

> Most advanced nation
> Streets look like there's dirt everywhere
> People are still selling weave baskets on the streets

I felt like getting up and just leaving the theater when I saw that street market in Wakanda. Were they selling hover bikes, or star-trek replicators, or anything that would justify wakanda's boast of being the most technologically advanced nation on the planet? Nope, weave baskets. Motherfucking weave baskets, literally goods from the stone-age.

what the fuck

Vibranium baskets maaan.

So no their organs would still be liquefied... melee weapons are for niggers. Even Zulus at least chucked spears.


>Can they block a convussive shockwave from an artillery shell?


You can nitpick a fictional futuristic society all you want, but unless it really ruins the story, what's the point. Do you complain about Star Wars people wearing robes? Or Star Trek people not using smartphones?

>gets rumbled on his idiocy
>goes straight into stupid memes
lmaoing at you. beaten once again

ITT: Sup Forums is only just now catching on to Sup Forums being retarded.

Best part of that armor was how the nipples were protruding.

To be fair these threads are also attracting the negros.

i think the only people on Sup Forums that dont think Sup Forums is retarded are the people from Sup Forums shitting up this board

is that a big sewage pipe above ground, or is it natural gas?
if theyre that civilised, where are there zoning laws? what governing bodies do they comply with to have all this shit working correctly?
christ sake this movie. its ridiculous in the slightest. At least futurama wasn't taken seriously

Where's her lip plate?

its just some shitty super hero comic that neckbeards pretend its deep or good
its as low as manga with its 500 year old loli vampires

Compare this to Numbani in overwatch

No. Even if they could there's chemical or incendiary ordinance. One white guy with a howitzer could defeat the entire wakanadan army.

But our ancestors further back that were covered in hair presumably had light skin (a la chimps).

>hyperadvanced society
>extremely tribal traditions and a "guy with the biggest stick rules everything" approach to government

Is this supposed to represent Wakanda being made technologically advanced within a short period of time and culture not having time to catch up?

post yfw you realize it was this.

>black panther LITERALLY copied boruto

who is this absolute goddess?

I suppose if I wanted to defend it as science fiction I could call it "African Archeofuturism", but really is just a children's story made up by Jews in the 70s reworked by Jews to appeal to EBT cardholders in the late 2010s.

Doesn't Cap block artillery in The First Avenger?

and people are taking it seriously in this film?
its like a bad scifi movie

At the same time, if this movie does well, we can finally, once and for all, say that racism doesn't exist.

maybe in America, nigger

Sup Forums is giving me mixed messages. They claim that jews are üntermench because they have the highest percentage of neanderthal genes. Thats why they have sloped foreheads like the neanderthals. But also that white people are superior because we have are part neanderthal and so on.


If someone brings a howitzer or tank then it just gets blown up with their energy blasting airship sleds.
>confirmed didn't watch movie Sup Forumstard

The fact that you took the time to post this comment shows that you're wrong.

Perhaps there is more than one opinion? Perhaps a lot of people aren't properly informed about neanderthals and few academics care to continue investigation despite constant discoveries, even recently which point towards them being more advanced than we had initially given them credit.

If I had to give an reason for the stance you've provided I'd say it was real politik. That's the only justification. Rather than more=good, less=bad you could say that the proof is in the pudding and the result of the mix is far more indicative than say, the presence of a mix itself. You could question whether there's a goldilocks zone of neanderthal genetic lineage.
It's not my stance but it's the best rationale I can come up with.