Sup Sup Forums, Barber here

Sup Sup Forums, Barber here.

Upon a close inspection of Trump's facial follicle distribution i have done a mock up of what a unshaven trump would look like.

That's right, the "Alpha Male" Trump cannot grow a strong beard, just a weak patchy mess.

How can you stand behind such a low test specimen like this?

He has the facial hair pattern of a chinaman.

Wow, it's literally nothing.

Is this what CTR's been reduced to?


Considering a full, bushy beard is a trait strongly associated with nu-males, it's not really an issue.

Beards are stupid

Ironic isn't it?

Guess again

Explains why we have never seen him with a beard.

Are military veterans nu-males?

>that grass brush
Looks cheap.

>grass brush
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel huh

that's such a shit photoshop, whoever that beard was taken from has a MUCH stronger chin/jawline than trump.

Even if trump had full follicle distribution his beard would never look like this

really earning your $6 an hour, huh?

Calm your autism

>he can't get a table at Dorsia
>he didn't lazer his whole face in the 80's
>he doesn't have a tanning bed at home

>Are military veterans nu-males?

Too lazy to shave... sociopathically have a scraggly shitbeard... yep, vets are totally hipster trash, actually.

Woah there champ I sure do like your pretty art skills

lemme hang it up on the fridge

i have no balls so i stand with xe

Trump is so embarrassed of his pasty white Scottish skin he has to use fake tan like a fucking WOMAN

AHAHAHA, he's such a fucking cuck, surprised he hasn't had a beard transplant like all the rich low test betas.

Drumpf BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
whites BTFO
nationalists BTFO
men BTFO
America BTFO
racists BTFO
how will we ever recover...

This is some pretty out of the ordinary bait

>tfw more of a man than trump

feels good desu, beardless betas LIVID.

Too kek

frankly embarrassing

But you made an effort so I'll reply

I'm laughing that someone thought this shit up AND took the time to make this.
Thank you for the laughs!

>all these low test cucks who can't grow a beard


How did you get that from this?

Kek!! XD le epitome of modern manhood!! -cracks open Mtn Dew- -Turns on Xbox-

GG Trump will run blow his prison whistle right after the train makes it out of your shill mouth. NO BRAKES

Folically challenged trump boy detected.

For all those curious at what a Trump beard would look like, here's four generations of Trumps:

The beards are harder to see on his children since they also clean shave, but you should be able to observe the full follicles.

>tfw 2X years old but pre-pubescent pathetic face pubes
It's worse than the OP mock-up, just kill me.

who gives a shit?

due you cant use your neck beard with a bald head with receding hairline to counter ANY argument about hair.
>red pill , ear gauges have a direct correctional to dick girth.

Pretty much what I thought. There is no telling from this picture as there is not enough detail. With that said my dad who is the same age has skin that looks like this from this distance when clean shaven and he can grow a full beard.

It's okay Ahmed.
We won't tell the caliphate that you are a faggot hairdresser.
You needn't pretend you are manly by calling yourself a "barber"

Clean your fucking shirt, you look like a fucking slob.

Niether can hillary

>grow a full head of hair at 25
>can grow a full bushy beard too
Feels good not to be balding at 3 quarters to death.

Where'd your hair go dawg?

Here's the truth. If you can't grow a beard then you're not a man

You might as well get the inevitable done now and either kill yourself, or become a tranny (and then kill yourself)

Bullshit. Based on this picture he can grow a full beard.

>three quarters till death
so.. you're gonna die at 33?

It's just pretty sad now.

I stopped laughing like last year.

>If you can't grow a beard then you're not a man
>Posts a picture of a hipster faggot

add 25x3 to my age. 3 quarters = 75. 3 more quarters till my death (I rounded up from 85, or whatever the men's average age of death is, to 100) But I plan on dying at 50 anyways, too much alcohol, there's no way I'm making it.

Hipsters wear flannel where you're from?

You know who grow beards?


>full hair
>full beard

Feels great to have god tier genetics.
Baldies and Beardless BTFO.

>You know who grow beards?


Oh yeah?

Jeez, could you just imagine being stoned to death?

Yeah I got hit with a rock once.


Mudslimes might be scum that should be eradicated, but the ones that fight to the death and have beards are still unquestionably men

fucking gg posters

top kek

/k fell for it

/k/ fell for it, dems surely will.

Barber science KEK

Fred has some insane fucking eyebrows god damn

both his sons look like huge faggots

and the one due with an actual beard looks like a soft handed bitch

>He has the facial hair pattern of a chinaman.
if trump is deep cover chinese i will flip my fucking lid

well played, chinks

why does this make me laugh so much.


wtf i hate america now

lenin's moustache is on point.

case in point


I know this is a shill thread but I do wish America would have a leader who would have facial hair. I feel like we won't ever have it because we're too conditioned to see facial haired politicians as the bad guys.


Lighter colored beards appear to be clean shaven much longer, pakiscum.


"Trump wants to ban this from coming to our country" meme tier

>"I decided to let my facial hair grow, when i was 16 years old"
more like she knew she was ugly and gave up

> implying facial hair is related to testosterone presence

Nigga, do you not know biology?

t. subservient beta


Men bragging about growing hair..

Did you photos hop individual clumps of hair from the just fuck my shit up dude onto trump's face. If so why? And how long did this take you?

and than talk about what make a manly man

i swear pol is one of the most unironically gayest boards on Sup Forums

Do you post shit like this on SM, OP?

It's over.


>Sup Sup Forums, Barber here.
>Upon a close inspection of Trump's facial follicle distribution i have done a mock up of what a unshaven trump would look like.

You're actually quite right. In an interview with Jake Tapper where Trump was a bit unshaven, you can see him

It has to do with him having Scottish ancestry. Drain the Swamp, donkey!

>that 13 year old Mexican tier stache.


It's James Randi.

hell no when i was 13 i had a bigger mustache than trumps fake ass

Not as pathetic as the Remain campaign, simply epin OP ;P

Joachim Von Ribbentrop?

I agree. Racists have ruined our economy.

Go cut another fade and fuck off.

Found OP's IG.

He has no jawline either.

>139 likes too many


trump's hair transplant looks like shit

4 real i've always thought Trump would be that annoying as fuck kid who is a friend of a friend and hangs out with the older kids and thinks he's cool cause he says dirty and racist jokes.

That scene is perfect.

Men portraying women portraying men


>He has the facial hair pattern of a chinaman.

why are Sup Forums users so raist?