1,033 days until Avatar 2

>1,033 days until Avatar 2



are there any failsafe ways to put yourself into a 1033 day coma?


this has better get a sticky in 1,032 days

>implying we're all still alive in 1,032 days

Based user



>2 terms
>2 genders
>2 scoops
>2 Avatar movies


Based timeline.

Blue Zoe best Zoe!

Formerly 1,034 days






>Avatar came out 9 years ago
>still has better cgi than 99% of movies made since


absolutely based


Cameron hates Trump, though.

RIP abatap

he's with Eywa now

Killed in Ukraine in 2015 I'm afraid. Was recruited by local forces and refused to wear Ukranian fatigues and opted for his own pair of tiger stripe BDUs to look more like a Na'vi. Tragically mowed down by a 23mm when he was spotted 2,000m away by Russian-friendly forces.

He died doing what he loved. I read he was especially handy with a PKM during his short-lived career.

shitty. fucking. franchise.
you faggots have such low standard. even capeshit is better than this

Avatar fucking SUCKS

please see yourselves out reddit

we are the reddit? you faggots are the ones masturbaiting for this shitty movie that only made money because muh 3d

I'm just baiting the based get out poster
He's been kinda slow as of late

Yes, you are reddit



Not been here in a while. Glad to see you still going. Never stop friend.

Daily reminder that Avatar is a garbage, forgettable movie that everyone instantly forgot a few months after it came out because it was that mediocre. It did nothing original, not even the "mindblowing" CGI that was considered the best ever at its release has aged well.






Name one mainstream movie released in last 2 decades that anyone cared about two months after the release. I'll wait.
>Inb4 names some race baiting Oscar nominated garbage

no i'm not, faggot. i didn't even watched this movie, reddit did. i just hate it because i know it's shit, and i know if i ever watch it, i will want to spank the screen with my dick in an act of desperation.



was Jake in the wrong here?




is that a atokerina?

angerytiri is cute, but who would like to see her angery?

>2009 was 30 years ago

Fucking shitty ass space pocahontas

Nice meme

In a hundred years people will think Pocahontas was inspired by Avatar

Not another move reddit.

Head of security here btw.


in 10.

>fuck mouse wars and marvel! they only care about money!
>but based cameron is the best because his CGI flick made the most money *bazinga* * dabs*

People won't even remember Pocahontas in 20 years.

I'm sorry, but did the Cameron already lose? Oh, that's right. Filming isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only in pre-production. Does not having the technology to film at pre-production count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the film is still green lit? Cameron is still directing right now and he has been the best auteur in the West for how many years now? He's making one of the kino films in Hollywood who just happen to have to the advantage because they're feeding off the energy of capeshit . But you know what? They still fucking suck. Cameron is one of the best fucking directors in the Academy, he wrote Alita last year and would of released in time for this years awards if Vince Pace didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Cameron wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Steven Spielberg just went overbudget on Indian Jones 5 when they needed to buy Harrison Ford a new knee, just like Villeneuve did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Cameron topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the artist because he's visionary. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking plebs on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.



the last good movie james cameron made was terminator 2
also, terminator 2 >>>> terminator 1
and alien is better than aliens
fucking fight me, faggots

Talk to me when Jim puts meme rats in the his films to sell toys.

Also it's quality meeting success, a perfect storm. Capeshit feeds the masses shit.

Based trips



>defending a almost capeshit-level movie
whos the reddit now


Hmmm, I wonder


Get the fuck out you dumb faggot.



>i didnt watch the movie
>but i know its retarded
very nice

my favorite Sup Forums poster


>ywn hug and reassure Neytiri when she's feeling down


giv abatar 2

>tfw is still remember when this countdown was in the 1300's
>now we're almost at 1000

wow you still remember things that happened less than a year ago!?


based get out poster, you have seemed to link wrong though

i have a feeling like the based avatar posting was always at 1000 something days
i dont think it will ever go under 1000

Where the first Avatar changed the world with mind-blowing 3D effects and rich world building, the sequel is primed to change society's tastes once again, but this time the focus is on sexuality and feminine aesthetics of the future. Cameron's chief subject in Avatar 2 is not the Navi civilization nor Humanity, but redefined femininity that includes more indigenous human traits, such as bigger feet and longer toes.

not based

let us hope for na'vi lewds then


Zoe Saldana was cast because her feet seemed futuristic, being a blend of Asian and African foot phenotypes. Expect to see lots of Zoetoes curled around branches.

evidently not the real based get out poster

Zoe a cute, whats that pic from?


last one for tonight, interesting how Neytiri went from being so angry at Jake to really giving him bedroom eyes once he was back with the toruk

Neytiri... being her cute self but in another setting?

What of this time Neyney comes to earth??


she wouldn't like it at all