The voice of the guy on the telephone is the voice actor for big boss in MGS5

>the voice of the guy on the telephone is the voice actor for big boss in MGS5

what are some other tv/movie castings thats surprising.

>Bane is a big guy, but played by Tom Hardy, who is barely 5' 9''

Why can't you name the Queefer?

2 of his most obscure credits, he's kind of a big deal outside of those 2.

David carradine, the guy who played Bill in Kill Bill, died of autoerotic asphyxiation

>Julie Cooper from The O.C. (Melinda Clarke) in the English dub of The Animatrix.

Most people probably know him as Jack Bauer

everytime i caught phone booth on tv, i had to sit and watch the whole thing, i dont know why.

bc its colinkino

No, he is most well-known for his portrayal of FBI agent Sam Stanley in David Lynch's Fire Walk With Me

What do you think it would've been like if Hitchcock directed it?

That or The Lost Boys. He also did a really good job as a creepy serial killer in that Jeff Bridges film.

Forest Whitaker also appears in other movies that aren't Phonebooth!

No, you retarded subhuman el creatura shitskin nigger kike faggot ass bandit haji porch monkey ancient farming equipment ooga booga chimp pavement ape.
He's well-known for his portrayal of /ourguy/ Jack in 24, not some faggot in a Twin Peaks movie.



Phone booth is one of those movies where if you read the premise it would sound shitty but the movie itself was really good.

I decided to watch it for some dumb Kieferkino but ended up getting actual kino instead

>Sup Forumsedditor hasn't seen 24

Queefer was a villian that literally dindu nuffin wrong

Does anyone else get annoyed by autistic fucking posts like this?

MGSV? Really? It's fucking Keifer Sutherland. Fuck you, autistic cunt.

I want to watch a prequel with the Wall Street guy.