British """humor"""

>british """humor"""

Other urls found in this thread:

>American """"""humour""""""

It's spelt with a u Yank

>burguers are sou lazy they remouve letters froum their voucaboulary tou make it easier tou prounounce

>this scene isn't funny
you simply dont get it, you philistine.

You must have such a sad and boring life if you don't laugh at this scene


>fuck off!
>how shall we fuck off o lord

Brilliant film

He has a wife ya know

uh I'm more of a fart jokes person myself, british humor just doesn't strike me


Are you taking the piss out of the French?

If you didn't laugh at this scene you've probably had your sense of humour surgically removed by posting and reading too much social media.

He has a wife you know...

Do you know what's she's called...?

This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes

Caitlyn Jenner?

>North American "humor"

Get a life mate.


monty python is and always will be incredibly lame. i think people only like them because it's british so therefore it must be high brow humor. it's literally retard humor

The way he sneaks up on them from behind and his sort of inquisitive tone makes me fucking lose it every time I watch the scene


It's not about pronunciation you brainlet, it's about colonial era print lettering. Removing superfluous characters saved both ink and some space, thus paper in mass printing.

Brainlet pleb.

>it's literally retard humor
No. That would be anything you find funny, dumbass.

Same with Mr. Bean desu. A mentally challenged middle aged man on welfare who is behaving inappropriately because he doesn't know any better is no laughing matter.

They literally make fun of a retard. But what am I saying, it's probably the very reason why Sup Forums a.k.a. Sup Forums finds it hilarious.

well for one thing i find your small dick extremely funny
this was the superior scene

Hey fuck you Mr.bean is hilarious, its not meant to be taken seriously you fucktard. Mr.Bean is the most comfy show and it's the best thing to watch when you are bored.

Nauseating. Burger humour is shit (apart from Frasier). The closest to British humour in burgerrland was Airplane.

Enjoy your "humour" that's i.e. making fun of other people's misfortune and misery. Scumbag.

Big Black Cockus

they're not "superfluous characters", they indicate pronunciation

this is why you idiots pronounce "aunt" like "ant"
by the way, stop saying colour, your version should be pronounced koll-or because you ditched the fucking u

If y vear tu pronaunc vokalized inglis it vud luk lyk dis... not your shitty bastardized french called british, where e is sometimes i and shit.

But the second syllable in humour and motor are exactly the same...

how the fuck do you pronounce English mate...

They don't indicate jack shit, spoken english and written english are so different, it's like you need to learn two fucking languages, because you never say what you write.

E is always E like in error, not I and Y
V is always V like vigor so I don't need a fucking W


>dissing Monty Python
fight me irl

Guess you are North European.

You are dead wrong about V and W, though, they are completely distinct vowels. To everyone but Germans and Scandis, that is.

Are you a woman or just retarded?

>he lets down his gf at christmas
>his friends ditch him on NYE
>his car gets crushed by that tank at the celebration

oh yes user, most comfy

> vowels

Consonants, I mean

>To everyone but Germans and Scandis
Then you don't know anything about foreign languages, because in german V is F, Vater for example.

I speak five languages so I'd like to think I'm better qualified at comparing them, and english is a fucking joke.

I should never be spelled anything other than I in "vigor".
Y should never be spelled anything else than j in "juvenile"
J should be spelled like "you"


English is a completely fucking erratic language.

You're an idiot there's plenty of fart humor in British comedy

That's why Germans fuck it up. They do indeed use V as F, so they lump V and W together as one consonant, which gives them away immediately when they try to speak English.

Fuck that blue car

Which just goes to show how far written and spoken english are apart from each other. If your written words could be so easily vocalized there wouldn't be "spelling bee" competitions for example for children. The whole concept of spelling competitions would be completely alien to you if you'd speak a language that consistently spells letters the same way.

In German we have [f] and [v] for v.

So it's the jews fault then.

yes, but if I'm not mistaken, the V=V is mostly for loanwords using V, right?
To be honest, it's the French, Greeks and Latins who fucked it up. Germanic origin words are easy as fuck to spell, but once you fill your language with Greek, French and Italian loanwords, you get to spend the rest of your life pondering how "ch" is pronounced.

No no, we've talked about this Hitler, jews are not to blame for your clogged toilet or spilt milk

>yes, but if I'm not mistaken, the V=V is mostly for loanwords using V, right?
not entirely, but yes, mostly.

But I can swear my plumber looks a bit jewish.


same the delivery is 10/10


>implying either orthography comes even close to consistently indicating pronunciation
>implying vowels of all things are consistent from accent to accent

Samson the Sadducee Strangler

W isn't even a consonant, it's semivowel and is closer to the /u/ sound than the Sup Forums sound by far. Learn IPA you fucking mong.

English Is the best language for jews. You say one thing and write something completely different into contract

>it's the French, Greeks and Latins who fucked it up
Mostly the french. I still have no fucking idea how to properly pronounce queue and I've been speaking english for 16 years. I have above average language skills for a non-native speaker, but I'm butchering english when I speak it, because the correct pronunciation doesn't feel natural so it doesn't come easy, and my brain just drifts off.

>learn something that isn't a language to use language
Here's a better idea, change your spelling to be more consistent you fucking mong, then you won't need a crutch to tell other people how to say something.

>That isn't a language to learn a language
None of writing is a language you goddamn moron, the point is to consistently reflect the phonetics of a language so retards like you don't end up lecturing people about how their native pronunciation is actually wrong. Their are zero primary orthography systems that are completely accurate. You complain about how you can't figure out the pronunciation yet refuse to use the easily accessible avenues to figure out the pronunciation.

>so retards like you can continue to use your wrong native pronunciation

>Their are zero primary orthography systems that are completely accurate.
It's okay to be very inaccurate because everyone else is at least a bit inaccurate? If you say so...

How do you pronounce why and whiskey?

Vai and Viski?

I was justifying the use of IPA dumbass, also
>"The natives are pronouncing their language wrong!"
pic related

>You complain about how you can't figure out the pronunciation yet refuse to use the easily accessible avenues to figure out the pronunciation.
Well, there's language and there's reading comprehension and context. I didn't say I lack the means to find out how queue is spelled, I said it's so unnatural I keep fucking up when I have to spell it on my own.

I'll agree with you that queue is retarded. There's literally no reason not to simple remove half the vowels in that word.

That's fine but either you or some other sperg is still shitting up the thread declaring that native Anglophones speak English wrong. Also if you know how shit French orthography is and know English vocabulary and spelling is heavily mongrolized with French, what did you expect? There have been several attempts at spelling reform, they never worked because getting the entire Anglo sphere to learn and use a new spelling system is very inconvenient and difficult, especially considering the number of potentially important documents written in this way.

Absolūtlī not, it vud luk mōr laik dis.

>Not posting the official British """""""""""humour"""""""""""""""" image

I was just trying to tell you people the whole time that the odd U missing here and there is the least of your worries. I do agree it would be next to impossible to change all of it.

I deliberately avoided using non-english lettering. I have a "few" of my own (half the size of the english alphabet).


Still horrible, why the fuck do you keep insisting the 'w' is pronounced like a Sup Forums?

shut your cakehole you nazi


This is going to sound weird, but you should rewatch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from 1971. That’s straight british humor in an American picture.

No wonder it bore me to sleep.

Fain, wī kæn līv dæt in.

tfw too poor for letters

The th sound isn't the d sound, also there are two of them, /ð/, as in the, and /θ/, as in thing.

>i think people only like them because it's british
People liked them because it was the 70s and they were all incredibly high.

No it's because everyone was fucking miserable back then

American "humour"

They changed the game children. Today you see copies of copies.

>Are you the Judean People's front?

Fuck off, we're the People's front of Judea

Making fun of other people is funny, you wet twat, no matter if you get offended. Every schoolkid in the world gets that and you crying that it's mean doesn't make it not so

>epicaricacy iz da best, bcuz children like it too
>I have the mind of a child
Okay brainlet.

But we're overall sadder than we've ever been

Why do you say that? Even though I have no way of appreciating it since I didn't live back then I think it's slightly better and getting better

Its actually a British export of Americans to America.
It was better the time we did it with Jimi Hendrix I think.

>Late night, low budget BBC2 show
>You don't seriously think Americans are dumb enough to believe this an intellectual property of staggering genius worth paying for do you?
>Lets try it for teh lulz.

monty python has never pretended to be clever you prat. it's farce performed by fucking middle aged men in drag.

I hope you don't seriously think this way. Even if you do, the yuks obviously come from the physical gags and not the fact he's a simpleton

Mr. Bean is not one the the better things he's done. Not The Nine O'Clock News was though.

>Same with Mr. Bean desu. A mentally challenged middle aged man on welfare who is behaving inappropriately because he doesn't know any better is no laughing matter.
Sounds like your average Sup Forums user.

>and not the fact he's a simpleton
Sure, that's why the laugh track is the loudest when he gets in trouble.