I fucking love this aesthetic.
I fucking love this aesthetic
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well done, youre entry level pleb.
Neon Demon
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Wish we saw some more Ellefeets. They're like angels flopping around at the ends of her legs
we know, reddit.
thanks. time to cum
>entry level
this will never not be funny
when somebody with a double digit IQ sees literally anything minimalist with the color purple, alarms start going off in their little head
Nicolas Winding Refn; a true connoisseur of unfiltered honesty and the last semblance of integrity that inhabited Ryan Gosling’s career.
A shame that Refn has fallen for the internet television format and taken his talents to Amazon, David Fincher having been ensnared by Netflix as well. Atleast we still have Nolan though, a real champion of the authentic cinema experience.
All three incredible filmmakers nonetheless.
i should vocaroo my reaction to this post
Yeah we know, you fucking normies have been shoving it down everyones throat for the past 8 fucking years
What does this post even mean
shit like pic related
Pusher II is his best movie.
You mean the poster's or the film's?
>enter bedroom
>see a roaring mountain lion
Mountain lions don't roar, who the fuck made this movie?
I like this aesthetic but that pic is soy as fuck
I bump this on an almost daily basis
>not liking footloose
you're a faggot
Then you should watch Argento and Bava
Refn's Batgirl when?
thought she had no arms for a moment there
Third one is superior one
Objectively wrong.
They are all good, though.
Objectively correct. Good taste
>it's another Milo episode
Fuck you, guys.
I'll settle this once and for all!
Not this. Pusher 3 is his best movie.
We'll await your conclusion.
Protip: it's the third one.
I know it's a fringe opinion. Most people rate it the lowest. But I really think it's a level above the first two, although I like them all. It's actually pretty different from the others.
I liked it too
Did anyone else get physically nauseous at the final few scenes of the film? Pretty visceral stuff.
>I fucking love having no taste