ITT: Liberal propaganda

ITT: Liberal propaganda

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whole MCU

ITT: Trump snowflakes

>the entire world is brown and broken
>the ending is that white people robots will decent from heaven to save the browned earth

it was actually really racist. Matt's character was hated for being only half brown, did you watch the same movie?

Trump Snowflakes isn't even a movie

>he doesn't know that all three of blumpkins movies have been anti liberal
All 3 of his flicks have been about how his childhood was ruined by blacks in south africa

>Movie didn't end with the brown hordes destroying/stealing the machines, then all fighting each other to take ships to elysium where they end up shitting up everything there as well.

>It's a 'liberal appropriates words like 'snowflake' and 'cuck' because they can't meme for shit' episode

Sorry, faggot, but calling a Trump supporter a "snowflake" is like calling a white person a nigger. It just doesn't trigger us like it does you.

The movie with Matt Damon as one of the last white men in a densely populated future hellscape where he got shit from the vatos in his hood for having a job and it's obvious that the healing machines that he stole will only exacerbate overpopulation or fall into the hands of cartels did not strike me as particularly advancing liberal thought

lol look at this drumpf stan get triggered. back to r/the_donald

The Left really can't meme.

Haven't you got a gay pride parade to take your wife's son to? Don't forget your pussy hat, soycuck.

Liberals don't put much thought into anything beyond the emotional appeal.

>I'm clearly not upset
>That's why I took the time to type this damage control
Hello, underage

wow imagine being "cucked" by your president

really makes you think. I'm happy for trump supporters.

>people still think Neil Blumpkin is a liberal
I bet you still think District 9 was an apartheid allegory, as most critics thought.

Blomkampf is actually extremely conservative (by American/Western European standards), he just has to cloak that sentiment in order to work in Hollywood. A movie about what happens to the space station after the spics invade it would be much closer to his heart, but the idea that the US was wrecked because of open borders is already there in Elysium.

What was it, boss?

Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace than blumpkin?
>make chappie with die antwooord
>die antwoord trolls the fuck out of Hugh jackman on set
>blumpkin really wanted to get into good graces with Hugh jackman and hollywoood kikes, removes die antwoord from all promotional material
>the actual movie is 2/3 die antwoord interacting with a robot
>Hollywood sees him throwing his own people under the bus and blacklists him
>sigourney buys him for alien 5 but only because she wants her own alien movie, he’s forced to work on it like the cuckchuck he is

First 30 minutes were pretty well done but yeah its over after that

Literally illegal aliens

Stop it with this stupid meme. Rich whites from South Africa are actually one of the worst cancers of flower children faggotry. Guarded by security companies behind five meter tall walls in very segregated areas with their spawn attending colleges where they run around and screech about 'losing their chains'
Look at any other prominent South African - he/she will be full on the most obnoxious leftist in the world.

>And then the third thing is painting this realistic image of a future Earth that is my realistic version of a future Earth, which meant the borders being erased entirely and having this fluid population group that basically moves from Chile all the way up to Canada. It just flows, because it can. It’s kind of like the EU [European Union]. Like, much more — like the EU on steroids. […] I just wanted that to feel real, like, as real as possible, and the numbers of people that are Latin are going to overwhelm the numbers of people that aren’t. And if you, again, hold true to the metaphor, the wealth would have gone to the station.

>the left can't meme
>proceeds to fill an entire sentence with shitty, stale memes

>damage control

Please stop using terms you don't understand.

nice meme

>stale memes

Except they're not memes; they literally describe what libshits do on a regular basis. Sorry your entire culture looks like a meme to the rest of the world.

>Sorry your entire culture looks like a meme to the rest of the world

globalism is winning bruh

>thinks pussy hats and cuckolding is just a "meme".

Get a load of this cuck.

But they were portrayed in a positive light, no?

>the redditor in this thread who thinks liberal and Liberal are even remotely the same thing

>thinks pussy hats and cuckolding is just a "meme".

Now *that's* damage control.

Elysium and that Tom Cruise movie were there are triangles that suck the ocean are two of the worst movies I ever saw in my entire life

The movie literally says they were a worker caste, a population of stupid drones which is why they were stranded. Christopher Johnson was the sole exception.

>thinking cuck isn't a meme



Why do libs always try to pervert and redefine things to suit their own agenda? It's like how they made "Nazi" a meaningless term because they applied it to anyone they disagreed with.

I kinda liked Oblivion mainly due to its aesthetic and since M83 and Jospeh Trapenese worke on the soundtrack

>The NeoGAFer in this thread who thinks that faggot and Faggot are even remotely the same thing

it was you guys that made it a meme though, how delusional are you?


Fun fact, just to put into perspective how meaningless that buzzword is: The race realism of the alt-right is closer to the Soviet Union's policy on race, than that of Nazi Germany.

>heh, sure showed him
>*skates away on heelies*

to this that I have not seen a single good lefty screencap. They will never win the culture war because they just can't get the same kind of gut laugh that the right can.
So many people such as myself have gone from left ---> right after seeing them infest everything with cultural marxist horseshit and white hate, yet I've rarely ever seen the opposite happen.

Seriously, the only single good meme /leftypol/ has ever produced was porky, which was mainly funny because of the original art. Even THEN, the tards at Sup Forums managed to transform it into porkstein, which was even funnier.

Republican Propaganda.

The point of people who work and have more is based on how rare said product is. Healthcare costs money because (well for one insurance fucks it up and makes it) but also forcing doctors to fix you is theft of thier work.

But take Rolex watches. Yachts. Big houses. And fancy food. Its because they need to make them. Some money is based on name brand but a boat alone is going to cost you. Same with a house.

Basically things cost money if they require a lot of work and skill to make. A house is one of the most expensive things you'll buy because someone had to make that house. Design it. Put in pipes. Wires. Etc. Same with cats or so on.

In this movie. The end. It makes it seem like the magic health bots had infinite power infinite resources. Which if they did the wealthy would have no reason to not help out poor fags. Unless the wealthy are a metaphor for Hollywood fags who claim they love poor brown fags but stay in gated liberal guarded areas....

>Or the magic medic bots are limited and only a tiny percentage of poor fags get healed while the rest die

>also how would they fit everyone on Elysium? Why not fix earth first

there are none


>muh memes


Liberals inadvertently drop "red pills" from time to time.
They're just that oblivious.

even the most basic analysis of Elysium beyond the surface level pretty pictures would show that its far from a liberal movie.

you would have had a point 3 years ago. Since gamergate, the left have been reduced to a flailing struggle, the final spurts of life escaping from a wounded creature.

It was a mess from start to finish

Why are trumptards so stupid?

Memeing is for retards. It may have been fun and amusing at first. But it seriously devolved into drivel only retards speak in.

>Meme degenerates into a general insult word on Sup Forums. Anything dumb, repetitive, forced, or corny is now called a "meme"
>for example Sup Forums calls the hated Golden State Warriors the "Meme-iors" for spamming 3s
>enter /r/the_donald

Honestly the movie makes no sense whatsoever, they have spaceships and robots with limited A.I, at that point they could be doing remote asteroid mining controlled by AI, building new space stations and trying to get out of the solar system.

And since those people can actually live in space and build habitats with artificial gravity, they could also build orbital factories and let the earth recover from the constant pollution.

The problem with the movie is that none of the problems present in that world could actually exist with that level of technology, they have completely eliminated the dangers of radiation poisoning in space and discovered the means to constant reliable artificial gravity, and every single person on Elysium is just happy to sit around and wait to be invaded by poor brown people instead of going out and colonizing the rest of the solar system.


Even your insults are pathetic.

Dumbass HILLbillies.

Same 'ol people that cannot spell Trump pissing themselves without really having a grip on what is going on at all.

"Snowflake" has always been a derogatory term for over sensitive political correct types. PC is the language of the left and their dogma, You know it stings the Left when they try to steal the phrase and use it back against you. Lefty behavior has been from the same stale playbook for 30 years now.


It was an allegory on mass migration, thus it couldn't have been believable sci-fi.


>Has advanced space tech
>Has advanced healing tech
>Has advanced robots
Literally the only reason why humanity wasn't colonizing the entire galaxy was because a bunch of power obsessed cunts was keeping everyone else down to stay at the top.

arent you libhippyshits who dye their hairs to be UNIQUE, have shitty tattoos/piercings to be UNIQUE, fuck literally anything to be UNIQUE, invent millions of new genders to be UNIQUE?
yet you call conservatives snowflakes

I doubt it would've been wise to venture out into space. It would've been a month before supplies started running out and society devolved into the same base savagery they tried to escape from on Earth.

Better to keep the illusion of security and sanity alive by remaining relatively close to Earth.

Its not liberal propaganda. If you read it as "Brown people from the third world should be allowed to enter our utopia" you're as thick as the people you think the film was upholding.

It's a very simple message. It doesn't matter how old you are or the colour of your skin, there are people (literally) above us who benefit from your comparative poverty. You won't see that though because le red pill muhguh and duh jooz. In reality you hating Jews,niggers, spics, crackers, chinks; is just playing into the globalist agenda intended to elevate a select few families and keep scum like you at the bottom.

>>die antwoord trolls the fuck out of Hugh jackman on set

>there are people (literally) above us who benefit from your comparative poverty

Funny how (apart from one) they're all depicted as being white.

It's believable because a bunch of people could conceivably act that way out of selfishness. Hierarchies are a thing and the people at the top in Elysium don't want to improve conditions for the others because it would undermine their position. The majority of them are not waiting scared to be invaded (other than that secretary woman) because they're confident in their handle over things

>A month before supplies run out
They literally have a gigantic space station up there and spaceships. Simply make a bigger ship that can grow food onboard.

It's realistic. Look at the richest families in the planet. White. I don't care that black people and Asians and Arabs are comparitvely poor, and neither do they. They are at the top and they are happy for you to continue to see that the media potrays white people as the villains, and other races as bad guys and thugs, because it means you won't see them for what they are.

I wish more people understood this. Social wedge issues are intended to divide us into mutually distrustful packs. It's ok to disagree. But this automatic retreat into though terminating cliche and insult keeps us in a perpetual state of anger and confusion.

It's you that's melting with salty rage though

>Look at the richest families in the planet. White.

Don't you mean Jewish and Middle Eastern? If anyone were to pay to live in space, it would be them.

This. It's basic level divide and conquer tactics.

The middle eastern families arent that rich. They spend a lot and labour is cheap for them where they are because they have engineered the Jewish and western conspiracy so their people hate their enemies more than them and would rather blow each other up. Western families have far more wealth.

Western Jews are rich but they are ethnically white, however much some in the media want to escape that (because they have been brainwashed by the globalist agenda).

Can't portray (((them))) unfavourably because (((they))) control Hollywood and the media, the film would have been murdered. Muh antisemitism. Similarly, portraying a bunch of middle easterners up in space and it would have been labeled as racist. So you get white people.

>implying rebelling against oppression is bad
statist cuck get the fuck out

Ethnically white my ass. We're on to you, you lying kike.

Did you know many Jews in Europe were forced to convert to Christianity during the middle ages? You'd never know who their descendants are today by sight alone

>The middle eastern families arent that rich

Bullshit. I've seen more Arab billionaires than white millionaires.

>drumpf turns out to be a jew
>lepen loses
>dutch conservatives lose
>every country is becoming increasingly globalist
>even japan is slowly opening its borders

how does it feel to be on the losing side of history?



If you want to continue thinking the Jews control the agenda and everyone who challenges your closed worldview is a kike shill then do so, I won't argue with a brick wall. Jews, atheists, Christians, etc, all at the top, want you to keep your closed attitude and to remain in your little bubble.

You, SJWs, hollyjews, stormweenies,MAGIcians. Keep fighting, the ones engineering it all will continue to profit by our cultural enslavement to their will, let's just remain distracted by how the other guy is trying to take what is ours.

They're all stupid, violent, and impulsive. It's semi-implied that they might have been some sort of hive species, and what Earth got was a bunch of mindless drones who weren't designed to think for themselves. There's literally one smart alien in the entire movie.

We'll let you know when your cultures and people are literally raped out of existence.

>memes aren't stale if they agree with me
Oh well fuck me that's convienient.

>anecdotal assumptions
>not realizing humans are terrible at mental statistics

lmfao, so this is what cope looks like

Please tell me what movies you normaly watch. They must be fucking god-tier if Oblivion is the worst movie you've ever seen. Oblivion was like a 6/10.

>Memes aren't stale if the Left keeps proving them true
Yeah, it's convenient and hilarious.



If you are an anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-United States, anti-individualism, anti-gun, pro-miscegenation, pro-homosexuality, pro-feminist, pro-Marxism, open-borders globalist, have I got the show for you.

May the Lord open.

>The Left really can't meme.

Bye bye, Björn.

You're arguing the semantics of the word meme instead of proposing literally any arguments at all. Holy shit you Sup Forums-tards are fucking pathetic. Is this what you consider debate? Do you seriously engage in this level of discourse to test your beliefs? Is this what you based your entire political orientation on? Congratulations, you're a better argument against the right than I could ever make. I hope for your sake that this is a sock puppet.
>look at my epic memes!
You sound like a fucking child.

>stealing the word "cuck"
>stealing the meme's format

The Left REALLY can't meme.

oh no, an obvious ring-wing shilling site.

how can we combat such a balanced and unbiased source.

Calm down, snowflake.