What was her name again?
What was her name again?
just fuck my career up famalam
i wonder what ehr pusy look like
Shame about her. Bipolar disorder is a slow death.
Skinhead Ohcoroner
She got so much shit for ripping up that picture of the Pope, and yet time proved her right about the Catholic church.
Dude that's Andrew Garfield from that time he had a buzz haircut
I love the Cranberries. Good band.
negasonic teenage warhead
what's going on in this thread
God punished her.
Sneed o Connor
Cmon you fucker, even the picture says Sinbad, the bitch from kazaam.
God's righteous judgment?
its the guy from that russian meme music video
chum rum bedroom, I believe it goes
shame about your megadubs
owo what's this
One of the few SJWs whose integrity I respect. She destroyed her career over that, and she did not regret it. That story would have taken 10 more years to break, if it ever broke at all.
The Real Slim Shady.
Need for Speed Condor
cutie patootie