What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
her penis is the size of a pizza roll
how do we stop him?
finally a new Jazz thread.
Jazz and Unk threads are the only things i activly enjoy on Sup Forums. What is wrong with me?
It's too late user, he cant be stopped.
I'm afraid it was always too late.
Jazz... lay off the pizza rolls
Stop screening for HIV/AIDS in the porn industry.
Jazz was indicating a preference for pizza rolls, a common, unhealthy frozen snack food, as opposed to gender roles, the idea that members of each sex have certain inherent features and responsibilities.
This is obvious to the observer even without having seen the shirt, as Jazz is an obese individual who has a financial interest in going against the grain of society so her show has more material.
remember the episode where she gets her hair dyed without her parents permission, or the one where she talks about the tattoo she wants? are these behaviors any indication that she might ever do porn?
I mean realistically she probably won't because she's already got a decent carreer
A Jazz porno would make soooooooo much money. My fucking Jew genes are making me vibrate I'm getting so excited by the thought of how many shekels that would make. Hopefully she does it after the show is over and I get to be her agent.
ah the ironic serious post. so sad anons like this will never be funny
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
8 months
it would probably be one of those shit-tier grooby shoots where the girl never shows her dick
Not an argument.
It's funny that this seems unbelievably grotesque to you, because that is authentic everyday life for women. They talk about sex with each other all the time, in thorough and explicit detail, and think nothing of it.
why does Adam Sessler like fucking trannies so much?
Doesn’t insisting that gender roles are irrelevant sort of fly in the face of only finding yourself comfortable as a “girl” by chopping your dick off?
I doubt she's ever even touched a dong. That would be quite the jump to go straight from nothing into porn
This, I don't understand how they can claim to oppose traditional gender roles when their entire goal is to become more "feminine" in the traditional sense of the term (in terms of fashion, behavior, appearance, etc.)
Better Jazz threads than being a faggot manchild being fixated on capeshit
Always see this porn star on these threads. Who is this guy?
Just fuckin google it dude.
This was always the problem.
To be transgender is to reject one gender role in favor of another.
Why don't you?
Apparantly he likes to fuck trannies.
>tfw it lifts more than most of the people on this board
>mfw I've asked my dad to do this PolitiScales questionnaire as a sort of joke to see if we have similar political opinions.
>mfw he got genuinely confused and couldn't understand the statement regarding genders and sexual preferences being social constructs
>mfw he lived through hell in communism just so he can witness the downfall of Western culture that he loved so much during days of Soviet's occupation.
I'm sorry dad.
His name is Jack Packard. He destroys tranny ass.
Even an untrained man can squat more than 70 pounds with ease.
but that's an untrained man in the webm
Even worse: His son is a fucking faggot who watches shit like Sam Hyde videos, asks him to do dumb shit like take PolitiScales questionnaires, and then posts about it in Sup Forums in threads about tranny reality TV shows.
Women joke about their ladyson's gaping flesh wounds?
At least I'm not a mutt larping as white on Sup Forums.
You forgot to say that life under the Soviets wasn't so bad.
more like fat rolls
god racists are stupid. get called out for anything and your go to is at least im white. jesus christ get some awareness.
You made a great point and then your completely undermined it by attaching that cringy pic with it. Why Sup Forumstards think they have some sort of moral authority above anyone is beyond me since 99% of you literally cross the street upon seeing a black person.
she looks like she eats A LOT of tater tots
>Has a folder with some actor playing a nazi
>Calls others racist
LMAO. Let me guess you're just acting to be a badass nationalist on Sup Forums while looking down when some Tyrone or Pedro look at you right?
Right, you're just a non-white faggot LARPing as white and heterosexual on Sup Forums. So much better. I'm not American, by the way, you obsessed loser.
>From third world occupied by Soviets shithole and son of coward that was a Westaboo and also obsessed
>Calls anyone else a mutt
Pfffftttt. Scurry away little roach.
he's gay, right?
Back to Sup Forums and your placebo "pure Aryan blood" shitposting you pathetic larping soycuck.
>that advert in the lower right corner
lmao. guess that's where she is heading next
>>Has a folder with some actor playing a nazi
i have no such folder.
Oh no, he’s the extra-special reverse double-gay: a woman trapped in a man’s body who’s also a lesbian.
Butthurt samefag. I hate the Nazis. It's just a funny pic if you have seen the show. I also don't post on Sup Forums. Sorry I rekt you so hard.
You are replying to two different people, moron. If I was your father I would pray for death because his son is a bigger faggot than Jazz.
>LARPing as white and heterosexual on Sup Forums.
>laughing at the degenerate Western trannies being enabled through your pathetic "culture" means you're secretly homosexual
What did the triggered Sup Forumstard mean by this?
This obsession with Sup Forums and soy, more things you heard from your hero Sam Hyde (the fat Jew swindler preying on brainlets like you). If I was your father I would be so ashamed.
As a concerned citizen I have to agree with you. She seems to really have an issue. I wish her all the best
>no one says anything about Sup Forums
Take the L and go back kiddo. I'm not white american or straight and you're making me sick.
According to the doctor her dick is literally the size of a tater tot.
>I'm not white american or straight
AKA Sup Forumstard
Why did you disingenuously replace "the woman's transvestite son's genitals" with "sex"? Who do you think you're fooling?
>lol I fucked him up with puberty blockers and now he has a micropenis lololololololol
Adam Sessler, former G4 show host
el goblino monstruoso, ay mamá!!
>"Her" dick
huh? citation needed on that one user
This is all I got.
You have to go back
Maybe she's a RLM fan?
No I don't, because why would I watch this shit?
Why does Woody Harrelson like trannies so much?
>Jazz, you just don't get how small your penis is. You see I've seen thousands of penises, of all sizes, and yours is *by far* the smallest I've ever seen. It barely qualifies as a penis really. I really hope you never change your mind to liking girls because there's just no way you could ever penetrate a girl with that penis. In fact that penis is soo small we can't even make it into a vagina. No, no. It's better if we cut it off entirely and just install a fleshlight between your legs, we'll make it with parts of your asshole. It'll smell like shit but only for a few months. Don't worry about orgasms, you've been thoroughly chemically castrated, you'll never feel anything anyway.
>Be strong man
>Broke free of communism and worked your way to freedom
>Marry strong woman
>Have a son and try to raise him right
>Come home one day from working sixteen hours breaking your back to give your family a better life than you had
>Teenage son waddles up to you
>He is holding the laptop you scrimped and saved for a year to buy him
>On his head is some ugly red hat with white words on it that you don't fully understand
>He starts babbling about how some Million dollar Jekyll and Hyde Extreme man is funniest man on Earth and wants you to give him all of the money you made that day for something called his patreon
>Try to figure out what he is talking about as he shoves the laptop in front of you and after clicking away images of a brown transvestite he makes you start taking some test about politics and genders even though you just want to rest
>You start to show confusion about a question and he takes away the laptop and as he walks back to the room you pay for with it to get on the internet you pay for and look at more brown transvestites he says "Heh, dad you're such a soyboy I bet you would post on paul!"
>You don't know what paul is but after his door shuts your wife walks in the room and gives you a knowing look then walks across the kitchen and puts her hand on your shoulder as you put your face into your hands and wish you would have been shot by the Soviets in the old country
What's his end goal?
why does Dr. Salgado look like he's trying to hold back laughter when he's talking to Jazz about her genitalia?
this dude got pozzed by a tranny
9/10, would have been better if he told his dad he wasn't white and called him a soyboy instead of just a soyboy.
Is it just me, or does this guy bear a rather disturbing resemblance to the alien assassin who used to show up on the X-Files?
When she is finally 18, will she show us her 2 inches penis?
it will be gone by that point, replace by a front anus.
I know who that is in the photo
She's got the most incredible body too and a pair of titties that make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk. Dick like a ten year old boy!
Why would you pass up the opportunity to have the most feminine penis in the world in exchange for a disgusting nuvagina
>yfw it is popped on live stream by a MASSIVE MONSTROUS NIGGER COCK
>Yfw it is a 10hour rape fest and after all the time and breedings it happens...
>The shit, piss, blood and cum pulls out, spluttering along with her entrails killing her
Gross! Why can't the cock be white?
black guys dont do gay shit like tranny porn
IT HAS to be black. So the degeneracy can be at it's apex user.
It'd be like triumph of the will, but the reverse.
A true masterpiece of cuckino.
>Jazz goes for the penis inversion surgery anyway
>On set for the porn
>What is that? A vagina for ANTS?!
Me on the right