How is it possible that we still don't have a big budget Lovecraft movie?
How is it possible that we still don't have a big budget Lovecraft movie?
Pick one.
I really don't want to see Cyclopean Ruins: Adobe Aftereffects Edition
or a Millenial Squid attack.
Lovecraft doesn't work on a screen
Because he hated Jews and niggers.
I love his ideas but I hate tentacle monsters.
they won't let Del Toro make it
I think most of his stuff is better left alone but I´d kill for a mountains of madness adaption.
Lovecraft as a found footage film would actually work extremely well if you think about it. One of the early 20th century expeditions has a documentary crew film the whole thing with a shitty old hand reel camera (obviously adding sound just for cinematic value).
Would mean you dont have to show the Old Ones or anything fully in frame, hence not ruining them completely and keeping them somewhat mysterious. Just show the expedition slowly mutating into fish people and shit as they get furher into the ruins, with the film ending with the last survivor holding the camera and dropping it, just walking into the distance with the camera filming just the lower half of a massive creature in the water in the distance speaking some fucked up language.
He does but not on a big scale. His stories are good for short movies like Necronomicon but a big budget extravaganza would probably look unfitting.
why bother? people miss the point of lovecraft enough as it is.
Not even similar.
They would force love story in there.
Visuals ruin the very thing Lovecraft is known for - mystery, so any movie with Lovecraftian tones will ultimately fail.
Unless it's a jumbled mess of a film that early Lynch liked to do, that doesn't care about structure or plot and just busy invoking your emotions. I can see it working.
Lovecraft is overrated trash
Mountains of Madness has literally one 5 second moment showing the monster.
The Borderlands did a great job at "showing" an elder god imo.
It doesn´t even have to be full blown abstract in order to not ruin the mystery. Some weird artifacts here, some noises or shadows over there, no in your face jumpscares and at the end you catch a glimpse of something big.
>fart shattering ear noise
There isn't a single Lovecraft story that would work as a film. At best the stories work as an episode of tales from the crypt, at best. A 20 minute short story. Nothing is film-worthy.
Mountain of Madness:
>arrive in remote location
>strange dead alien things
>split up
>other groups was killed off mysteriously
>oh the alien things dissected them out of curiosity
>We better warn future expeditions to stay away from this area
Call of Cthulhu:
>creepy sculpture is discovered
>A cult is killing people and worship the creepy sculpture but they are arrested
>decades later, a boat is found adrift which had come in conflict with another boat of cultists, also with a creepy statue
>notes from, a sailor say they discovered an uncharted island with a dead city and accidentally released Cthulhu
>rammed boat into Cthulhu head and escaped
>lone survivor is killed by cult members in a port town
>"and now that you know the truth, the cult is coming for YOU!"
These are disposable pulp stories sold in magazines for $0.25. They are not literary classics and the stories are not really fleshed out enough for a film. They were written to be disposable media to thrill a reader for an afternoon and then be forgotten.
>lovecraft who explained in detail what the horrors at hand look like wouldnt work in a visual medium
I stand by my earlier statement that people miss the point of lovecraft.
You don't want the multi-racial millenial meme squad to make funny quips as a being that is impossible to comprehend and made up of unimaginable horror is devouring all life on the planet?
shadow over innsmouth might work if you rework the guy (sailor or something) spouting exposition and the history of the town at the protagonist. The chase scene at the end was the best action Lovecraft ever wrote despite the fact that it awkwardly peters out
You're forgetting that most of his works involve retelling of a retelling of a retelling of the actual events, leaving you wondering what actually happened and what the monster looked like, thus invoking your imagination, often making it work with as little as vague descriptions of how horrifying it was.
>But he describes them
so it's not the same as a dude wearing a fish suit on a green screen see
The Borderlands was pretty great for what looked like it'd be a found footage film.
The faith vs organised religion vs science conversations were pretty neat.
You've also gotta love an ending so fucked up you just stare blankly and wonder what you've just watched.
You owe it to yourself to play Call of C'thulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth.
The shadow over innsmouth section of the game is amazing and captuires the story perfectly (nails the chase scene).
It's just a shame that everything from the start of the bank vault on is pretty bad because it would have been one of the greatest horror games of all time otherwise.
>Visuals ruin the very thing Lovecraft is known for - mystery
Junji Ito makes Lovecraftian horror stories through a visual medium and has zero problem with it.
Ive played it and enjoyed being hounded by the scary looking townspeople but hated it once you manage to get a gun and it just turns into a generic shooter.
Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can still hear the screams.
But if it were to be made by a major studio the monster would be featured heavily and you know it
But for it to work as a film the studio would have to gut it completely, feature 30 minutes of monster screen time, and possibly the US military fighting the monster and winning because MURRKA FUCK YEA!. That is the only outcome a modern audience would accept, so that s the film we would get.
Because lovecraftian horror works best in your mind. ie a book
Junji is not even close to lovecraftian. Just because a particular brand of horror is weird or unnerving doesn't place it in the category of lovecraftian
You are a retard if you think that shit cannot b expanded properly.
Thats a fair point, I'm just saying that the description or lack thereof of the monster wasnt the purpose of the story but rather just an element of it. People not knowing the background of lovecraft dont realise what he was doing with his writing
because le unimaginable horror dude lmao
Movies can work and make great $ without retarded action for idiots. Look at Arrival.
The bulk of Junji Ito is straight horror (curses, ghosts) but Uzumaki is Lovecraftian, even if some of the short stories in it fall into more common spoopy tactics. Think of it as if the eponymous color out of space had not blasted away and instead stayed there and continued infecting everything. Something alien just distorting and corrupting the land until everything in it is made to its likeness. That's basically Uzumaki
>Junji is not even close to lovecraftian
Sure, he's just the spiritual successor to Lovecraft and the only one to make good Lovecraftian horror other than Lovecraft himself to this day
People will make a big deal about how much of a racist Lovecraft was and then the movie will tank.
Half of ATMOM is them walking around the dead city discovering things. It could absolutely work as a film.
First half of Prometheus was basically exactly that and worked. It's the retarded action in second half that ruined the movie.
>You are a retard if you think that shit cannot b expanded properly
If it was viable to do so, they would have done it. No one ever came up with a lovecraft screenplay that was not utter dogshit because the source material itself was phoned in. Lovecraft was a failure as a writer and this lead him to financial ruin. Only the names of his monstrosities had any actual value, as the original stories they appear in are dull and utterly worthless.
All of the lore the modern Lovecraft autists worship about the badass space monsters came from harry-potter tier fan fiction writers who fleshed out an incomplete universe. Half of it came from that shitty pen and paper RPG and other publications from Chaosium and they continue to publish weird "official" lovecraft fanfiction.
I meant that the movie is not necessarily forced to be exactly like the book. Think about what they did with Blade Runner.
You can have an expedition with more interesting character interaction for At The Mountain of Madness. Even expand on the Shoggoth for a The Thing reference, or whatnot.
Of course autists will spergout.
>First half of Prometheus was basically exactly that
Exactly. If well written, would have been fantastic.
Just Scott got a bad writer and all went to shit, and him and the producers think that is because did not look enough like alien.
Sup Forumstards think that the fanbase was pissed because of this, too.
>The Enigma of Amigara Fault
>that one with the people being kept alive inside a huge fish in the abyss
>not lovecraftian
>You can have an expedition with more interesting character interaction for At The Mountain of Madness. Even expand on the Shoggoth for a The Thing reference, or whatnot.
That is exactly what Del Toro was doing with his version desu. At the end one of the two explorers who lived is actually the shoggoth in disguise
It's a tricky situation, the core fanbase want a movie to celebrate their literary masterpiece, but for it work hollywood would have to rape the source material harder than they have ever raped anything before, which would cause rage in that fan base.
It is just a lose-lose situation. Hollywood is better off doing an original story where humans battle an original cosmic horror or elder god and not paying licensing to Chaosium for use of Cthulhu. Total freedom and no fanbase to anger. The cloverfield franchise is kind of like this.
>That is exactly what Del Toro
I know, I am him - AMA
You are probably right. Or better, we would need a good writer able to capture the themes and insert good characters. Good luck with that
Nobody gives a crap about core fanbase. It's the same with Marvel.
Doesn't matter. Why hasn't Hollywood just done some monster movie with some squid thing and called it Lovecraft? They are sinking as low as labeling every B movie Cloverfield right now, so why not go with something Reddit will pop for?
why do you come onto this internet website and say stupid things?
Not if Disney makes the flick.
>Nobody gives a crap about core fanbase. It's the same with Marvel.
Marvel is a powerful brand though. Lovecraft is "literally who?" tier for 99% of the American population, and outside of America his relevance plummets further.
Why go out of your way to rewrite lovecraft for a modern audience when there is no modern audience for it?
>At the mountains of madness doesn't exist
The whole story is very visual in nature.
Big budget Lovecraft probably wouldn't work. Smaller stories about one dude getting way out of his depth out of fascination then killing himself is doable though
Because Cosmic Horror isn't a big genre and no one wants to see a film that is all about nihilism and how your life doesn't matter and giant monsters are gonna kill us all anyways.
That's basically a zombie movie.
Lovecraft is a racist.
I'll buy 2 tickets.
>How is it possible that we still don't have a big budget Lovecraft movie?
t. Guy who's never read lovecraft
He's right though.
The ONLY story that should be put on the silver screen is the dream quest of unknown kadath. My favorite story. If you haven't read it yet and you like lovecraft's dream stories, do it NOW. You will not regret it, even though he himself thought it was awful.
I'm in talks with a major studio to produce "Nigger Man: The Motion Picture." Stay tuned. I think it will be the film Lovecraft fans have been waiting for.
Cabin In The Woods was essentially lovecraftian if I understand correctly
Because not every good read is a good watch.
>Character drops the camera on the ground at the end so we only get to see an off-angle view of the evil monster
Literally the worst fucking trope. Overdone.
What if cthulu.... Wasn't just a story?
Stuart Gordon has done some great films based off Lovecraft stories.
I got brain damage reading that post if you actually read his work what was wrong with it. People after him misinterpreting his work is not a fault of his work.
At the Mountains of Madness would actually be pretty easy to adapt.
>Marvel is a powerful brand though
Yeah, Iron Man or Thor were such a powerful brand before MCU.