Are there any horror movies that don't have jump scares, or barely have them...

Are there any horror movies that don't have jump scares, or barely have them? Only one i can remember is The VVitch Goat attack isn't really a jump scare

yeah I woudnt use that cardboard box either, good call on the lamp. But you would ruin the wall with the force required to catch that thing reliably. Hard decision.

night of the hunter

Is this a reminder to never live in Australia?

assuming Gore and so is counted as jumpscare right?
Gothic (1986)
The Shining
Mummy (1932 with Boris Karloff)
Frankenstein (almost all versions)
many 'atmospheric' ones from 40s-60s
generally mostly of gothic horror/romance ones


Gore doesn't have to be a jump scare desu

lol such a dumb webm


t. Spooked

i don't get it

If that webm scared you in any way you are literally a Tofu Tony.

You would think i'd be immune to these by now, well played op i shart myself.

>that webm
pure soy all the way

it subverted my expectations

it worked on that gif where it looks like a funnyjunk type of forum with hearts or something. here they pushed it too far

It didn't scare me but it did shock me. I thought the video was gonna loop after he picked up the lamp but suddenly the spider hits the screen.

It was unexpected. Not scary.

I trusted you once Sup Forums

the witch literally had two in it.

I would just burn the fucking house down at that point

I'd consider Funny Games by Haenke pretty horrific, at least really really tense