Which show was better Sup Forums?

Which show was better Sup Forums?

>which show
>posts one show

only good thing to come out of Avatar is the Rule 34 porn

My man

Every Korrafag seriously needs to go back. >>>/tumblr/


>ITT shows you watched purely because of the porn

Also featured in the category: Wakfu

Korra was the better protagonist but Last Airbender was the better show

>Korra was the better protagonist
Korra was a whiny cunt who repeatedly did the opposite of what she was told for no reason other than 'I am a STRONG WOMAN AVATAR'. And every time she did that shit it caused the major conflict in every season. She was totally the reason she faced any struggles at all.

At least Aang was a nice kid who wanted to learn how to be a better person

Also, aang ended a major war and brought in years of relative piece.

Korra exploded the middle of a city and made it so that dangerous spirits are everywhere killing everybody

no she was shit and lacked depth, just teen drama mixed with, im avatar mary sue, as apose to aang, my whole race clan was killed i ran away becuase of fear of the wieght of being the avatar, awaken to find the world in war, still only a child, some cunt hunting you down as soon as you are awake, now forced into a position where he has to do whats right for the world,

>character who struggles, grows and has actual issues
>hey guys, just quirckly old aang
You tell me.

>Sup Forums
anyone noticed this a lot recently? also seen people calling it "/tv"

>I like it for the porn, maaan.

Korra's 3rd season was better than it had any right to be. Zaheer and crew should have been the protagonists with a corrupted Avatar as the villain.

Korra punched all her problems and erased the legacy of 1,000 past avatars

Red lotus was kino. Book 3 was the only LoK season that stood close to the quality of AtLA

I do tho

is she squirting?

First one. Last season of Korra was good, Kuvira literally was in the right.

I got as far as The Beginnings Pt 1 and 2 (which were pure kino) and couldn't face going back to Korra. Is it worth it to push through the rest of the show?