Blade Runner Star Rutger Hauer Isn’t a Fan of Blade Runner 2049

>I sniff and scratch at it. It looks great but I struggle to see what that film was necessary. I just think if something is so beautiful, you should just leave it alone and make another film. Don’t lean with one elbow on the success of that was earned over 30 years in the underground.

>In many ways, Blade Runner wasn’t about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It’s like E.T.. But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner. It’s not a character-driven movie and there’s no humor, there’s no love, there’s no soul. You can see the homage to the original. But that’s not enough to me. I knew that wasn’t going to work. But I think it’s not important what I think.

2049 BTFO

he's right

reddit BTFO'd

i aggree with him, the movie had great visuals but the plot is uninteresting and goes nowhere

2049 was better though.

Dude, space lights lmao

>there’s no humor
did the original blade runner have humor?

100% right, and I like BR2049.

Blessed Rutger is correct

When Rutger Hauer slams his head through the wall?

you've really buried the lede here in that apparently we now have the technology to interview dead people.

he stole my words

then again chickenheads love scenary / ambient / soundscaping / atmosphere / A E S T H E T I C S.

>In many ways, Blade Runner wasn’t about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It’s like E.T.. But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner.
Is he senile? The sequel literally explores that question further



the part where Deckard talks like a fag to the slut bot in the stripper changing room was very funny

>I'm not a fan of this move they didn't put me in

hahahahahahaha what a fag

2049 is almost all about love, meanwhile the original has one rapey sex scene.

>>In many ways, Blade Runner wasn’t about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It’s like E.T.. But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner.

dumb criticism. blade runner is about mortality and freedom, 2049 is about authenticity and responsibility. both are about empathy and compassion.

>It's not a character driven movie
It is though?

did you miss the sea beams in space speech?

He's a moron, it's better than the original.

Oh i agree

what the fuck is he talking about? is he senile?

>Brought back Ford
>Brought back Olmos
>Brought back crazy ass Young
>Rutger Hauer did a 2 min cameo in Valerian instead
lmao@his life

He's right when he says the movie is soulless, like most villeneuve movies

What is the best version of the original Blade Runner to watch and why are there so many different versions?

>"The big movies now are such an industry where the money has to come back as soon as possible.With a little movie you have a little more room to move"
>"The eye of the director and the point of view of the filmmaker has suffered (in big films) in the past decades. I look for hard balls."
>"And I don't see much balls in most films today."

Based Hauer dropping bombs on Hollywood.

>implying false implications

Well said. I completely agree with his sentiments.

you mean just like the first movie?

>love: deckard austic borderline rape make out scene
>humor: ?
>soul, what does it mean to be human? : find your creator, murder his eyes out. Then talk about space lazers.


He's 74.


Final Cut.
The original "theatrical" version was fucked by the studios. The so-called "director's cut" isn't really a director's cut at all, the name is completely misleading and the director had no involvement with it.

>He's a moron
He's objectively not though you brainlet.

K has a good arc and his plot amounts to something poignant. But everything else is bland and uninspired, from Leto and the resistance to Rachel's miracle baby

fucking kek i forgot all about this scene
>have you done anything lewd or unsavory or otherwise repulsive to your person?

shitskin Sup Forumsedditors blown out

"If only you could see what I have seen, with your eyes."

what a fucking pleb

>In many ways, Blade Runner wasn’t about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It’s like E.T.. But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner.
2049 explores the exact same question even further
>It's not a character driven movie and there's no humor
It is a character driven movie? The entire focus is on K. There isn't much humor but there are little tidbits here and there, more so than the original if I remember correctly.
>No Love, no soul
Again, the main focus of the film is on K and a big part Joi, whether or not her love for him was real is a huge question it raised and has garnered a lot of discussion. K not having a soul is literally brought up in the movie. Everyone looks down on him because he's a blade runner.; he kills his own kind, he hates himself. In the end he decides to die with a purpose, giving the illusion that he had a "soul". This and love are the main factors in K completing his character arc.

>I just think if something is so beautiful, you should just leave it alone and make another film. Don’t lean with one elbow on the success of that was earned over 30 years in the underground.
I really liked 2049 but totally agree with this and have since I first heard a sequel was in the works. It's a good movie but just another example of modern Hollywood being unable to be truly creative.

Wait he did? Wtf

What modern movie would you consider creative?

This. I liked the movie, one of my favorites from last year, but I'm constantly baffled by all these people trying to talk about it like its the most flawless piece of cinema ever to be made.
I just assume It's a bunch of babyfigs and their first low key/slow paced sci fi.

Not him, but I think everything Wes Anderson does is creative and original even if you think he's a meme director

>modern Hollywood being unable to be truly creative.
Are you forgetting the original was a book adaptation? It changed around a lot, but still many of the precise details/sequences/dialogues were lifted from PKD's novel

Nigga how delusional do you have to be to even think for one second that Windows Ana could "love"

There's even a scene where she says she's only ones and zeroes compared to his DNA sequence. And Ryan says half as much but twice as elegant as a half ass cop out of telling her, No she doesn't look fat in that dress c'mon

Not that user, but something like swiss army man comes to mind as something more interested in being creative and original than it is in pleasing normalfag audiences.

Goltzius and the Pelican Company

That's a fair one I think, Wes Anderson is actually pretty creative.


wow... amazing writing...

>I just think if something is so beautiful, you should just leave it alone and make another film. Don’t lean with one elbow on the success of that was earned over 30 years in the underground.
Nerds will never understand this, sorry Rutger.


A Ghost Story

He's right you know. BR 2049 was strong in direction, visuals and (some) performances, but the story was rather lacking.

2049 is still very much about what it is to be human. Discarded

>there’s no love
I still believe...

so was the original blade runner

Ruther Hauer obviously fails on making smart decisions on which scripts to do. You shouldn't trust this FAILED actor.

That part wasn't written tho.
This man is correct.

There was practically zero story in the original

>That part wasn't written tho.
Yes, it was.

>>Mfw roy was only 4 years old when he killed his father, saw battleships on fire, and save your would be murderer and give him a new perspective on life

>>mfw you're about to go 40 and still haven't left your mother's basement

>It's not a character driven movie

Lmao wtf? K's arc is vastly superior and more interesting than any character in the original aside from Roy Batty who comes somewhat close but who is also pushed off to the side 90% of the time.

No he came up with it on the spot, and everyone pretends it's profound just for that reason

Same fag. And new fag. At least wait 10 minutes or so to bump your own thread.

I still need to see that movie, I actually really like Daniel Radcliffe

Is this a good movie? it sounds good are the average review scores just normies?

Haven't seen it but I've liked some of David Lowery's other movies so I'll have to see.

All very original looking films, thanks for the tips anons

Nice projection.

I've scene things you redditors wouldnt believe.

Not to insult Rutger Hauer or anything, guy's pretty based, but that quote reads like a shitposter from Sup Forums typed it up who didn't actually watch the movie. Like, it's not a character driven movie? Is he for real?

>K's progress from antihero to non-nero
>Luvs failure as the classic "from within" protagonist
>but also not character driven

2049 is a replicant of the oringal Blade Runner .

It's a metaphor.

>>mfw everyone looks down on K because he's a spineless fuck who can't think for himself

>>mfw alpha roy fucks everyones shit up on his path to better himself, even if he knows it's futile

This. The film could be literally called "K's Character Development", if anything it's more character driven than the original.
Hauer sadly turned into a brainlet

I think old Rutger needs to join Ridley in the retirement home

Pretty much this

Stop spouting bullshit. Takes just a google search to find out you're wrong.
Also, it wasn't supposed to be "profound", and nobody pretends it is. You're retarded.

I agree with him and I actually really liked the film.
I would have rather seen a whole new film universe than one based on it.
The film as it is semi stands on its own. A few changes to deeply routed themes would make it fully stand on its own.

silly reddit

you fucked up

>and nobody pretends it is
Really? I don't think even you believe this

Stealth anthead detected

Jordan Peterson would not approve.

But 2049 was better.

Yes, really. You might not know what the word "profound" means. Is it supposed to be poetic? Yes. Poignant, yes. Nobody thinks it's profound, and all you're doing is reinforcing what was already clear, that you're a pleb.

Bullshit analysis, he's just mad that they remade his movie. There are new characters, in fact a new class of characters - Holographic AI - which takes it to the next philosophical level of consciousness

He's right
How are you supposed to empathise with any of them?

Finally, Sup Forumsedditors and nu males BTFO

the police chief isn't a replicant and it remains ambiguous about Deckard. it's not that hard.
also, i was able to connect to K. but maybe that's just because i'm emotionally damaged
pic may or may not be related

I completely agree on this point. The film in my mind would do better sans the baggage incumbent on a sequel. The Tears in the Rain homage, in particular, seemed belabored as did the Rachel/Deckerd reunion. The baseline sequences with K on the other hand seemed wholey novel and capitivating

Are you implying that you can only empathise with human beings? What kind of retarded logic is that?
Why do people empathise with cartoon animals like in The Lion King then?


Because they are gay furries?
Are you retarded, you gigantic redditor?

Don't get me started on that retarded baseline test. If it wasn't for Ryan saying the same word over and over again how would that scene be remotely memorable

I think the point is that BR didn't need to be redone, and didn't require a sequel. It was a great movie to be sure, top 10 for me, but it was basically cut and dry and said everything it needed to say.

2049 was pretty to be sure, but I put it in Mad Max tier. Visually stunning but said nothing. So I agree with Rutger.

>But I’m not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner.

Just more of the same. What does it mean to be human, with a new twist of reproduction. Anyway, I liked 2049, I might even say it is technically better than the original, but it didn't really do anything new. More like refining what Blade Runner did and doing it again.

>Don’t lean with one elbow on the success of that was earned over 30 years in the underground.

Pretty much this.

t. psychopath
you did not even conceive what he was saying

Nope, thy focused more on memory, illusions and only partially to humanity and belonging.
Watch the movie next time

This line is fucking hilarious. What did he mean by this?

The original could have been better if there was less narration and no Harrison Ford. The second explored what it means to be human even further though, so his argument about there being no message was wrong before he even conjured up that silly thought.

>muh robots and animals are just like hooman beings
t. Vegan peta faggot