I just bought this, thoughts?
I just bought this, thoughts?
Enjoy your purchase, faggot.
hm. might watch it again soon
good shit man HEY!!???
why didn't us white people go crazy for this white guy like the blacks do for blackpanther???
the character is filipino
Good Movie
I watch this kino at least twice a year.
because the film is multicultural and multiracial while also being pro-fascist
it makes leftie heads spin
Movies Sup Forums doesn't understand general?
>pro fascist
t. brainlet
neither the film or the book are pro fascist - the film is also an abomination compared to the book
Diz > Carmen
Talking shit about Paul Verhoeven
Arch Pleb of the holy church of shit-taste detected
leftie here. love this film.
the movie is a propaganda film set in the book universe, that's why it's pro-fascist
or technically a caricature of pro-fascist propaganda but it unintentionally makes it look appealing
>makes it look appealing
t. brainlet
Mate, did you even pay attention to what was going on in the background or were you too busy jerking off to Diz?
One of the best movies of all time, imo, even though the director meant it as satire.
>makes the fascists look good and their society somewhere you'd want to live
>not pro fascist
ok m8
as bad as they show things it's still looks far better than our current society
nobody could have foreseen how bad things would get back in the 90s though
>people who don't legitimately contribute to society's shouldn't have a say in how it's run
>b-but das rayciss mayne gibsmedat you rayciss fascist grrr white supremacist triggered
This. I hope you really enjoy watching the movie and enjoying the special features, you gutless motherfucker.
unironicly love the movie for the wrong reasons.
It's great OP but don't watch 2 or 3, the animated one is alright though.
The movie was intended to be a satire on facism, and since it failed as a satire, it becomes facism-kino
Yeah, also this. The sequels fucking blow.
Ironside is such a fucking great actor why did he never really make it big?
Total Recall and this are all I can really remember him in
the book and the film are great in their own rights, but the book and the movie are nothing alike.
>somewhere you'd want to live
yes i'd love to live in the world where violence is taught in public school as the be-all end-all for everything and young people are tricked into dying in a pointless war.
nice strawman, faggot
This honestly. Argue with Nazis all you want, they will never be convinced that movies like this or American history x don't support their world view
>and young people are tricked into dying in a pointless war.
but that's our reality m8, young Americans get sent to die for Israel all the time
>one of the most respected characters in the narrative, represents the status quo, father figure to the MC
>explicitly tells him to think for himself and figure things out on his own
This fascist society is unironically less fascist than contemporary leftists.
The final scene with the nigger killing his little brother proved him right all along.
>implying Israel isn't just America's puppet
>violence is taught in public school as the be-all end-all for everything
Yes, I'd much rather teachers tell kids comforting lies in schools.
>and young people are tricked into dying in a pointless war
Nothing pointless about purging the universe of alien scum in the name of humanity.
it's quite literally the other way around
It was intended to be antifacist, but it only a 5/10 movie at best as a satire.
Its a great movie if you just watch it as Space nazi's from south america go to war with space bugs movie and have the Nazi's as good guys.
He one of those "That guys". He doesn't have the looks to be a leading man, but stayed busy being a top notch actor who could play the bad guy or tough good guy.
The film had nothing to do with the book. It was an original script and they bought the license when people noticed some similarities between the two, probably just to avoid a lawsuit.
just watched it today again. How does this movie hold up so well? DESU CGI at certain scenes look outdated, but it i still watchable, and combination of cgi/practical effects of bugs still holds up same as jurrasic park. And how the hell they allowed movie with such violence come out, they just don't make them like this now.
They're in a war for survival. That might sound pointless to a nihilist like yourself, but to everyone else it would be quite meaningful.
The bugs have no interest in humanity besides self-defense. The initial attack was a literal false flag.
No evidence of this whatsoever.
He's from Brazil you moron.
Yes, but the character is filipino. He literally speaks tagalog in the book.
The movie is perfect for two reasons.
1. Its a fukken sick bug hunt movie
2. If you've read the book and have a brain you can see the movie is a movie within the book world. Its literally propoganda based off the books main character and his exploits. Masterful.
Good movie.
I just passed my macro final and im really happy but i dont have any froends to tell. Thanks for listening.
Brilliant movie and definitely my favourite of all time.
That actually is now unironically hilarious with the current state of affairs
>Turn over a new leaf 'maybe nogs arn't so bad.'- killed by darkie
and they would probobly say
>DAS RITE, WYT BOI - Leftie white neckbeard
>implying false flagging to generate public support necessary to justify your war of alien genocide is somehow wrong
The only Argies i can stand
Don't see how you fascfags can enjoy this movie knowing that it's Paul Verhoeven's cock in your face mocking you for your beliefs
Fascfags don't have the self-awareness to realize they'd be culled for the betterment of their fantasy society, let alone when someone is mocking them to their face.
satire fails because people are stupid, so it's not the stupid people's fault but the movie is to blame
lmao you know it's a masterful piece of satire, when the people it's laughing at unironically defend it.
Of course, as a distraction let's waste shitloads of manpower and material fighting giant bugs literally half a galaxy away!
Cool shit, dude, keep at it.
Gonna have to kill those bugs eventually anyway. Better to do it before they become a problem.
Yeah its better to teach kids that they aren't responsible for their actions. To hate their gender and to think there is no such thing as facts.
Cool movie
Nothing to do with the book
Dizzy best grill
In the book he a Filipino Brazilian
Congrats user
never pass up a good thing user
Thanks fren
No, the satire is done poorly, it not that people are dumb. I can tell that it was intended as satire, it fails to be good satire. But it works much better as a pro-facism film. Verhoeven was clear what he intended to do, and failed.
Still is a good movie, for all the reasons why Verhoeven didn't intend.
>he believes Argentina was an inside job
Starship Troppers isn't set in America m8
Congratulations user. Hope you become a great citizen one day.
It helps me to not know who the fuck is Paul whatever, and even if I knew who he was, I see no reason to care about his opinion, he is a literally who to my life.
They're so cute! CUTE! Imagine this scene in an anime, holy shit.
Yep, the blonde is actually Amy Smart in a early early role.
>but that 4k meme
>Quick, Watkins is about to black her!
If you think this is pro fascist you are literally retarded
How does fighting a brainless horde of giant bugs that rip you to shreds while just being replaced like nothing happened makes fascism appealing
Diz was pure
he was obviously referencing the society not the war you fucking brainlet
Aint the fact that the society makes you fight those fucking bugs a reflection that it fucking sucks you stupid faggot?
>The government gets to control who elects the government
>Civilians are still treated as disposable people
There's no way this isn't going to be abused
No? Its a reflection of a united humanity under one goal. How dumb are you?
that mockery is a failure because he's trying to mock it by showing us a united humanity of no crime, prosperity and civil responsibility that has not only reached the stars but is capable of seizing them.
J-just let the Falklands go already. You lost - deal with it.
military service is completely optional retard
This. The film is a bad attempt at parody and the book is a great science fiction novel with more meaning to it than most non fiction modern “””literature”””
I hate to break this to you, user.....
>propaganda film depicts a perfect world
shocking. well i'm convinced, sign me up to the naziboo society.
nevermind that everyone is disfigured or killed within 8 seconds of engaging combat with bugs. sounds like fun.
You need to enlist to become a citizen you fuckface
not that guy, and I am the first to say it wasn't intended to be Pro-fascist, but since as a satire it fails, and as a bug hunt/presenting a idealized fascist world of gorgeous people living and sacrificing themselves for the greater good it works too well, it becomes a pro fascist movie.
It not that this movie is too smart and it goes over people heads, it too simplistic and goes under people head.
The movie shows a militarist/Facist setting, and adds a few "heehee" moments, so it can easily fit as being cheesy on a science fiction film about hunting space bugs that shoot plasma out of their asses and tear people apart in gruesome detail. It also a dumb satire that if watch for satire, is just yet another stupid film.
but if you watch it as a pro-miltarism/Facism movie with cheesy intervials since well, the premise is hunting bugs, and Rico, Dizzy, and Rasczak all being deeply like-able and Rasczak actually being compelling on that theory side, and it removes the noxious racial aspects of Fascism, suddenly you have a compelling pro-Fascist movie.
The bugs are colonizing the galaxy. It's fight or die at that point. And even then, no one was forced to fight. They had to enlist.
and yet people like Rico's parents are perfectly content with not being citizens and even have a good life
This is literally false
then don't become a citizen? Being a citizen isn't mandatory
people have lived their entire lives without citizen ship, Rico's parents for example never became citizens and live on a mansion.
Its optional
Starship Troopers fails as a satire because the world it's attempting to satirize is one that has many very attractive features. A world in which humanity has reached out to the stars, where great effort and sacrifice is rewarded, where peoples energies are given direction and meaning, where there doesn't appear to be any poverty or social ailments; a world united in singular unity and purpose. You can't present the audience with all of that and then say "look how silly this all is". Human nature inherently desires order and hierarchy and the Terran Federation is the epitome of that.
Ironsides' lecture at the beginning has airs of truth to it that can't be denied no matter how much you would want to. Violence, the commission of or the mere threat of, is indeed the ultimate authority. Unwarranted violence does cause problems of course, but it also violence that, when warranted, fixes those same problems as well. When you have a belligerent nation that invades its neighbors are people's expressions of deep concern ever going to solve the problem?
He is also right in that something given has no value. We've all seen how abused 'free' things are; value, after all, comes from investment. Some one who has invested their time, effort, blood sweat and tears into something will value it much greater than some one who was just given it for nothing. The privilege of voting, of exercising political force, is something that must have great value built into it, lest it be abused, mishandled, or left to wither away in apathy.
Starship Troopers shows us a reality that reflects the truth, and the truth can not be satirized.
You need to go back, kid. This is no place for your delicate sensibilities.
>>The government gets to control who elects the government
No they don't, you have a right to service and they'll find something for you to do.
>>Civilians are still treated as disposable people
No they aren't, their every need is met and they live lives of luxury, they just don't get to vote.
>There's no way this isn't going to be abused
Unlike the scheming career politicians the left idolises, the men and women who have volunteered to serve are honorable.
It might be my favourite film.
It isn’t though. You are just imagining that. The OOC explanation is that Paul Hackdersuckencocken wanted to show how fascism is like, bad man. I mean fuck, he didnt even read the book and is mad that a true to the book version of the movie is being produced.
Diz is a THOT
Carmen is literally the girl next door.