what does it trying to say?
Other urls found in this thread:
>black ppl getting pissed becuz of black ppl
r e a l s h i t
>jokes trigger me
imagine the smell
Anyone got template of that turk shooter that killed the russian ambassador with his hand rised up like that?
What is he talking about? Niggers are almost always the ones who clap at the end of movies.
It's like Americans of all races are cringey faggots who are too obsessed with pop culture.
I'm ok with this scenario
fucking americans lmao
Swap team for time
>this triggers the alt-soy
masterfully done, sir!
so fucking weird
They're in a school where everyone has fucking tablets and they're getting that excited over going to the cinema?
because they have moves, and you don't?
I doubt the producers even give half a shit about black people other than to exploit them.
This thing looks like he just came out of the closet from Narnia.
why the fuck would you not be exited about going to the cinema in school?
kys soyboy
Fucking this. Field trips are always the best part.
The future looks pretty grim.
I am so glad there are no niggers where I live.
same, don't know how americans deal with them
why do blacks love riverdancing?
i'm not the one getting upset about black children, cuck.
You said it.
Please photoshop a Watermelon somebody.
>Not being excited over going to a movie during school
It's like you don't remember being a kid
i was gonna say just kill me already but i know if i'm dead the blackers have more chance of domination
You get excited but you don't all start dancing in a suspiciously choreographed way like you just won the fucking lottery or your bearded groundskeeper has been released from jail and will be coming back to school
yeah, you're getting upset about posts on an anime imageboard instead
You're somebody.
black people are so fucking weird lmao
>suspiciously choreographed
They've got good rhythm. Everyone knows this about the nigras.
>point out niggers acting stupid
>libtard: "why you upset?"
Stop projecting, you fucking retard.
So it was ok when it was done like the image earlier in the thread but in this case it's le fake news ban him
literal soykeks cucked by a fictional black man LMAO
>I-it was just a joke guys, haha
>No agenda, honest
>Just a prank, why are you mad? haha
When I was a kid we weren't allowed to dance on the tables and act like animals just because we were going on a trip to see a movie.
Normalizing and even glorifying this behaviour is fucking retarded.
>what does it trying
based spic poster
you gonna keep dumping your folder in a rage, brah?
black people know that niggers only bring shame to their reace
there's literally nothing feminizing about eating soy though, it's a broscience meme
Little kid was a better dance, they ruined the shot by panning to the older kid.
literally SOYTHING
The state of America
help i'm getting my ass kicked in touhou
it's like a disney movie where all the gypsies suddenly break into a dance and song number
is this, like, the third time today you've posted these same photos
Except the one earlier in the thread was obviously a joke making fun of these fake tweets and used an image of a famous actor from a movie that is easily recognizable.
You're on the spectrum, aren't you?
Wasn't me user I stole it from Sup Forums that night, they were not faggots. Also this movie is going to be like when Italians saw rocky.
>haha white people am i right? no asses and no spices!
>stop making black people jokes you alt-rite nazi! Obama should have deported you!
And each time it successfully triggers /r/thedonald.
Why do you think they'd stop posting it if you keep giving them (You)s?
You're not?
Oh my god it's real.
Is that actually what you think the OP pic is saying?
>I am not a loser for posting this in every thread I don't like
Whatever nerd
t-thanks user-sama.
It's actually what people itt say
I literally don't get why blacks are so fanatic about that movie. Is it really the first "black" movie? What groundbreaking thing did it do?
Just keep feeding replies. It will stop them eventually, I'm sure.
>do you think they'd stop posting
no, their autism is too strong
and i know "they" is you samefag
I'm sure you are fucking moron
There is nobody on Sup Forums who unironically believes you can't make fun of black people you fucking idiot.
That was a good game though and those were real historical african kings.
it's showing africa as the kangdom that it is and should be and would have beeen without the colonial infetterence of the WHITE DEVIL
>There is nobody on Sup Forums who unironically believes you can't make fun of black people
Yes there are, actual black people and leftists.
Jesus. You snowflakes really are triggered. i thought it was just memes.
but all the blacks outside of that one country are still like today
sit down, be humble cracka
>i am not a snowflake you are!
Found the snowflake
this is legitimately super funny to me for some reason
>Sup Forumstard is so delusional he thinks Sup Forums is crawling with SJWs and that the posts he sees aren't just extremely easy bait to trigger him.
It would be funny if I wasn't fairly certain you have an actual mental disability.
>Only one white kid