Tfw in four days Black Panther outgrossed the ENTIRE domestic run of Justice League

>tfw in four days Black Panther outgrossed the ENTIRE domestic run of Justice League
>y'all said it would flop

I'm waiting for your apology, Sup Forums.

not sorry

I work in cinema ticket toll.
Keep on mind 1 important thing.
>JL audience was mostly loyal DC fans, who despite shitty movies, stay with brand.
>Black Panther had shitload of niggers who don't care about MCU at all, and went only for nigger cast
I'm not DC or MCU guy, just based on tickets sale and customers I've seen. JL audience was clearly DC fans, they had DC t-shirts, Superman/Batman logots, etc. They were talking about connections with older movies.
1/3 of BP audience did not knew what's Marvel and they were mixing DC/MCU superheroes.

know, sorry autocorrect

This Russian man is correct.

That just means they need to make more nonwhite superheroes cause they sell better.

and yet black panther is still a flop

Why is he smelling his fist?

>My capeshit is better than your capeshit!


It won’t work because law of diminishing returns. They can’t sell the next black superhero movie as a revolution, especially once black people realize this movie didn’t make their life better or stop Trump from being President

he's nigger so he probably just took a dump and wiped ass with his hand, so now gonna sniff it


>No not normies allowed REEEEEEEE
Cry more

>they need to make more nonwhite superheroes cause they sell better.

Nice hairline

Nothing against them, the more the better. So I get bonus too.
Thing is Marvel craps are very normie friendly, DC craps got more... hmm selective audience.

No they don't, you stupid geek
They just make shittier movies

No one over the age of twelve thought it would flop. Quit annoying children.

Justice league was shit
Suicide squad was shit
Bvs was shit

Just face it Warner brothers doesn't care about making quality capeshit. They're trying to copy marvlel

I'm just a pathetic little whiteboi who can't compete. You were right OP!

I don't care about their quality, honestly. I'm not movie critic. I'm just selling tickets.
Last one I've seen was Iron Man 2 or something, on TV at home. Not superhero fan.
Just saying what I see. DC audience is really dedicated to their brand. Marvel got more random one.
Mostly DC guys are +/-20-25 YO males. Marvel audience are all-around age, from kids to teenagers and so on.
It's opposite to lets say "Blade Runner" or that Tom Cruise "Mummy" and "American Made" movies. These movies flopped coz mostly of their audience were +40YO males. Less than 1/4 were teenagers.
Pirats5 and Transformers had mostly kids and families. Teenagers gave up on these.
Don't hate. Just saying what I see.

>outperformed the worst movie of the year
>implying it still didn't flop

Hill billy fuck face lol

So am I supposed to look down on the black audience because they AREN'T stupidly loyal to or even aware of companies that make products for children?

I don't care how you look at them. I gave you raw data. What you do with them is your choice.
I'm not judging movies or so, just saying how their audience seems like.
Just to compare, "Wonder Woman" had a lot of female audience, mostly 15-20 YO, "Fifty Shades 3" had also female, but mostly older, 30-40YO.
"SW TLJ" had also very dedicated audience. Some people were bringing glowing sticks, masks and shit. Almost every 2nd person had something Star Wars related. Either t-shirts or said gadgets. I guy came with Jar Jar mask,, this made me laugh.

