Any sexy CIA Milfs want to play with thier tits for me

Any sexy CIA Milfs want to play with thier tits for me

this can't be real
holy shit

it's very real the media merchants used 100% authentic footage of the hacker known as Sup Forums

its real.... based homeland redpilled as fuck

The episode was fucking kino. Missing from the clip is the part where she gets a virus downloading attachments from Sup Forums.

sneaky redpill. /ourshow/?

fake and gay

Of course it isn't.


you a fed?

this is the most innocent burn i have ever seen

homeland cancelled when?

in 8 episodes

how do I bluetext?

No. Concerned citizen.

>she ends her sentence with a period
>period isn't posted
Are they even trying?

No. Concerned Citizen


>only 26KB in size


why didnt they show her playing with her tit i really wanted to see her nipples getting hard its fucking showtime

formerly chuck

She barely has any tits

its not about the ssize about her tits its the hair flicking the lip licking and biting and the milf talking

Getting a reply within 5 minutes? No no no no no

Thanks, but why is your mom's butthole something I needed for national security?


New spoiler image when?

does anyone know who this is?

DK you with league of shadows?

it seems she has really shitty jpeg compression on her cam software.

Are you a fed?

No. Concerned Billionaire nutjob

>Be American
>Automatically against the thigh gap

Just who is this...

I don’t know. Can I have something for scale? Looks like a big guy OwO

My bet is on
>concerned citizen

That's a big file

*unzips dick*

I'm watching this now and I kekd hard when she got the ransomware, that's fucking funny

So tehy will just ignore how everyone in control is jewish and make fun of people who noticed it?

Haha youre getting brainwashed. so funny

I hope Caraposting makes it on the telly one day :^)

>not using tomorrow
But that's literally the 1337 hacker's skin of choice.

Include me in the next episode.

dk are you a concerned citizen?

She does visit a Sup Forums facsimile, but it doesn't have the jew shit.

The scene is real, what she is looking at on 4chin is not, she was trying to find info on someone she was looking for by posting the person in a thread. Kind of jumped the shark when she got ransonware from a .jpg.


No. Fed.


>Kind of jumped the shark when she got ransonware from a .jpg.
It was funny though. Only a retard would fall for something like it

>Sup Forums with reddit formatting

For you.

173mb, my sides. Bitchez don't know bout my 2mb Hiroshimoot.

just give it another year and gookmoot will turn it into reddit in his neverending quest of trying to make money out of it.