What’s the most boring film ever made?


Other urls found in this thread:


>posts what's probably scorcese's best movie



>being this pretentious


Baa Baa Land
several hours of sheeps eating grass,

Empire by Warhol. It's a great film but it gets very boring after a while. I still recommend to watch the whole thing though.

rango or panic room

what did kubrick mean by this?

Who was in the wrong in that movie?

I have insomnia and I struggle to fall asleep when I'm bed. It's almost nigh impossible for me to fall asleep if there's any stimulus nearby, especially if I'm watching movies. I almost never fall asleep during movies.

That said, I literally fall asleep 20 mins into Jaws every single time and one time I passed out while watching Drive and woke up during the credits.

i also fell asleep during drive
it's refns worst

>scorcese's best movie
you really should kys

it's a great movie but probably not near his best

Any films that consist solely of millennial autistic-nihilist drivel, such as "Good Time" (2017).


i fell asleep twice watching this


The Butler

Literally in my top 10 user. I could watch this on repeat and never get bored.

What turns you off?

Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.

What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
Get better arguments

The Witch


thought i was in the "best films you've ever watched" thread for a second

go back to your marvel movies, shill


OP asked what i thought was boring so i gave him an answer

Had to take a break like four times because nothing happens

actually you are right,
what words you suggest to use when talking about film that made me bored next time?


My brain literally starts misfiring because of the lack of information to process. I fall asleep. BORING

literally nothing happens

If nothing happens boring is a legitimate criticism.

Nothing happens in Silence. He goes to Japan. He prays. He prays some more. Then he prays again. Then he steps on a stone. Then he dies.

There. I just saved you 3 hours of your time.


Fucking THIS

Silence is actually pretty action-packed though.

the only thing more boring than these films are the books

mad max reddit road

Explain what made you bored about it exactly if you are trying to phrase it as an argument, otherwise you're only stating what your mood was.

>If nothing happens boring is a legitimate criticism.
Most of the general public would say that "nothing happens" in the majority of a film like 2001, and yet it's considered as one of the greatest achievements of cinema history. Not an argument.

This sounds interesting. Was watching The Mission the other day, we need more films that deal with internal struggles with religious juxtapositioning. Not just god is good or religion is evil shit.

this is the right answer

It’s considered a great like Citizen Kane is because film students are told they are great by their teachers.

Both are boring.

ok, in my case Baa Baa Land made me bored bcoz it's just 8 hours of sheeps eating grass
there is no plot, no action, just closeup on sheeps eating grass, how to call it?
"slow paced" "monotonic"

>4 hour movie of wind blowing leaves

Sensual. Atmospheric. Brooding. A triumph. 99% critic approval.

Nice delusional headcanon you got there, yeah we are all pretending to like the film and people view the film multiple times per year alone at home just "pretending" to like it.

Yet another example of cynical autistic nihilism, good taste.

Oh, here ya go, buddy:
(SOLARIS -- 1972 -- unwatchably long & boring film which is, nonetheless, an amazing piece of art)

The original Russian-made film known in America as


which we borrowed from the library.

>it was a set of two vhs tapes

>early in the first tape is a forty minute scene with no dialogue wherein either the protagonist or another major character drives wordlessly alone through the streets of russia on his commute between home and office

>we literally didn't even make it through that scene before getting bored and watching something else

Solaris (1972)


(Not as artful but slightly less boring 1968 Soviet Television Film Adaptation Of Novel):

That scene is like 10 minutes at most, it also has several edits, lighting cues, sound effects and even music. Sounds like somebody was not actually paying attention.

What you say is obvious, but a lazy question gets a lazy answer.
I put 2001: a space odyssey as boring, but I wouldn't say it's a bad movie and I love Kubrick. I haven't seen it in a long time but I remember the scenes with HAL 9000 were interesting.
What killed me were the long sequences of rotating space structures to classical music. It was probably more impressive in its time, but today it just seems to drag on unnecessarily.

I know people do this.

It’s like how people say they’ll vote for a left wing party but when they’re in the booth they vote for what they really want.

I doubt anyone on Sup Forums is excited to put a Citizen Kane dvd on. If they say they are they are lying.

You have to actually be out of highschool to appreciate this film, anons. Either that or you're both really fucking dull people who can't dream about wanting more from life.
I think it's one of the best movies ever made about the Human condition, and one of the best ever in general. Better than anything Woody Allens ever done that's for sure

ITT: We post great movies


Last Days

>Better than anything Woody Allens ever done that's for sure
Not a very high bar to clear.

>atheists too dumb and biased by ideology to understand a story about faith
>Catholics too triggered by the presentation of a legitimately complex moral dilemma as opposed to a black and white martyrs = good guys, Japanese = bad guys plot

Silence and The Young Pope are too good for this world.

It’s a boring movie. You only pretend you like it because you’re a cuckolic.

>a legitimately complex moral dilemma
It's really not from a christian perspective.

I'm too bored of your comment to list all the fallacies you just used but
>you have to actually be out of highschool to appreciate this film
is a pretty standard ignorant start if you want anyone to stop reading

Boring IS a valid argument. The film made me feel bored. How fucking dumb are you?

>The film made me feel bored
And yet others find it extremely riveting and went to see it multiple times in theaters.

No one is saying that you weren't bored by it, but it's certainly not a valid argument of the film whatsoever


Nobody finds Silence riveting.


episode 8 the last jedi
followed by batman v superman



it was fine but i could see how someone might find it boring

You guys should go see Black Panther or Paddington 2. This board really is the worse.

reddit. the comment

It took me like four days to marathon this film

Most american movies are either mind numbinfly formulaic or straight up mind numbing (romcoms)so I'd say 99% of american produced movies since the end of the silent era fit the boring label equally.

I unironically fell asleep twice during Silence. Twice. How is that even possible?

Tinker Tailor Soldier spy

You're a reddit expert huh. What a surprise..

Here you go

>marathon a film

However, Ex-Aid's True Ending wasn't boring.

Lolita is more boring imo

If it wasn't for Sellers it would be literally unwatchable

Get out of my way. All the movies posted are Commando x Predator compared to this.

>tfw modern christians aren't this based
also slow is not boring and boring is not slow

>my brain starts misfiring
Just shut up

On a serious note (because I hope most of you motherfuckers aren't serious) pic related is probably the most aggressively boring movie I ever watched. I didn't really enjoy it, but I enjoyed having the experience of watching it, if that makes any sense.

damn it must suck being a born a pleb

it was really silent

you're an actual brainlet. the movie had lots of eventful turns and what actually took place is made clear in the end. it's paced perfectly for what it's about and there's plenty of suspense.

wrong, faggot

It is though. There's a big difference between saying, "I'm willing to suffer and die for my faith." and saying, "I'm willing to allow others to suffer and die in my place when it's in my power to stop it."

The casting of Andrew Garfield, and especially Adam Driver, came off as more of a dishonest bid for relevancy by Scorsese as opposed to a real artitistic decision.

I couldn’t make it past the first five minutes. The film doesn’t feel like cinema but more of a spiritual successor to the Tropic Thunder mock trailer that starred Tobey Maguire and Robert Downey Junior. Seeing Adam Driver ham it up and practically chew up the scenery caused me to erupt in a laughing fit and question my own cinematic legitimacy due to giving my time to a Scorsese film in 2017–and to add more insult to injury, Marty is scheduled to release his next film via Netflix which in turn solidifies his newfound hack status.

I guess it’s not entirely Marty Boy’s fault considering Benicio Del Toro (his first choice) is too enticed with Disney paychecks and Daniel Day Lewis considers PTA his official kinoisseur.

Maybe I'm just too pleb but I was surprised when I saw this movie is only 2 hours long, it felt like 3 or more

They're lying. The film is objectively boring get over it nerd.

One of the comfiest movies of all time

Reminder that this is Review Screw

the driving scene was literally included as pleb filter

It was literally added because it was a pain to shoot so they made the scene so long for it to be worth it

Someone suck this man's DICK

rent free


No Country for Old Men or There Will Be Blood. Not even meeming

I use family guy to sleep. I’ll even put the live family guy stream on YouTube to go to sleep.