Is this an accurate representation of Sup Forums?

Is this an accurate representation of Sup Forums?

Considering the number of black panther threads and blacked porn, I'd say yes, there are mostly blonde white woman posting on this board

this camera movement looks like a youtube poop

>not posting the original

>no captcha

This. What a fag


Had to speed it up a bit so it could compress

I don't mind current captcha. I only have to do it like once every 20 posts now

i literally want to bludgeon to death the person who removed it

im surprised, they got the layout and the "quality" of posts mostly right, shame about the dumb jpg-exe though (should just have been a link)

i only have to do it 20 times every post

>that reddit thread where all those middle aged women admitted to visiting Sup Forums on occasion.

fuck off google shill
>click on all cars
>click on one
>it disappears
>click until they all disappear
>click on all road signs

the little faces she makes is just way too cute

You were designated as a severe shitposter by google's Sup Forums servers

oh yeah, the "until disappears" ones are the worst. I rarely get them tho
t. robot

We are just helping their shit become better robot drivers.

Is this real and are there any normies from Homeland here right now for the first time?

maybe in 1990 but current algorithms are far beyond the captcha shit

>we are sharing this board with people who don't have a posting pass


Did Hiroshima Nagasaki get some money for this?

>paying money to shitpost

It's funny cause you both sound like you hate black people but also that you believe that women crave BBC.

Every normal person knows racist conservatives are the ones watching cuck porn, if someone calls me a "cuck" I'm almost certain they are projecting lmfao

Yeah it's real. It was in last night's episode s07e02
>normies here from homeland for the first time
Sup Forums and their fellow autists at Breitbart and r/the_cuckold brought in influx of newfags starting in 2016

kys tripfag

better than being a cuckfag lmfao

She has a Sup Forums gold account

Hahahahaha no fucking way. Oh you dumb cunts. Can't you do anything right? Hollywood needs to be bombed.

Ignore him, we love trips here

Anyone got that jpeg file?

Mook definitely got paid by the Russians or the Republicans to use this place.
Remember he was crying that he might have to cut half the boards? He puts some porn ads that only mobileposters even see, then suddenly he's drowning in the shekels

How many posts do you make a day, on average?
How long does it take you to fill in the captcha, in seconds?

Multiply those together, and divide by sixty. That's how many miutes you spend filling out captchas per year. You have valued that amount of time of your life as worth less that the price of a pass.

>Multiply those together, and divide by sixty
Then multiply by 364

>all this autism math to justify paying money to shitpost


Yes it's my first visit here, do you have any welcoming rituals you would like to perform for a provincial traveller?

Mod detected.

it's a matter of principle
20$ a year to post on a forum is theft

post feet and top 20 kinos

>Every normal person knows
>a fact given by a jewish owned extreme left leaning porn website's twitter

Do people have to fill out captchas? I just click I'm not a robot and it lets me post. Sometimes I don't even have to do that.

>basic math is autism
brainlet detected

>left leaning porn website

You realize that the only people talking about how blacks are only good at sports and being tall and having a big dick are racists who want to justify their other racist beliefs right? I can't even imagine what a non racist cuck would even be like.

Who else "Just a concerned citizen." here?

>left leaning porn website's twitter
you forgot a word

what does it mean if you like cuck porn and self insert as the bull?
like enjoying the absolute debasement of the cuck, what's that? just a power thing?

>You realize that the only people talking about how blacks are only good at sports and being tall and having a big dick are racists who want to justify their other racist beliefs right?
but those things are true

wishing you were black is called fetishization of black people and also racist, you racist