Any movies about monday and why is the best day of the week?

Any movies about monday and why is the best day of the week?

Other urls found in this thread:

>brown nips
>brown butthole
>brown pussy

no thanks

Gonna need proof, son.

look at her skin?

Nice contrast to my BIG WHITE DICK

looks like a cunt

Shes white british

how does it feel, to treat me like you do

>>brown butthole

All white women have brownish skin around their asshole, virgin - pornstars get it bleached

>white british

>mfw it's Monday

not if you use baby wipes or water like a civilized human being

Wasn't she supposed to be a loli sexfiend in this?


who's day?

>pornstars get it bleached
Not him but most women get it bleached, virgin

hope a mutt didn't write this drivel but already know i'm going to be disappointed

Holly Earl

>not if you use baby wipes or water like a civilized human being

It's the color of the skin, virgin, nothing to do with cleanliness.

the skin is naturally darker there
at least pretend you're not a virgin son
this is embarrassing

>what is lightning

>when you're so racist you become a literal faggot

Fuck, I love British sluts. They're inbred, they want the dick and they're too stupid to figure out that you're using them.

Fuck, I love British sluts.

Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs typically during a thunderstorm

>Not him but most women get it bleached, virgin

No they don't, virgin - most American women can't even afford cosmetic procedures costing $100-300 per session.


glad I don't live in america then

>Not him but most women get it bleached, virgin
Nice thing to assert without any evidence whatsoever

its pretty common in US cities, not that you two would know as virgins and/or flyovers

You don't live in the realm of reality you permavirgin retard.

most women I've been with get it bleached
happy now?

Just stop dating crack whores you faggot

I live in Manhattan in the richest zipcode in NYC. You are a beckpedalling fucking retard and I suggest you kill yourself in shame you turbovirgin autist.

>pretty common in US cities
So you went down orders of magnitude, still without evidence.

Where the fuck do you live? Only place i've been to where it's that common is Montreal. In New York it's certainly less than half. In Boston it's less than that.

It's not "pretty common", but go ahead and try to bluff us into thinking you've slept with countless women and given them assholes checks, virgin.

America has the most cosmetic procedures per capita, so the procedure will be even rare wherever you come from, virgin.

im not even him and i had no first post to backpedal from, although i do live on the west coast

This is such a juvenile, nit-picky response but it still made me laugh.

You have never had sex. I have never been more sure about anything in my life.

>It's not "pretty common", but go ahead and try to bluff us into thinking you've slept with countless women and given them assholes checks, virgin.

like glancing at an asshole is a great feat during sex, or do you always turn the lights off in rural Kentucky so you can hide your shame from god

Does Bleach affect butthole smell? Asking for a friend.

>although i do live on the west coast
So you live in the porn capital of the world and think that the sexual customs where you live are universal?

I believe I speak for everyone in here when I say that this thread needs more pics/webms of this saucy brit.

no you have to get your scent glands excised

urologists will sometimes do it for way less than a surgeon, give one a call

>US citites
what a rapid expansion of my claim

but you're right, i guess i should have said western US cities, im not sure what you cutfags do over in your humid cesspool

why gif, let us eat webm

Actual virgin here. Are non-pornstars really bleaching their butts?



I guess it's part of the general cultural superficiality of the West coast. We have actual human beings here in New England.


>lives in a rich suburb
>posts on Sup Forums
You must be the "forgotten child" of your family, right, snowflake?

banks and old money, truly the heights of civilization

Finally someone post a movie about monday, while everyone keeps talking about anal bleaching.

Porn and television sitcoms, the apotheosis of American culture. I'll stay over here with my TS Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Ivy League universities, buildings that were made in previous centuries, and authentic cultural traditions.

>uploaded by: Ahmed Koyman

alright man its been fun, always enjoy shitflinging with an eastcoaster who can bant without greentexting everything

