>its a white guy snaps and starts waving a gun around episode
Its a white guy snaps and starts waving a gun around episode
Why does Sup Forums pretend to like this movie when the main character literally tells a stormfag to fuck off
while at niggers, shootouts are just a thurstday
Lol not anymore!
they are too stupid
you can tell them they are being trolled and they'll love you for it if you do it the right way
see: american history x
They see themselves as righteous white men and not stormfags. Obviously.
they are too stupid cause muh white skin. Black Panther has more in common with them them Falling Down
Why do you care about this movie? It was so ham-handed, even liberals were embarrassed by it.
>black guy witha gun
Holy shit dats gangsta
>white guy with a gun
Holy shit duck and cover
>righteous white men
I seriously doubt pol is any fo those things
>it's a black guy has no care or purpose in life shoots and kills someone in his neighborhood episode
Michael Douglas character is old Sup Forums. Before the stormfags took over
Europe time Sup Forumsis nerdy white men who seem themselves as righteous. American time Sup Forums has considerable barriers to over come between them and righteous white manhood.
good point OP
im white and im going to see black panther tonight
by myself
in a largely white area!
>see: american history x
Also Trump?
Also the based Mexicans came. I have lots of Mexican friends and they are all cool and their food is so good. I hate niggers. Amirite my fellow whites??
look at this white boy that wanted to show off his gangstaness
yup but their voting bloc wont hold together forever :)
Way to miss the point of the movie.
What the film is showing is that when gang bangers act out it's business as usual. People have adapted and accept it as "part and parcel", same as all the other shit he
rants about and encounters. People have accepted the "invisible script" that runs their lives.
The second a white collar white guy acts out after losing his job and family, it's a problem for society and the only solution is to put him down. He's too dangerous to be allowed to continue speaking out. He attacks the "invisible script". Even the comfy script laid out for "angry white men" that he must be a white supremacist or nazi.
The guy isn't allowed to have an identity outside of his assigned role as shlub tax payer.
He was supposed to suicide. That's what middle class white guys are meant to do when they fail out in the workplace and relationships, when they're too angry or fixed in their ways (the cop was a pussy through
the movie to his wife, was going to retire because she didn't want him out from under her controlling behavior anymore, and his experience makes him put her in her place). White guys are meant to give in and surrender.
He rejected it, and made society do it rather than keep playing along with the lies.
whitez BTFO
*salutes trump*
Why is there a rubber band on the back of that Tec-9? It bothers me.
>antiwhite thread doesn't get deleted
>antiblack threads get deleted
Really makes me hmmmmmmmm
>racial harmony is achieved and a black man shakes your hand tonight
>The guy isn't allowed to have an identity
what the fuck are you talking about Sup Forumstard?
the story is literally about a white guy who snaps at the smallest, most insignificant thing in the world, runs around with a gun, gets cucked by his ex-wife, and then gets BTFO by an old white man with his saucy Latina partner
it is the ultimate white man btfo movie
You will never be a moderator, faggot.
i hope you aren't white
>Looks like we have a critic
Hi lefty pol discord. Are the black panther threads getting deleted now? :)
Don't take chances with your life, bro
I am white, but what I said is the truth. I hate when Sup Forums refers to it as a red pilled movie when the entire plot is watching a man lose everything he has over nothing
I hear that Mexis really don't like the blacks.
Could be vice versa as well but I don't know.
Sheila needed a good hard dicking
>watching a man lose everything he has over nothing
He didn't have anything at the beginning of the film anyway.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The first couple years of Sup Forums was Sup Forums telling Stormfags to fuck off successfully. Now they stay on Stormfront (mostly), or other chans.
this is why pol is the shooter forum, sad but true
Good post.
>Everyone that disagrees with me is a nazi
>mestizo jew shoots up his school
>media tells you it's white supremacy
>now "pol is the shooter forum"
Why do libshits worry so much about Russian bots when their own minds are completely automated?
>uuuuuh Eraserhead is about a man taking care of an alien baby and then stuff happens uuuuuuh
pretty much this. some real noobs on here calling pol that.
nobody really likes the blacks as a whole
UH, Sup ForumsKEKS? EXPLAIN??!???
>I just hate jews, I'm not a nazi I swear
Holy shit you're actually retarded